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Posts posted by Como

  1. 1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    This is not something available within the software at the present time, assuming you are referring to when you create a topic itself

    Hi Marc,

    Yes, the opening post to a thread. If not a bug, it seems like an odd omission.

  2. I thought I'd bump this.

    It is odd behaviour that multiquotes do not work with seed posts. Quite often I need to quote from other threads (or PMs for moderation purposes) and cannot include these within seed posts.

  3. 11 hours ago, TDS said:

    I'm sorry for the confusion as well. The site is working, just not for the browser I'm using (brave). No problems or changes up until now. It tries to go to admin/install and throws a 500 error, no matter what URL is tried. Other browsers seem fine and the browser it is not working on is up to date.


    And this site (invisioncommunity) is working fine in the Brave browser. 

    This is the case with invisioneer.org too. And, very briefly for my site when I tried first accessed the site a couple of hours ago.* (I'm on Cloud too - no idea about Invisioneer.)

    * I've experienced no problems since.

  4. I agree with @Morrigan. Nearly 4 years on from his post, and I am a bit frustrated with the moderation and ban systems. It is way more difficult and disjointed than it need be, with no real options to track historical moderation problems and add notes with a ban. I'd also like to have a message display to the banned member with a reason.

    I won't get into this too much now - I am hoping there will be significant improvements with V5 and my comments here will be moot.

  5. Hi @Marc Stridgen Indeed there is a small fix awaiting. Apologies - I did not for those.

    However, when I run the fix, I receive the following message:


    There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are:

    ALTER TABLE `nexus_customers` DROP INDEX `field_1`, CHANGE COLUMN `field_1` `field_1` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL ;

    We have 3.5m posts - is it OK to proceed?

  6. When I try returning to the first page of the topics list, I am redirected back to origin page (with an appended '?'). Selecting any other page works correctly, this occurs in all forums (that I've tried), and within the default theme too.


    /#-forum-name/page/4/ => /#-forum-name/ => /#-forum-name/page/4/?

    /#-forum-name/page/4/ => /#-forum-name/page/2/

    /#-forum-name/ => /#-forum-name/page/4/

  7. 3 hours ago, scaz said:

    No I don't use this app, but I enable the Spam Defense in the ACP.

    Thanks, @scaz. My thinking was that since Antispam/Cleantalk app links to their server, it could be intermittent actions occurring at Cleantalk affecting my IPS Cloud installation. So, I can now probably check off Cleantalk being the cause.

  8. Hi.

    This bug is back! Similar, very long reset link, which does not resemble correct rest links. The work around is the same as before:

    Admin Control Panel > System > Email > (disable) Log Statistics setting

    I few weeks ago, a member contacted me about her problems resetting her password. I assumed she was doing something wrong and I reset it manually for her. But the problem arose again today, and I tested it for myself.

    I am not very happy that this bug has been reintroduced.

  9. 6 hours ago, scaz said:

    Hi @Como

    I haven't had this problem for a while. But this problem seems quite random. In any case at present, I have no longer had any problems. I am on the latest ips version. 

    If it ever comes back to me I wouldn't hesitate to come and tell you here if you want.

    Yes, please do. The more data points, the better.

    And yes, that both of the problems I detailed above occur randomly, only makes it more difficult to determine the cause. I have disabled addons before, but it made no difference.

    Do you use the Antispam/Cleantalk app by any chance?

  10. @Chris Anderson @nodle @scaz

    Do any of you still experience this problem?

    I have experienced this problem since I migrated to ISP (Cloud) last July. As far as I can tell, most members are unaffected, but a few of us always need to login twice. Once in a blue moon, I can login the first time from the home page, but it nearly always fails and I can only login from the /login page.

    I check the system and error logs, but no error is recorded.

    I've also experienced intermittent problems with CSRF protection key (error). Typically, I will have some days of problems with CSRF and it then ceases again (for no reason I can tell). I do not know if these issues are potentially connected - but both are unexplained, so I mention this just in case.

    Because if the way it works (connecting with a third-party server), the only app I suspect could cause this is Antispam/Cleantalk - do any of you use this? Though, my searches here turn up no mention of common apps which could be the cause of either issue.

  11. Hi,

    When the privacy setting for a club is set to 'Open', the member is taken to the Club Rules page and are invited to 'Accept' the rules at the foot of the page. However, 'Join club' is displayed again on the Rules page in the Club menu bar. This is causing confusion, as some members will instead click 'Join Club' (which is displayed immediately in their viewport) and they are looped back to the same Rules page.

    'Join Club' should not display on the Rules page. I have not tested this for other privacy settings.

  12. On 3/24/2023 at 3:45 AM, Randy Calvert said:

    If I might make a suggestion for a subsequent iteration...  users RARELY go into their account settings.  In fact, they may never even notice they're no longer getting email from us at all.  

    It would be very helpful to have a way of more prominently notifying a user of the problem.  I would suggest displaying a message similar to the announcements feature's "above page content" or at the very top of the page.

    You could display a red bar that has a warning that there is a problem with email delivery.  At that point you can simply drop them on that revised page to update their email address.

    If emails are not being received, they can no longer self-service reset passwords, they may miss important announcements, etc.  So it's important they're aware of that issue ASAP.  I personally suggest it would always display until the issue is resolved and not allow it to be dismissed by the member.  

    I too would like to see this addition.

  13. 11 hours ago, FanClub Mike said:

    I have a member having a similar problem where they're constantly getting logged out. They're using Firefox as well, and they're on Rodgers Internet.

    Before are my enabled plugins and applications if you want to see if there's any overlap.


    - Topic Thumbnails

    - Font Awesome 6

    - Antispam by Cleantalk


    - Delete all system logs button

    - Legend News

    - Live Topics

    The past few days have been fine again. In my case, it would occur across browsers and computers.

    BY the way, I too have Antispam installed. I disabled that for a short time - it made no difference.

    10 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    If I were to place a guess as to what happened...  it sounds like the user's site cookie was corrupted.  Uninstall/reinstall would have removed it for a new one to be placed.  

    I cleared the site cookies and tried an Incognito window, both to no avail.

  14. 11 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Do you have any browser extensions installed which may be deleting cookies? Whether intentionally or not. 

    I make very little use of extensions. I can (and will) disable what I have (even though none obviously affect cookies). However, since this occurs in two different browsers, and at the same time, this seems highly unlikely.

  15. Hi @Marc Stridgen

    I've been logged out 2-3 times today. This is much less than last week (and no problems Friday through Monday). Nothing in the error logs.

    I also have a general problem where the initial login attempt fails, and I can only login at the /login page. But, today, I could login at my first attempt. What I did not mention last week is that I would receive occasional notifications which are way out of date. I've now been logged in again for a few hours without being logged out. All these problems seem session-related to me. And happen in two different browsers, and even on a different computer.

    I've made no changes. The intermittent nature of these problems makes no sense to me.

  16. Last Thursday evening, I switch my own account to the IPS theme. Although I have done nothing to theme except add a little CSS, and added the Trim Empty Lines plugin, I thought it worth a try. I was still logged out a little later.

    However, I was not logged out when I returned Friday morning. And I have not been logged out since. I am at a loss to explain this. Of course, the intermittent nature of this makes determining the cause almost impossible.

    And there was nothing in the logs corresponding with the logouts.

  17. Hi @Randy Calvert

    The plugin just obfuscates (partially redacts) usernames. It does not - as far as I know - act on sessions.

    It looks like I will have go to stock code except for this plugin. If the problem persists, then I'll have no choice but to change access permissions for every part of the community, and for a maximum of 24 hours to avoid content being de-listed.

  18. Well. After several days of normal operation, I experienced problems again today with the CSRF error. I disabled addons, but it made no difference. But, again, I could login using Firefox (I had been using Edge). Using FF, I removed any blocks from the front-end - still no joy. Only when (like before) did I delete the cookies for my site from Edge could I login.

    I've re-enabled everything except for one small change and will see what happens. Again, I have not updated the core or any add-ons - it is the inconsistency which is frustrating. And why does this apparently only affect Edge or (or its stored cookies my my site)?

  19. I wish to bump this and the suggestions of previous posters. The reported content system is clunky and we have to use threads to compliment the report system. There being no ability to filter by the reporter or the reported member causes frustration for the moderators. Likewise, there being no ability to respond directly (including canned responses) to the reporter creates a disjointed system. Moderation discussion and actions should occur in one location with the ability to make associations without undue effort.

    Sometimes, it is patterns of behaviour which require a moderation action. The inability to collate such information is very far from ideal.

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