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[] dammit, Jim, we need an AND tag-search!


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My apologies for repeating this issue, but I'm an academic search nerd so I will rant about this as much as I can. ;)

Say I want to search for content tagged with "apples" AND "bananas".  I call up the Advanced Search screen and enter those tags, separated by commas.  Now, the two Find results... radio button fields are irrelevant to tag searching, so I ignore them.  However, the search results always return content tagged with "apples" OR "bananas", which is not the specific search I want.  The search results screen says as much, i.e. that it's returning an OR search and not an AND.

Put simply, there needs to be an AND function for tag searching.  Thinking out loud, it would probably help if the Find results... fields were ghosted out for tag searching since they don't apply.

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