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IPS 4 is not something I would want


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I love 4.0 to, but i wish they could do something more for Gallery, not even worth upgrading. 

Maybe i move to Xenforo, they listen to suggestions, at least they come with a yes or a no..

​Good luck with that. I came from Xenforo to IPB and then gave em a second try and back to IPB as of Halloween this year.

I'd prefer a mature and FULL FEATURED software with amazing 1st party add-ons and less of a reliance on 3rd party mods to plug in feature holes which is why I am with IPB again and for the foreseeable future....90 percent of the stuff I use 3rd party with IPB are stuff I want vs 90 percent of mods I used on Xenforo are things I needed to plug in features holes or to expand on anemic features the software offered :P

Anyway back on topic, I Absolutely love the design layout of IPB 4. I have no tried it yet for myself on my own site(demo of course) but I love using the software here and a few of the other boards I've seen that upgraded. I am ready for a consumer release :P

PLEASE BRING CHAT OUT BEFORE YEAR END :P I am terribly excited to see it.


Well maybe I should have explained what I dislike about it.  

It only uses half the screen and the fonts are still so small, they are barely readable.  This is like the newspaper days when we had to conserve space.  So no I don't see anything modern about it.  It reminds me of the old newspaper layout, cram everything into a small space.  (other than the huge blank areas on each side). It really looks a lot like a copy of my gmail account.  If you think that's modern, then I guess I don't care for modern.

The downloads section has removed valuable features and replaced it by moving the Categories where those features were.  I would think modern is making improvements and adding features, not taking them away.  They finally made the images larger, but I did that with the 3.4 version without too much trouble.  

I have used IPB for many years and have been happy with the stability of it, but this new version is a huge disappointment for me.








I love IPB 4.0, sadly my host can't handle it so I'm kinda forced to sell my license since I have no use for it. :(

​Dude...I mean, I kindly suggest you move your host.  It's not all that expensive. I use Powweb and they made all the additional changes to the servers that IPS 4.0 requires: even the database.  But that's not the only host providers out there just the I've used for many years.


I can't wait for the new version. Mobile is the new direction. Forums were far behind for too long. This brings us up to date. I applaud IPB4.


​Dude...I mean, I kindly suggest you move your host.  It's not all that expensive. I use Powweb and they made all the additional changes to the servers that IPS 4.0 requires: even the database.  But that's not the only host providers out there just the I've used for many years.

​thinking about it. The crazy part? They use IPB for their support forums, go figure.....


I love 4.0 to, but i wish they could do something more for Gallery, not even worth upgrading. 

Maybe i move to Xenforo, they listen to suggestions, at least they come with a yes or a no.. 

​I assure you that ALL suggestions are read and are listened to. Sadly however this is a complete rewrite and fitting everything into 4.0 simply isnt feasable nor possible or the software would never get released. On top of this you start adding bugs on top of bugs. Once the framework is sorted and the bugs are worked out 4.0 can be released and the guys can concentrate on the next update and take into consideration suggestions that have been made.

I believe the old saying "Rome wasnt built in a day" may apply here. Please bare in mind this is not just a rehash of old code, its a rewrite in its entirety.


There are some goods and bads. As far as I read in the alpha site a lot of it is configurable. The download section though is very bland and seems confusing and unfinished. I don't want to read a newspaper, I want to know what the description is, features some comments and have all the statistical information in one area with the download.


​Yeah too bad I don't care what some fanboys think. Thank you for proving my point. 

​Wow. You seriously need to sit down and chill out. Get rid of that temper tantrum.

If you want to sell your license, fine, do it elsewhere, not here in someone else's thread.

You appeared to be having simple template relates issues, so I offered to help you.

But your attitude is seriously not needed here. Quite honestly, your problems are far more likely a result of you misconfiguring your forum than any problems with the IP.Board forum software itself or with your host. (i.e., PEBKAC) You won't even go into any detail as to what those problems are or let us attempt to help you with them.

If you actually had any interest in resolving your problems you would let us try and help you.


Sorry if i skimmed through some posts here,after reading the ops first post i have to say.Look past the default theme and think more about what can be achieved with the new framework.The them is purely cosmetic and can be adjusted to suit your needs,a little editing could make it very similar to the 3.4 default if thats really what you are shooting for.Just give it time and give things a fair chance.


I'm looking forward to seeing all of the new template designs that will be released from the marketplace skinners when 4.0 is officially released, but I'm sure someone could also create a IPB 3.4-esque template without too much work, though I'm not really sure that's what the OP is after.

Don't we still have some working "classic" templates in the marketplace for older IPB versions?


​Yeah too bad I don't care what some fanboys think. Thank you for proving my point. 

​The only point being proven is how pissy you get when others do not agree with you. Nobody else is getting pissy.

On topic, purely as an end user:

  1. I love the editor changes - the abomination that is the IPB 3.X WYSIWYG editor will be my primary reason for upgrading. It is terrible in every sense of the word. IPS4 looks to have fixed it.
  2. I love the new features - the drag and drop system, mentions, more visible announcements, etc., are all things that will get a good amount of use on my websites.
  3. I hate the new theme - this is of course completely subjective and it could be because I am colourblind and the theme just does not work for me, however this can be changed and I will be paying a visit to @ehren. to purchase IPS4 skins as soon as that are available!

The framework is, to me, of absolutely no consequence.


​Wow. You seriously need to sit down and chill out. Get rid of that temper tantrum.

If you want to sell your license, fine, do it elsewhere, not here in someone else's thread.

You appeared to be having simple template relates issues, so I offered to help you.

But your attitude is seriously not needed here. Quite honestly, your problems are far more likely a result of you misconfiguring your forum than any problems with the IP.Board forum software itself or with your host. (i.e., PEBKAC) You won't even go into any detail as to what those problems are or let us attempt to help you with them.

If you actually had any interest in resolving your problems you would let us try and help you.

​So you clearly missed the part where I said no template edits or add-ons were installed.......and my forum is mis-configured? No, it's not. I've been building forums for well over 10 years, and have quite a bit experience with IPB.

The problem with 4.0 that i've experienced is javascript/jquery related, it's like the library fails to load, and it was sudden thing, meaning it was working initially and then about an hour later it stopped functioning, no changes were made to the site at all, so nothing was done to  cause it to behave the way it was so it's not a "pebkac".  




I love the new layout. Of course you will think Im bias, but I can honestly say I do. Its cleaner than the previous version and looks more modern IMO.

​I wouldn't say it looks more modern... by modern, it's still 5+ years old, lol. But I do understand the intentions and people shouldn't get bummed out on some templating changes.

However, this is "Modern" design -- http://i.imgur.com/LVEbgSh.jpg




is it just me or is the gallery block for recent images getting cut in half....half the time...like a half hidden iframe.

​Cut in half for me as well. They don't look right.


​I wouldn't say it looks more modern... by modern, it's still 5+ years old, lol. But I do understand the intentions and people shouldn't get bummed out on some templating changes.

However, this is "Modern" design -- http://i.imgur.com/LVEbgSh.jpg



Meh, to each their own. I for miss when websites had more visual "weight" to them. But people follow the trends.


Meh, to each their own. I for miss when websites had more visual "weight" to them. But people follow the trends.

​I agree, that's my preference, but it's stil 'modern' for todays trend. The new IPS 4.0 isn't any more modern than 3.4, it simply has more sliders of what was already there in the first place really. There could of been some more out of the box visual upgrades that worked well with the framework throughout, not just in the shop... but in everything else.

They left it up for skinners/designers to fix that, which is all find and dandy, but as a professional product, it needs some graphical prowess in some areas.


​So you clearly missed the part where I said no template edits or add-ons were installed.......and my forum is mis-configured? No, it's not. I've been building forums for well over 10 years, and have quite a bit experience with IPB.

Well, apparently that's still not enough experience for you to get a basic forum installation running properly.

I've offered you assistance multiple times now but you're clearly not wanting to accept any help. If you're not going to provide any constructive feedback in this thread, please just drop it. If you ever decide to drop the ego and do want some help, you can always create that support topic here.


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