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htaccess for IPS Forums


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This is a custom .htaccess to use on the IPS Community Suite Forums. It helps to improve your forums Google Page Speed and YSlow scores.

The top segment is the same .htaccess that is generated by the IPS Forum software.

The bottom segment is based upon research of several websites and the references listed below. Please be careful when using this file because the contents may be incompatible with your server setup. Preventative measures have been taken to ensure that it should be safe to use in any Apache based environment.

Google recommends a minimum of one week: https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/LeverageBrowserCaching
GTmetrix recommends a minimum of one month: http://gtmetrix.com/leverage-browser-caching.html


This file is provided as-is and works with Apache based systems only. Server configurations may vary and there may be unexpected results, preventative measures have been included to try and keep any problems from occurring.

This resource is not supported. Help will be offered to the best of my ability and the community's help and feedback are welcomed. Contributions to improve the overall performance gained by this file are encouraged.


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I am only finding a readme file in the zip, am I missing it somehow?

​If anyone else runs into this sort of issue please let me know. I'll be glad to include a copy as htaccess.txt to prevent this from being an issue in the future.

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​If anyone else runs into this sort of issue please let me know. I'll be glad to include a copy as htaccess.txt to prevent this from being an issue in the future.

​Although not an issue for me, it may be beneficial to include it as standard and prevent unnecessary support topics/posts regarding it ;)

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I don't see much change either. Things did improve. It would be nice to expand and see where these issues are.

Also, 89 requests seems rather high. I'll poke around with the url and see what I can find that can be done to help improve the speeds and such of your site and post again later, possibly editing this post.

With what I see just taking a peek, turning this image linked below into a jpg will help reduce load times and file size. From 422KB to 37KB as a jpg when I tried with: http://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-jpg


Many things need image dimensions set, too which will improve your scores. gzip doesn't look to be enabled? Twitter looks to need an update to load asynchronously. Optimizing your images (pngs) and compressing them will also help reduce page size and improve load times.

  • Page load time: 8.08s
  • Total page size: 2.65MB
  • Total number of requests: 89

A lot of the page needs optimizations and work, but the .htaccess did improve what it could a bit.


I hope this helps you get your page optimized. :)

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I did put this in place but found a lot of Mods like the 'cookie mod' stopped working properly in that after a user had clicked to acknowledge cookies were uses on the site (which hides the mod), then when re-running the browser instead of the mod block being hidden it was visible again.

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  • 1 month later...

Holy Shoot balls batman. 

My forum is about 5 years old and I've never really taken the time to run a speed test. I did (on GTmatrix) and I got a D and C specifically. ok fine whatever it's never effected our traffic all that much, I don't think. Anyway I add in the .htaccess modiciation (with some slight changes) below the rules I already had in place. 

I reran the test and received and A (93%) and B 83%) 

What exactly is going on here and why the performance jump? 

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  • 3 months later...

No update is necessary for IPS Forums 4.1. This .htaccess continues to work with no changes or updates needed.

On 7/2/2015, 8:25:48, chrisjmc2006 said:

What exactly is going on here and why the performance jump? 

Proper caching expiry timers are being established, which is what most of these tests are looking for.


On 7/2/2015, 4:17:54, NoGi said:

Will try this later tonight, my current scores are pretty bad from GTmetrix with Page Speed E and yslow D.

Any changes to report?


On 6/1/2015, 6:57:28, tekguru said:

I did put this in place but found a lot of Mods like the 'cookie mod' stopped working properly in that after a user had clicked to acknowledge cookies were uses on the site (which hides the mod), then when re-running the browser instead of the mod block being hidden it was visible again.

Do these mods use Javascript or something to acknowledge the cookie mod? Because that's the only thing I can think of that might interfere with the mod.

Edited by Tarun
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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

If my forums are in /forums does this information go in the htaccess in public_html directory or /forums. For some time I have had those expires headers in a htaccess file in my public_html directory, but in readme it says to put it in forum root.

I have also been using access plus 1 week/month instead of now plus 1 week/month, is there any real difference?

Edited by marklcfc
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