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- 0 replies
This seems like the opposite of what it should be doing, because this end point does not accept an API key: I am using the same code to access other API features with no issues. IPB 4.5. Edit: This is a generic error that also gets used if the authentication token is wrong. There's no problem.
Last reply by Interferon, -
- 0 replies
The Send diagnostic data? setting has 2 options: Usage data Error reports Disabling only 1 option (doesn't matter which) shows both options enabled again once the change is saved. The only way to keep them disabled is to disable both option at the same time.
Last reply by teraßyte, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys. I noticed a bug where flood protection is not working for Guests. Could someone check if I am right? flood-for-guests.mp4
Last reply by SeNioR-, -
I hit the error updating an old 3.1.4 site with Downloads 2.3.1. The problem is that an upgrade script uses the wrong index type when updating the custom fields in the 4.0.0 RC 1 step. I compared the upgrader code to the normal code run when a new custom field is added and noticed the wrong type is being used. Open the file and find this code on lines 26-54: /** * Step 1 * Fixing custom fields * * @return array If returns TRUE, upgrader will proceed to next step. If it returns any other value, it will set this as the value of the 'extra' GET parameter and rerun this step (useful for loops) */ public function step1() { foreach( \IPS\Db::i()-&…
Last reply by teraßyte, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys. I noticed a bug when I was posting a few custom requests and people just visited the page. When you see someone visiting your thread and you hover above it, you should have a bubble above. If the person leaves, the bubble should disappear, yet it doesn't, leaving you with this:
Last reply by Rikki, -
- 0 replies
If we have disabled viewing of profiles by guests, the link to the badges should be removed. This is an unnecessary redirect
Last reply by SeNioR-, -
I hit the error updating an old 3.1.4 site. The problem is that some packages have a NULL or empty string value for the p_base_price column in the nexus_packages table instead of 0. The upgrade process stops because MYSQL complains about a "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value" error. Open the file \applications\nexus\setup\upg_40000\upgrade.php and fine the code on lines 585-594: public function step14() { $offset = isset( \IPS\Request::i()->extra ) ? \IPS\Request::i()->extra : 0; $select = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'nexus_packages', NULL, 'p_id', array( $offset, 50 ) ); if ( \count( $select ) ) { foreach ( $select as $row ) { …
Last reply by teraßyte, -
- 0 replies
It looks like the values for 'term' and 'unit' have been swapped, at least in IPB 4.5:
Last reply by Interferon, -
PHP Fatal error: Type of IPS\File\_Exception::$file must be string (as in class Exception) Getting lots of those. Opening the file in PhpStorm gives more details
Last reply by Stuart Silvester, -
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A few phrases are missing 🤙
Last reply by SeNioR-, -
- 1 follower
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The extension for group promotions (Member Filter) currently allows to add only filters based on which members are promoted. I'd like to see a new option to also add additional actions. For example I was asked to add an option to promote members to a specific VIP Group for this application: Admins can setup to move members into the VIP group, but they can't setup a VIP expiration date, send a PM notification, etc. Being able to execute extra actions means I can run my own code to setup things in the backend as if the member was manually added (which is the only way at the time of posting this topic).
Last reply by teraßyte, -
- 4 replies
Hi I have found that in one part the language text key is missing
Last reply by sonimik1, -
- 0 replies
a small error with secondary menu on the blog 😉
Last reply by SeNioR-, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
In 4.7.0 the file \system\Helpers\Form\Upload.php now uses \IPS\Image::$imageExtensions instead of \IPS\Image::supportedExtensions() to retrieve the list of supported image formats. Because of this change the webp format is not available anymore.
Last reply by Stuart Silvester, -
- 1 reply
There's a message on the user's profile that says they got warned via rest API: Banned But above revoke, it says "No Restrictions Applied", the ban button is still there and they say they can browse the forum as normal. I used the POST endpoint for warnings and some parts of the UI (e.g. the ban button) offer different options (no group movings or IP bans, for the ban button). But the red banner above their profile in the ACP, stating they are banned, fails to show as well.
Last reply by Alexander V, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I opened a free icon kits account on, and they gave me a code to implement, To start using their icons in my forum. Can you please assist me with where to implement it? 10x <script src="******.js" crossorigin="****"></script>
Last reply by Marc, -
- 11 replies
tldr; You can create and name the extension anything you like, just like any other extension. But if you want the extension to actually work, that name can only, exclusively, be "Main". If you name your file anything else for this extension, the extensions.json file will not have the entry added, and even if you add the entry manually to the json file, this will kick out Whoops class not found error as it is apparently not correctly set in the Application object or wherever. If you DO set your class name to Main when creating this extension, everything works as intended. - Add extension for 3rd party app via dev center - Give it a class name of Whatever (so Whateve…
Last reply by Daniel F, -
- 8 replies
I'm trying to upload an MS Office doc (Word .docx) to the Media section of the ACP (Pages => Media) but I'm receiving an IPB error: Yet when I look in the "Allowed file types" settings (Settings => Posting => General => Attachements) I dont' have any restrictions set: I don't need forum posts to be allowed to upload Office docs (though it would be handy for the admin group), but I do need to be able to create attachments for some pages (I do this via the Media section of the ACP). Is there a way to enable Office docs to be served in this way?
Last reply by Marc, -
- 1 follower
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I'm not entirely sure if this is \IPS\Http\Request\Curl bug or a problem with the IPS api, but i'm assuming it is a problem with \IPS\Http\Request\Curl cause when forcing \IPS\Http\Request\Sockets this error doesn't happen. example code: $category = 2; $author = 1; $communityUrl = 'http://codingjungle.test/dev'; $apiKey = '214befc90239f63bc16dd89b4dfbd300'; $endpoint = '/downloads/files'; $response = \IPS\Http\Url::external($communityUrl . '/api/index.php?' . $endpoint. '&key=' . $apiKey)->request()->get(['category' => $category]); if i send the API parameters in get, I receive the following response: { "errorCode": "1S303\/8", "errorM…
Last reply by CodingJungle, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Attempt to create a manual payment method on localhost and IN_DEV ends with Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Undefined array key "m_validationfile" (2) #0 xxxx\applications\nexus\sources\Gateway\Gateway.php(213): Whoops\Run->handleError(2, 'Undefined array...', 'xxx...', 213)
Last reply by Daniel F, -
- 9 replies
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
- 2 replies
Hi There, I am trying to move The New Topic Button to the top of the page as by default it is located right above .ipsBox which makes it hard to spot as I had few my members asked me how to start a new topic ( they did not even see it) Here is what I am trying to do It makes much more to have on the top so I was able to find the code inside forumdisplay template and found the code which is this: <div data-controller=''> <ul class="ipsToolList ipsToolList_horizontal ipsToolList_horizontal--flex ipsClearfix ipsSpacer_both"> {template="forumButtons" group="forums" params="$forum"} </ul> {$tabl…
Last reply by Cindy Bidar, -
- 3 replies
Hello im trying to make an auto message pumping system and i need to make a post request to the api to add the topic , currently im trying :"",{ params: { key: 'MYAPIKEY', forum: '79', title: 'pumping test', post: 'pumping test', author: '1', }}).then((res)=>{}).catch((err) =>{ console.log(err) }) And im getting a NO_API_KEY response : data: { errorCode: '2S290/6', errorMessage: 'NO_API_KEY' } Anyone has an idea how i should be adding the params ?
Last reply by Hosfad, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
In \system\Helpers\Table\Custom::__construct() is there any point in adding this new $count parameter when it's not used? /** * Constructor * * @param array $dataSource Data source * @param \IPS\Http\Url $baseUrl Base URL */ public function __construct( $dataSource, \IPS\Http\Url $baseUrl, $count = NULL ) { $this->dataSource = $dataSource; $this->count = \count( $this->dataSource ); return parent::__construct( $baseUrl ); } Should the code be updated to use it if it's available perhaps? $this->count = $count ?? \count( $this->dataSource );
Last reply by Martin A., -
In the mentioned function \applications\core\sources\Messenger\Conversation::memberCanReceiveNewMe() you added a new $type parameter but it's not checked anywhere in the function itself? /** * Check if a member can receive new messages * * @param \IPS\Member $member The member to check * @param \IPS\Member $sender The member sending the new message * @param string $type Type of message to check (new, reply) * @return bool */ public static function memberCanReceiveNewMessage( \IPS\Member $member, \IPS\Member $sender, $type='new' ) { /* Messenger is hard disabled */ if ( $member->members_disable_pm == 2 ) { return FALSE; } else…
Last reply by Daniel F,