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Nuclear General

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Nuclear General last won the day on September 24 2009

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  1. The new portal looks good.. but I did notice that the renewal price has gone up by $100 dollars. Is there a reason for this? I have tried to look around for a topic about it, but cannot find one anywhere on the site or forums about the increased price to $310 a year. That seems a little too steap now..
  2. I had a different experience when upgrading from 3.4.9 to 4.x.x. I had to upgrade to 4.4.10 first, and then upgrade to 4.5.x afterwards. 4.5.x would not work properly for me when converting my database to the new format they implemented in 4.x. I tried several attempts and all failed with 4.5.x but 4.4.10 worked (almost) flawlessly, but it did get me 3/4 of the way to upgrade to 4.5.x, and then the last upgrade of 4.5.4 months ago.
  3. Hello, What version of MySQL are you using? Is it MariaDB 5.x.x or MariaDB 10.x.x? MariaDB 5.x.x uses ROW_FORMAT= 'COMPACT' , or 'REDUNDANT'. MariaDB 10.x.x uses ROW_FORMAT= 'COMPACT' , 'REDUNDANT' , 'DYNAMIC' , or 'COMPRESSED'. The ROW_FORMAT can be easily changed with a simple MySQL Statement. I'll show you how. 1) First, make a backup of your Database, i.e.: use phpMyAdmin, go to your database and use the OPERATIONS tab and use the "Copy Database To" section to create an exact copy, name what it whatever you'd like. Then run the following query on your copied database (Change the "DATABASE_NAME_HERE" to your copied database name) : This code will print out everything that has a table engine of "InnoDB". SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', table_schema, '.', table_name, ' ENGINE=InnoDB;') AS sql_statements FROM information_schema.tables AS tb WHERE table_schema = 'DATABASE_NAME_HERE' AND `ENGINE` = 'InnoDB' AND `TABLE_TYPE` = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY table_name ASC; It will print out something similar to this: ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_advertise_advertisements ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_advertise_hits ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_advertise_paypal ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_autowelcome_members ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_axenserverlist_servers ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_bbcode_mediatag ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_blog_blogs ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_blog_categories ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_blog_comments ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE DATABASE_NAME_HERE.ibf_blog_entries ENGINE=InnoDB; In the below picture, you will get this: (As stated above) Click the +OPTIONS link, you will now see this: Make sure you click the "Full texts" radio button, leaving everything else alone, then click on 'GO'. You will now see this appear: It will show only 25 rows per page by default, but you can change that by doing this: After you have all your rows appear, copy all the text to a text editor, and do a FIND & REPLACE option for: Find: Engine=InnoDB Replace with: (If MariaDB 5.x.x) ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT Replace with: (If MariaDB 10.x.x) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC Example: ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_advertise_advertisements ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_advertise_hits ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_advertise_paypal ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_autowelcome_members ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_axenserverlist_servers ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_bbcode_mediatag ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_blog_blogs ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_blog_categories ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_blog_comments ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; ALTER TABLE tibtech.ibf_blog_entries ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; Once the FIND & REPLACE has been done, copy all your edits and go to your database SQL tab in phpMyAdmin, and paste it in there and run SQL Statements. Your tables with now have the proper ROW_FORMAT that will satisfy Invision Community Suite and the error will go away. I hope this helps you and others with this annoying issue. Best of luck, -Donald
  4. Yes it does. I have released beta 1 to all customers and future buyers. -Donald :)
  5. There is a demo of this in action at my site at http://forums.tiberiumstudios.net/
  6. Quick Update On Global Ads!
  7. Please use a regular browser. The Andriod doesn't know how to handle fixed content.
  8. Yeah, to do that you can just copy the code from the templates directly into your IP.Content pages. When you purchase, I can provide further assistance in how to make it work for your IP.Content. :)
  9. Buy One Get One Free Promotional Sale!!!
  10. Buy One Get One Free Promotional Sale!!!
  11. Sure thing. My MSN is in my profile. Just add me and I'll be glad to help. And yes, <?php phpinfo() ?> will show your Zend Extentions along with any other Extensions installed in your php.ini through that code.
  12. You might still be able to use the ionCube on your PHP 5.2.x. If you would like for me to give it a shot, PM me some details so I can use to get it done for you. Or I can walk you through it. EDIT: Hey, does your server have any Zend Extensions installed into the php.ini file?
  13. What are the exact Apache and PHP versions. I ask because ionCube will not work on Apache 2.2.x or PHP 5.3. If you have either of those, ionCube won't work. ionCube hasn't been updated to work on PHP 5.3 yet. Please PM me the versions k.
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