Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
April 19, 20177 yr so the icons are missing again..i have not changed anything and i aslo had to go back to a theme that i cant use anymore due to it not being compatible with other apps (Zeron theme) I need help again plz
April 30, 20177 yr couldn't buy the theme before. ( edit worked now) Let's see if everything works fine. Thanks !
May 2, 20177 yr can someone help me make the profile name show up darker when looking in the forums.......looking at a topic feed or reply, the name the shows above person(s) profile See in the pic, how you cant see the can only see it when hovering the mouse over name........i cant figure out in theme edit which of the colors is the control of this???
May 11, 20177 yr @Veilon Just purchased and it seems a whole bunch of svg icons are missing, can you please advise as to the cause?
May 11, 20177 yr Author 4 hours ago, twisted89 said: @Veilon Just purchased and it seems a whole bunch of svg icons are missing, can you please advise as to the cause? Go to ACP -> Look at feel -> edit html / css -> Edit css -> veilon.css Make absolutely any change to the file (Write and erase any character) and save the file.
May 13, 20177 yr On 5/11/2017 at 5:37 PM, Veilon said: Go to ACP -> Look at feel -> edit html / css -> Edit css -> veilon.css Make absolutely any change to the file (Write and erase any character) and save the file. Still doesn't work, I think this is an issue with the theme. Including the guy above that's 3 people reporting missing icons. Edit: Would appear to be related to only SVG images, looking at resources it has this Trying to follow the link to the icon gives me a 404 as only directs to {website}/forum/uploads/ I can't find any of these SVG images on my filesystem, would appear they're plain not getting installed.
May 14, 20177 yr Author On 13.05.2017 at 1:29 PM, twisted89 said: Still doesn't work, I think this is an issue with the theme. Including the guy above that's 3 people reporting missing icons. You can disable SVG icons in settings.(Theme settings -> Other -> Enable UserNav SVG Icons -> OFF) I'm tired of making excuses for mistakes, which I am not guilty. When you first install the theme, the fonts that are icons in usernav not loaded with resources. To refresh the cache of these resources, you must update any stylesheet that uses this resource, ie veilon.css. In 100% of cases when I do it, everything starts to work.
May 14, 20177 yr 2 hours ago, Veilon said: You can disable SVG icons in settings.(Theme settings -> Other -> Enable UserNav SVG Icons -> OFF) I'm tired of making excuses for mistakes, which I am not guilty. When you first install the theme, the fonts that are icons in usernav not loaded with resources. To refresh the cache of these resources, you must update any stylesheet that uses this resource, ie veilon.css. In 100% of cases when I do it, everything starts to work. There are multiple people complaining about an bug and you're 'tired of making excuses for mistakes'?? I paid for a theme, I expect it to work as advertised. I have disabled SVG icons, cleared both the server and browser cache and the icons still fail to show in the mobile view. Instead of blaming your customers why don't you help try and actually diagnose the problem? Also, I assumed you meant _velion.css, I have no css file named just 'veilon.css'
May 15, 20177 yr Author 17 hours ago, twisted89 said: There are multiple people complaining about an bug and you're 'tired of making excuses for mistakes'?? I paid for a theme, I expect it to work as advertised. I have disabled SVG icons, cleared both the server and browser cache and the icons still fail to show in the mobile view. Instead of blaming your customers why don't you help try and actually diagnose the problem? Also, I assumed you meant _velion.css, I have no css file named just 'veilon.css' Provide data from the ACP in a PM, I'll do it.
May 16, 20177 yr 21 hours ago, Veilon said: Provide data from the ACP in a PM, I'll do it. If you would like any logs or can provide instructions I'm happy to do so, not so much providing Admin access to someone I don't know.
May 22, 20177 yr @Veilon no, not going to help now? @Alex Hamilton @FGN you prepared to give him Admin access? Appears he's having a tantrum again. Will be demanding a refund soon if you keep acting like this.
May 22, 20177 yr Author 25 minutes ago, twisted89 said: @Veilon no, not going to help now? @Alex Hamilton @FGN you prepared to give him Admin access? Appears he's having a tantrum again. Will be demanding a refund soon if you keep acting like this. Hello. All appeals to us with a problem in the themes are resolved in the near future. We have sent you instructions to fix if you are not able to solve it yourself, then we ask for access to ACP and solve it. You can ask the other user that any data on their forum was not injured.
May 22, 20177 yr 1 hour ago, Veilon said: Hello. All appeals to us with a problem in the themes are resolved in the near future. We have sent you instructions to fix if you are not able to solve it yourself, then we ask for access to ACP and solve it. You can ask the other user that any data on their forum was not injured. Set up a mirror site for you to use, check PM's.
May 22, 20177 yr 3 hours ago, twisted89 said: @Veilon no, not going to help now? @Alex Hamilton @FGN you prepared to give him Admin access? Appears he's having a tantrum again. Will be demanding a refund soon if you keep acting like this. Since you put my name it, I will respond, @Veilon has given me 100% support, even had his coder for theme come into my AdminCP and fix issues.....he does have a querky side, but it's not for the issue of not helping. He helps in any way he can, and when he does come into your CP, there is no other issues that come up.......... Everyone needs to understand that this 4.2 update is a serious one, and I think you all need to trust @Veilon and have patience, he is also about to fix something for me, but what he said makes sense, we need to wait till the stable release of 4.2, then he has total new update about to come out. Also, with the icons, yes @twisted89 is right @Veilon they don't show in mobile version, but I think I have already told him about this? I might be wrong....and if I am, then @Veilon plz come into my AdminCP and fix? Or will this be on the new update?
May 22, 20177 yr Author 9 minutes ago, FGN said: Everyone needs to understand that this 4.2 update is a serious one, and I think you all need to trust @Veilon and have patience, he is also about to fix something for me, but what he said makes sense, we need to wait till the stable release of 4.2, then he has total new update about to come out. We will try to fix all the errors in our topics on the new version 4.2 of IPS. Thanks for the support.
May 22, 20177 yr 1 minute ago, Veilon said: We will try to fix all the errors in our topics on the new version 4.2 of IPS. Thanks for the support. Thank you @Veilon im with you and will be standing by....
May 22, 20177 yr If you want fixed mobile icons paste below into 'mobileNavigation' template overwriting original. <div id='elMobileDrawer' class='ipsDrawer ipsHide'> <a href='#' class='ipsDrawer_close' data-action='close'><span>×</span></a> <div class='ipsDrawer_menu'> <div class='ipsDrawer_content'> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} <ul id='elUserNav_mobile' class='ipsList_inline signed_in ipsClearfix'> <li class='cNotifications cUserNav_icon'> <a href='#elMobNotifications_menu' id='elMobNotifications' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-menuID='elFullNotifications_menu' data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false'> <i class='fa fa-bell'></i> {{if member.notification_cnt}}<span class='ipsNotificationCount' data-notificationType='notify'>{member="notification_cnt"}</span>{{endif}} </a> </li> {{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->members_disable_pm and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'messaging' ) )}} <li class='cInbox cUserNav_icon'> <a href='#elMobInbox_menu' id='elMobInbox' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-menuID='elFullInbox_menu' data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false'> <i class='fa fa-envelope'></i> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->msg_count_new}} <span class='ipsNotificationCount' data-notificationType='inbox'>{member="msg_count_new"}</span>{{endif}} </a> </li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'modcp' ) ) and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_view_reports')}} <li class='cReports cUserNav_icon'> <a href='#elMobReports_menu' id='elMobReports' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-menuID='elFullReports_menu' data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false'> <i class='fa fa-warning'></i> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->reportCount()}}<span class='ipsNotificationCount' data-notificationType='reports'>{member="reportCount()"}</span>{{endif}} </a> </li> {{endif}} </ul> {{endif}} <div class='ipsSpacer_bottom ipsPad'> <ul class='ipsToolList ipsToolList_vertical'> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=login&do=logout" csrf="true"}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_light ipsButton_small ipsButton_fullWidth'> {{if isset( $_SESSION['logged_in_as_key'] )}}{lang="switch_to_account" sprintf="$_SESSION['logged_in_from']['name']"}{{else}}{lang="sign_out"}{{endif}} </a> </li> {{else}} <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=login" seoTemplate="login"}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_light ipsButton_small ipsButton_fullWidth'>{lang="sign_in"}</a> </li> {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->allow_reg}} <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=register" seoTemplate="register"}' id='elRegisterButton_mobile' class='ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_fullWidth ipsButton_important'>{lang="sign_up"}</a> </li> {{endif}} {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} <li> <a class='ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_primary ipsButton_fullWidth' data-action="markSiteRead" data-controller="core.front.core.markRead" href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=markread" seoTemplate="mark_site_as_read" csrf="true"}'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> {lang="mark_site_read_button"}</a> </li> {{endif}} </ul> </div> <ul class='ipsDrawer_list'> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} <li class='ipsDrawer_itemParent'> <h4 class='ipsDrawer_title'><a href='#'>{lang="mobile_menu_account"}</a></h4> <ul class='ipsDrawer_list'> <li data-action="back"><a href='#'>{lang="mobile_menu_back"}</a></li> {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members', 'front' ) )}} <li><a href='{member="url()"}' title='{lang="view_my_profile"}'>{lang="menu_profile"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['g_attach_max'] != 0}} <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=attachments" seoTemplate="attachments"}'>{lang="my_attachments"}</a></li> {{endif}} <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=followed" seoTemplate="followed_content"}'>{lang="menu_followed_content"}</a></li> <li id='elAccountSettingsLinkMobile'><a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=settings" seoTemplate="settings"}' title='{lang="edit_account_settings"}'>{lang="menu_settings"}</a></li> <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=ignore" seoTemplate="ignore"}'>{lang="menu_manage_ignore"}</a></li> {{if ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'modcp' ) ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission() ) or ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() AND !\IPS\Settings::i()->security_remove_acp_link )}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'modcp' ) ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission()}} <li><a href='{url="app=core&module=modcp" seoTemplate="modcp"}'>{lang="menu_modcp"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() AND !\IPS\Settings::i()->security_remove_acp_link }} <li><a href='{expression="\IPS\Http\Url::baseURL( ( \IPS\Settings::i()->logins_over_https ) ? \IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_HTTPS : \IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_RELATIVE ) . \IPS\CP_DIRECTORY"}' target='_blank'>{lang="menu_admincp"} <i class='fa fa-lock'></i></a></li> {{endif}} {{endif}} </ul> </li> {{endif}} {{$primaryBars = \IPS\core\FrontNavigation::i()->roots();}} {{$subBars = \IPS\core\FrontNavigation::i()->subBars();}} {{foreach $primaryBars as $id => $item}} {{if $item->canView()}} {{$children = $item->children();}} {{if ( $subBars && isset( $subBars[ $id ] ) && count( $subBars[ $id ] ) ) || $children}} <li class='ipsDrawer_itemParent'> <h4 class='ipsDrawer_title'><a href='#'>{$item->title()}</a></h4> <ul class='ipsDrawer_list'> <li data-action="back"><a href='#'>{lang="mobile_menu_back"}</a></li> {{if $item->link() && $item->link() !== '#'}} <li><a href='{$item->link()}'>{$item->title()}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if $children}} {template="mobileNavigationChildren" group="global" app="core" params="$children"} {{endif}} {{if $subBars && isset( $subBars[ $id ] ) && count( $subBars[ $id ] )}} {template="mobileNavigationChildren" group="global" app="core" params="$subBars[ $id ]"} {{endif}} </ul> </li> {{else}} <li><a href='{$item->link()}'>{$item->title()}</a></li> {{endif}} {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </ul> </div> </div> </div>
May 22, 20177 yr Just now, FGN said: @twisted89 thx for this Am i doing this in the Veizor Theme, on in Default theme?? Veizor, just go Customisation -> themes -> Edit HTML/CSS on Veizor theme. -> search for mobileNavigation -> highlight all, paste above code -> save.
May 22, 20177 yr ok thx And does anyone know how to make the search bar come back?? I have it enabled, but it has disappeared?
May 22, 20177 yr Author 50 minutes ago, FGN said: @twisted89 that worked perfect!! thx so much Also in custom.css you need to add this code #elUserNav_mobile .cUserNav_icon { margin-right: 30px !important; }
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