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Pages SuperGrid support


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15 hours ago, Joey_M said:

Will you be releasing any more designs in the future separate to these @opentype? Just curious.

Probably. I am open to suggestions. If you like the look of a certain WordPress theme and want something like that in Pages or of you have certain design problems with your Pages database … Let me know. I can check if there is a solution I can build. 


9 hours ago, NoGi said:

Great template. Quick question, how do I get the same format to apply for Subcategories listing view? 

Make sure the sub-category itself is set to have the listing view inherited from the parent container. 

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2 minutes ago, opentype said:

Make sure the sub-category itself is set to have the listing view inherited from the parent container. 

It is but that's not where I am having the problem, the sub cat when selected shows the view correctly. It's the listing of sub cats under a main category that shows in default view. 


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I see. 

Yeah, the template is calling the default category row output at that point. I will have to do some testing to see if I can work around that without creating other problems. If it works, I will put it in the next update. It wouldn’t change much though. Basically just removing the icon and adding the Grid colors. So it’s more something for the to-do list, than for an immediate fix. 

Edited by opentype
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42 minutes ago, opentype said:

Those are regular H2 headlines using the default link color of your theme. So whatever your link color in your theme is, the SuperGrid templates will use. 

It supposed to work like that, but I want change this color above this setting :) Is there any option to use it with mentioned template and affect only article title ?

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14 hours ago, opentype said:

I see. 

Yeah, the template is calling the default category row output at that point. I will have to do some testing to see if I can work around that without creating other problems. If it works, I will put it in the next update. It wouldn’t change much though. Basically just removing the icon and adding the Grid colors. So it’s more something for the to-do list, than for an immediate fix. 

Great thanks.

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5 hours ago, Bracer50 said:

I'm having a few problems: 

1: http://prntscr.com/dcdqy0  - My content running off of my page.

2. http://prntscr.com/dcdsc4 - There's no boxes around the content.


Regarding the boxes: The colors are all inherited from your theme. If your theme designer has made ipsAreaBackground_light transparent or identical to the background, then this is what the SuperGrid template will use as well. In order to change that you would either have to change your theme colors or give each SuperGrid box a specific background color (in the custom.css) to only affect the Pages template. 

.SG_card { background-color:#333; }


The overflowing text is a problem of the post itself. You pasted rich-text with tons of styling in there, including a width statement which forces a width of 1007px. You should clean up the post and only paste plain text and it will be resolved. It has nothing to do with my template. 

Edited by opentype
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@opentype, in the instructions you refer to:


Articles template > Supergrid FrontPage

Where is this particular template setting? In my database I only get the other 3:


Listing Template Group > Supergrid Listing
Display Template Group > Supergrid RecordDisplay
Category Template Group > Supergrid Categorylisting


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7 hours ago, kmk said:

Where I should set up to make appear the editor to create an article?

Pages → [Your Database] → Fields → Permissions

Make sure the users who should add/edit articles have permission to edit all the fields. 

7 hours ago, NoGi said:

Where is this particular template setting? In my database I only get the other 3:

It appears, once you set the “Index mode” of the database to “show records like articles” in the database settings. 

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Templates look great.  Simplify the look of every page. Is there a quick way to remove the Author/Date/Views information from the grid?  it is great for most sections, but I have a couple databases that will be static and do not need that information as it is irrelevant. 

Any chance of creating similar style template for the Latest Blogs block?

Thank you,

Steve K.


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I'd like to second some kind of improvements for sub-category viewing, so that they can also be presented in the "article"/grid view rather than the standard list view, which looks a little uncouth given that our use for this plugin attempts to get away from looking too similar to a forum.

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6 hours ago, Aaron M said:

I'd like to second some kind of improvements for sub-category viewing, so that they can also be presented in the "article"/grid view rather than the standard list view, which looks a little uncouth given that our use for this plugin attempts to get away from looking too similar to a forum.

Understood. I also answered that here recently

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@opentype - I have a small issue. I'm using only Supergrind frontpage for main article page and stock IPS listing for records listing and stock IPS display for articles body. Issue is that when I share article via facbook or google+ post preview in those social media doesnt feed from linked article his image, title and decription from article text. This issue exist also from facebook post preview and share via buffer. take a look, 

correct article fields feed :


incorrect article fields feed - only inlcude url link :


same with buffer :



It start to break after import your templates. How to resolve this ? I also noticed that after import your database template with articles templates included my default article display template was changed - article image move from top left to top right. This is stock IPS template so it shouldn't be affected. Can you help me with this ?

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3 minutes ago, ququruku said:

@opentype - I have a small issue. I'm using only Supergrind frontpage for main article page and stock IPS listing for records listing and stock IPS display for articles body. Issue is that when I share article via facbook or google+ post preview in those social media doesnt feed from linked article his image, title and decription from article text. This issue exist also from facebook post preview and share via buffer. take a look, 

If you don’t use my templates for record display, then article sharing problems on social media can’t have anything to do with my templates. 
I am happy to check it out nevertheless, but you need to give me a public link. Those pixelated images tell me nothing. 


3 minutes ago, ququruku said:

I also noticed that after import your database template with articles templates included my default article display template was changed - article image move from top left to top right. This is stock IPS template so it shouldn't be affected. 

I see. Yeah, that comes from my CSS. Go to your custom CSS and find:

.cCmsRecord_image {
  margin:8px 0 30px 30px;

Change it to:

.SG_record_right .cCmsRecord_image {
  margin:8px 0 30px 30px;

Thanks for reporting. I will include that change in the next upgrade. 

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