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  1. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from BariatricPal in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    I'm still waiting to see what's going on with IPS4, it would be far easier to integrate with SparkPost for example if it was supported as a 'community enhancement' already. It makes a lot of sense to support some of the other providers though.
  2. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from sobrenome in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    I'm still waiting to see what's going on with IPS4, it would be far easier to integrate with SparkPost for example if it was supported as a 'community enhancement' already. It makes a lot of sense to support some of the other providers though.
  3. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from PacmanDo in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    There's a discussion going on about this: https://community.invisionpower.com/topic/427013-mandrill-no-longer-free/
    From what I can see, the biggest change is for the users that don't pay anything for the service.
  4. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from PacmanDo in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    P.S. To clarify the Mandrill Reputation, a bad reputation doesn't mean that your emails won't get delivered. A poor reputation will mean that you can only send so many emails per hours. The more emails that are sent that are successfully will improve the reputation, with improved reputation the more mails you will be able to send per hour.
    If you send more emails than allowed for the hour, they'll get queued and send later.
  5. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from PacmanDo in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Yes, you'll notice that the bulkmail now shows far less accounts to send the emails to.
  6. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from sobrenome in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    There's a discussion going on about this: https://community.invisionpower.com/topic/427013-mandrill-no-longer-free/
    From what I can see, the biggest change is for the users that don't pay anything for the service.
  7. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from sobrenome in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    P.S. To clarify the Mandrill Reputation, a bad reputation doesn't mean that your emails won't get delivered. A poor reputation will mean that you can only send so many emails per hours. The more emails that are sent that are successfully will improve the reputation, with improved reputation the more mails you will be able to send per hour.
    If you send more emails than allowed for the hour, they'll get queued and send later.
  8. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from Gabriel Torres in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    I've re-opened your support ticket. I would really appreciate it if you could use the proper channels of support
  9. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from ThomasS in Member Map   
    New version is now out. Thanks Martin!
    (2,000th reply to the topic!)
  10. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from svit in Member Map   
    New version is now out. Thanks Martin!
    (2,000th reply to the topic!)
  11. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from Phille in Member Map   
    New version is now out. Thanks Martin!
    (2,000th reply to the topic!)
  12. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from Martin A. in Member Map   
    New version is now out. Thanks Martin!
    (2,000th reply to the topic!)
  13. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from sobrenome in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    View File Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management
    Mail Bouncer is a fully automated app to handle email bounces and spam complaints via 3rd Party Email services SparkPost, SendGrid, Mandrill or Amazon SES/SNS.
    Hard Bounce If a hard bounce is detected, all email to that user will be instantly disabled, they will be placed into 'validating' status which means that IPS4 will prevent them accessing the community until they have updated their email address. Soft Bounce Soft bounces are counted over a number of days, if they exceed 1 bounce a warning message will be shown, if they exceed 4 bounces it will be converted to a 'hard bounce' Spam reports via Mandrill, SparkPost, SendGrid or Amazon SES/SNS are when a user clicks on 'Spam' in AOL/Gmail/YahooMail etc, this user is blocked from having emails sent to them. The user is presented with a message on every page that tells them that they should update their email preferences instead of marking an email as spam. They are offered a chance to opt-in to emails again, once they opt-in the Mandrill side block is also removed. Removing 'Spam' users from the services reject list may cost a small amount of reputation. To prevent a user exploiting this they are only allowed to opt-in once. Reject Mail Bouncer app will learn your existing reject list as emails are sent to them (this won't hurt your reputation), This allows the app to start telling users to update their email address right away. This app is a zero-configuration app providing your Mandrill/SparkPost/SendGrid API Key setting is present (zero configuration does not include Amazon SES/SNS).
    Amazon SES/SNS
    Setting up Amazon SES/SNS is a more involved process, you will be responsible for configuring SNS and ensuring that it is functional and sending data to the Mail Bouncer SNS endpoint (details displayed after app installation).
    You must use Mandrill, SparkPost, SendGrid or Amazon SES Email Services cURL Ability for your server to communicate with 3rd party APIs (external connections)
    If you require any support for this product please create a Technical Support ticket in the Client Area. You will need to register an account if you do not already have one. You must supply your IPS Community email address.
    Submitter stoo2000 Submitted 02/08/2014 Category Applications and Plugins  
  14. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from xtech in Trader Feedback System   
    You will need to email marketplace@invisionpower.com, we, authors do not have anything to do with the billing process.

    I haven't!
  15. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from Gabriel Torres in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    You submitted a support ticket (which is private).
    I have also included the above information in the ticket so that it can be addressed.
  16. Like
    stoo2000 reacted to wsf in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Well, it's not my app, we're using this app too. Over time it is possible to check all members emails. We also have 50.000 members, but this (nor any other) tool can't magically tell if an email address is valid or not. A mail has to be sent out (via Mandrill) in order to be able to catch the reply (bounce), if any. See the opening post of this topic for details.
  17. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from Gabriel Torres in Trader Feedback System   
    I've added a bug report: http://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/tracker/issue-399-items-not-language-abstracted/
    This isn't something that's supported at the moment, I was having an issue fitting it in and having it display in a nice way in responsive mode. It will return.
    Click the Feedback application tab and use the button, or use the Create+ menu. (I think people forget about the create menu )
  18. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from Whiskey Bizness in Trader Feedback System   
    This very topic contains that information.
    I'm on vacation, so my time is extremely limited. In addition to that, I couldn't reproduce the issue it only occurred in certain circumstances. Fortunately @Ziggs provided me with some useful information that allowed me to reproduce the issue and a new version has now been published.
  19. Like
    stoo2000 reacted to xtech in Trader Feedback System   
    I'm pretty sure Stoo is working on this. I have also another bug and he's taking care of it.
    He's always been a respectable and friendly developer, i have no doubt he will come up with a solution in the short term.
  20. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from xtech in Trader Feedback System   
    Yes, that's what support is for
  21. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from Michael R in Member Map   
    @Martin A. is currently working on Member Map for IPS4.
    You can track it here if you desire: https://github.com/stoo2000/membermap
    (many thanks to Martin for working on this :) )
  22. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from Kjell Iver Johansen in Member Map   
    @Martin A. is currently working on Member Map for IPS4.
    You can track it here if you desire: https://github.com/stoo2000/membermap
    (many thanks to Martin for working on this :) )
  23. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from xtech in Trader Feedback System   
    I forgot to detail the biggest new feature that's now available with 4.1
    Feedback can now be left for most content items (not just topics), You can select the content type in AdminCP > Community > Feedback > Settings. This list of content items is dynamic based on the apps that you have installed. It will also work with other 3rd party apps.
    The form on the frontend now has a new autocomplete input, it works based on the title of the content item. Just start typing it in and then select the item the feedback is for.
  24. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from jackflash in Member Map   
    @Martin A. is currently working on Member Map for IPS4.
    You can track it here if you desire: https://github.com/stoo2000/membermap
    (many thanks to Martin for working on this :) )
  25. Like
    stoo2000 got a reaction from Claudia999 in Member Map   
    @Martin A. is currently working on Member Map for IPS4.
    You can track it here if you desire: https://github.com/stoo2000/membermap
    (many thanks to Martin for working on this :) )
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