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Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!


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on site maps ,

would it be worthwhile for the invision 'ping' google etc default to be decreased from 24hrs to say 6 or 4 hrs or even better an user defined variable?

from what I have researched 4 or 6hrs or less could work better?

any views?


Edited by sound
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/26/2018 at 6:17 PM, ProSkill said:

Anyone have updates to report after moving to 4.3? I noticed that the number of links in my sitemap is now significantly smaller. I am not sure why that is, I ran the sitemap rebuild function. It's too early to notice any ranking changes. 

I am wondering how sites that have upgraded to 4.3 are doing in google's rank? Any issues? I've also put off upgrading due to concerns about this, but want to be GDPR compliant and am now considering the upgrade.

Currently my site is recovering from the drop I first reported early in this thread, and obviously I want this trend to continue:



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15 minutes ago, sadams101 said:

You may know this already, but in your Google's Webmaster tools be sure to point to the new site map. 

I did it then. I've also uploaded sitemaps_images xml  that Google has already indexed.

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7 hours ago, Adlago said:

My sitemap php offers too few indexing URLs to Google.
I used a paid online tool (03/31/2018) and created a sitemap xml that I installed in a rout directory and sent to Google.
Now the index in Google has begun to recover.


I also think there is a problem with sitemap php.

What tool did you use? I was really hoping that 4.3 would fix the sitemap issue, but all I see is that it significantly reduced the size of the site map and my rankings are getting lower. 

6 hours ago, sadams101 said:

You may know this already, but in your Google's Webmaster tools be sure to point to the new site map.

What do you mean the new sitemap? Are you saying it's been moved to something other than sitemap.php ?

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I just noticed in google webmaster tools that my gallery images in 4.3.3 have invalid urls using Amazon S3. The sitemap is missing the https:// and only listing the image urls as 

//s3.amazonaws.com/ . If you are using Amazon S3 storage with gallery, check your sitemap.



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Is this really starting all over again? How many times does it have to be pointed out that URL delisting shown in the Search Console cannot be caused by the sitemap generation?

Listing and delisting happens when Google crawls the actual URL and it is decided based on what it finds on that URL. That’s it!
The sitemap can only help Google to find the URL faster. Nothing in the sitemap will cause an URL to be delisted. How could it? It’s just URLs saying “please check this out, Google!”. No slow or incomplete sitemap will cause delisting. No faulty sitemap will cause delisting. No entirely missing sitemap will cause delisting. Nothing in the sitemap can cause delisting. 

If you find an actual bug in the sitemap creation you can demonstrate to be true, better open a support ticket or start a new topic about this bug and nothing else instead of adding it to this huge pile of “I don’t like my Google stats and I will just blame IPS and ask them to fix it”. 

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For me on one of my sites it looks like after upgrade to 4.3 there are less urls in the sitemap. However, indexed pages are not affected and seem to be slowly moving up. Right where the submitted dips is when I moved this site to 4.3 but Indexed in red is the same and slowly rising. 


My apps using Amazon S3 for storage as I mentioned are causing an issue in google and getting flagged for incomplete <loc> urls and are primarily images and video I noticed. I opened a ticket with IPS, but if anyone else is using Amazon for storage, would be great if you could confirm if your sitemap is listing the complete urls to the file location or not.  Thanks.

Edited by AlexWebsites
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 5/24/2018 at 10:53 PM, AlexWebsites said:

I just noticed in google webmaster tools that my gallery images in 4.3.3 have invalid urls using Amazon S3. The sitemap is missing the https:// and only listing the image urls as 

//s3.amazonaws.com/ . If you are using Amazon S3 storage with gallery, check your sitemap.



This has thankfully been fixed in 4.3.4


On 5/25/2018 at 9:24 AM, AlexWebsites said:

For me on one of my sites it looks like after upgrade to 4.3 there are less urls in the sitemap. However, indexed pages are not affected and seem to be slowly moving up. Right where the submitted dips is when I moved this site to 4.3 but Indexed in red is the same and slowly rising. 


My apps using Amazon S3 for storage as I mentioned are causing an issue in google and getting flagged for incomplete <loc> urls and are primarily images and video I noticed. I opened a ticket with IPS, but if anyone else is using Amazon for storage, would be great if you could confirm if your sitemap is listing the complete urls to the file location or not.  Thanks.

With the sitemap in 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 now fixed, my indexing has gone up from 17849 pages to 22,229 (pretty much over the last 4 weeks) with just about the same submitted, less the new content. I do believe adding the timestamp helped and I'm still waiting for all my images to be indexed because before the latest ips sitemap change, google was not picking up the extra image sitemap or video sitemap. Now there is clearly a content section for images and video as separate sitemaps within the sitemap.  I do think there is an opportunity for those that want to use it, to include additional topic and other secondary content pages in the sitemap as well as a news sitemap for those that use the pages app.



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  • 4 months later...
On 6/23/2018 at 11:08 PM, AlexWebsites said:


Just a quick comparison, this snapshot was taken in June and today I'm gong further down on the same site in terms of indexed pages from the built in IPS sitemap. Looks like almost 8k in pages no longer indexed. In addition to that, this site is down about 30% in traffic now in October.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 10/29/2018 at 9:16 AM, AlexWebsites said:

Just a quick comparison, this snapshot was taken in June and today I'm gong further down on the same site in terms of indexed pages from the built in IPS sitemap. Looks like almost 8k in pages no longer indexed. In addition to that, this site is down about 30% in traffic now in October.


Just thought I'd share. It's getting worse....here's my current sitemap index results. This site has over 12k topics, so they are not all getting indexed for some reason. 


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6 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

Just thought I'd share. It's getting worse....here's my current sitemap index results. This site has over 12k topics, so they are not all getting indexed for some reason. 

Well, this graph doesn’t show the reasons. Have you switched to the view that does? I mean this one:


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