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4 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

I’ll see what the API provides regarding the cover.

See: https://developers.google.com/books/docs/v1/using#RetrievingVolume

Looks like you're grabbing thumbnail, but they have smallThumbnail, thumbnail, small, medium, large, extraLarge as results. Something on the larger side would be nice (or configurable, for those concerned with storage constraints of the images).

5 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

Search for Books (and other apps) will come in a future version. It’s already in my to do list.

While this would be nice, I meant it more as a manual click to conduct the existing single ISBN search rather than on losing focus for the ISBN field, and an explicit "No matches found" message to let the user know that a search was both performed, and no results came back. In our intial testing, we thought it was broken entirely as we were beginning with books that did not have matches returned by the API. It wasn't until it eventually pulled a result that we understood how it was working.

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I know. You're probably on book view and clicked to create a bookshelf.


$category = \IPS\books\Shelf::loadAndCheckPerms( 1 );

Appears twice in that file: manage() and form().

Your error points to the manage() in line 27. So I deleted the record from my table and I got the same error:


So I wonder how it's failing to load an existing record, since you're saying it's there.

Anyway, let's continue in a private message. I will need ACP access or will ask for information that won't fit here, like attach a file so you can upload via FTP, etc.

Edited by Adriano Faria
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We continue testing this. How does one create multiple bookshelves? Is it just one bookshelf per member? If so, would you consider adding multiple bookshelves per member?

Also, depending on how this is set up, a book could, in theory, have multiple categories (non-fiction, mystery, politics, etc.). We were hoping to work around this by using bookshelves instead, yet it's not apparent how to add additional bookshelves.

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15 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

How does one create multiple bookshelves? Is it just one bookshelf per member? If so, would you consider adding multiple bookshelves per member?

No, it’s one per member and it’s not in my plans to change it. I don’t see much sense on it.

15 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

Also, depending on how this is set up, a book could, in theory, have multiple categories (non-fiction, mystery, politics, etc.). We were hoping to work around this by using bookshelves instead, yet it's not apparent how to add additional bookshelves.

That’s not the goal. Bookshelf is personal. You are trying to use it as it wasn’t planned that’s why things doesn’t seem right to you. 

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Just now, Adriano Faria said:

No, it’s one per member and it’s not in my plans to change it. I don’t see much sense on it.

For a use-case, consider Goodreads, a web site that works similarly to how this might. In their implementation, users can create multiple bookshelves that they give different names. This is a popular site for avid readers. One member's example:


It essentially enables additional curation of the collection. You might be interested in featuring a particular collection (bookshelf) by one member.

They additionally have lists, which are another way to collect books. A book might be in multiple lists, and lists can be voted on, reviewed, etc. Things like the Best Books for New Moms, or Must-Read Historical Fiction, etc.


This would seem like a good concept to take to your other similar apps (music, movies, etc.). 

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No worries. UX improvement would be nice. No need to implement any of these things if you don't find them useful, though I think they have universal benefits.

 If it's a single bookshelf, it should be a toggle (i.e. "Turn off/on my personal bookshelf"). Right now there's a "Add bookshelf" button, giving you the ability to choose a name, which suggests you'll be able to add multiple. Confusing for the end user.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Adriano.

The book industry is complex. My partner works in a publishing house and it's never easy.

I bought your plug-in, but I am very frustrated.

1- The damn isbn code does not necessarily make the right book.

2- the associated books section are not limited to the default language (French in my case).

3- the Amazon link does not seem to work. I have a link to Barnes and Noble. Obviously, they don't sell books in French, so it's useless.

I also bought your Movies plug-in. It's really awesome! It would be really cool if Books worked so well! ;-)

Thank you for your work.


Edited by Yannick Lamarre
English is not my language ;-)
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38 minutes ago, Olmyster said:

Hello @Adriano Faria. I've just bought this app and install it but it's impossible to add a book. I enter an ISBN (1), click on "Add Book" (2) then I have an error message who said "This field is mandatory" (3). No matter it's 10 or 13 digits, the problem is the same. Thanks for your help.



Which screen is that? I doesn’t has a “popup” with a button to add books, AFAIK. The posting screen is a full screen with the form.

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10 minutes ago, Olmyster said:

See the video below wich is a capture of what it's happen when I try to add a book. No matter what browser it is, the problem is the same.

Wrong, mate! You are trying to add books to a bookshelf, so obviously books are required.

This app is like any other out there: to add books to the app, you need to create the category, give the groups the permission to add, then go to +Create menu or to the app itself and then you will see a SUBMIT NEW BOOK beside the one you clicked Bookshelves).


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Hello Adriano. Sorry to bother you again...

I am currently translating the entire frontend into French. To do this, I'm going through the localization file. But there is a word I can't find in it. It's Bookshelves. I can translate it in some other pages of your app but not in the index page of bookshleves, as shown in my screenshot. Is it hard coded ?


Edited by Olmyster
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Ok, on my PC now.

Bookshelves is a dummy category. It's like a forum name; it doesn't show in translation.



I can add it as a language bit but that's not enough to release a new version. I don't want to release a new version today (still it will take at least one week to be available) and then you find another issue in translation.

Keep translating and let me know if you find something else. I'll release a new version later.

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