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Category description text color

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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If you're referring to the actual text color of the forum description, I'd suggest using css to change it. Using the editor will "force" the description to use that color, which isn't always ideal if you're using different themes (particularly both light and dark ones).

If you do want to use the editor though, you can change the color using the "Text Color" button, which is an underlined "A".

Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 3.54.37 pm.png


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8 hours ago, Ehren said:

If you do want to use the editor though, you can change the color using the "Text Color" button, which is an underlined "A".

Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 3.54.37 pm.png


That is the problem, there is no underlined "A" in the small pop-up description editor which was always there in older versions

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OK, found the problem, very strange. On my large desktop computer the "A" is there, but on my 13" laptop there is no "A" in the editor? Because the screen is much smaller many things do not appear in the editor, why not???

On the laptop both the color and font size are missing

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