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Bug - combined fluid view doesn't respect pinned topics

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Hi, more a bug report than a support request this. If combined fluid view is switched on in a forum, it currently doesn't display pinned topics at the top, they just appear in the listing the same as any other topic. 

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Could you please provide an example that we could take a look at? In my testing, I am seeing that a pinned topic is honored and moved to the top of a combined fluid view:

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(Ignore my fun test subject matter. Us corgi owners love our corgis 😆)

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I see the problem - we don't have honor pinned topics set for the standard fluid view, and I assume that setting carries over even though it's two quite different things. But, ultimately it's probably not a bug - but it would be nice to be able to set it for the combined fluid view on a per forum basis. 

Edited by Dll
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3 minutes ago, Dll said:

I see the problem - we don't have honor pinned topics set for the standard fluid view, and I assume that setting carries over even though it's two quite different things. But, ultimately it's probably not a bug - but it would be nice to be able to set it for the combined fluid view on a per forum basis. 

I glanced over that as well 😄  so don't feel bad.

If this is something you'd like to see in the core product, please create a topic in our Feature Suggestions forum so it can be further collaborated on by our community and it won't get lost in our Support forum 🙂 .

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  • 4 months later...
On 5/18/2022 at 12:40 PM, Dll said:

we don't have honor pinned topics set for the standard fluid view

Sorry to intrude with a question but where is that setting? I believe that I'm trying to achieve the opposite. That is, I'd like combined fluid view to not honour the pinned topics. (Ideally it would be great to decide per forum category but I think that's not possible at this stage)


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5 minutes ago, PPlanet said:

Sorry to intrude with a question but where is that setting? I believe that I'm trying to achieve the opposite. That is, I'd like combined fluid view to not honour the pinned topics. (Ideally it would be great to decide per forum category but I think that's not possible at this stage)


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