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Posting is Slow

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Yeah, ideally the email sending would be asynchronously performed, but it isn't. I think the best thing to do is to set up an SMTP server and not use php mail(). An SMTP server should accept the mail rather quickly, queue it up for sending, etc.


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Yeah, ideally the email sending would be asynchronously performed, but it isn't. I think the best thing to do is to set up an SMTP server and not use php mail(). An SMTP server should accept the mail rather quickly, queue it up for sending, etc.


​based on my experience, it doesn't really matter. The site I was working on was using SMTP.

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Well I am still at 3.4.6. and afraid to upgrade due to lot of customization.

​3.4.7 is the latest 3 series version. Why not upgrade to that? Your mods and customizations will still work. You'll then have the benefit of the bug fixes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What MTA are people with this problem having?  While I did have to buy a book on it, I've found Postfix to be by far the easiest to tweak.  If anyone is still using sendmail, ditch it.

If you're running Debian and using the default exim4-daemon-light package, you need to swap it out for exim4-daemon-heavy or another MTA.



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