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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. We have 9 different IP addresses in our database tied to your account. Banning one of them probably won't make any material difference. 🙂 We have added a ticket to investigate an API endpoint that can take an email address or IP address and tell you if it's banned or not. There is no timeline on when this will be available, but we are listening.
  2. Thanks OpenType. We do review our processes to ensure they are compliant. We will continue to do so and appreciate this topic. 🙂
  3. It will be cloud only because most of the functionality is in the cloud. It uses Node, React, Redis, SQS and a proprietary command runner system we built on AWS. The community code is very lightweight
  4. I meant the first 42 seconds of every The Weekend songs.
  5. I can play the first 42 seconds of most Metallica songs.
  6. Even if it meant it was almost impossible to theme?
  7. We're not Xenforo. It'll be quicker than that.
  8. As per Ehren, we're exploring ways to make efficiency savings in the 4.x series, but any large framework changes will need to be in 5.x given the scale, scope and destructiveness of those changes.
  9. I think most agree that the bureaucracy surrounding GDPR is silly (cookie pop-ups, accept T&S, etc, etc) although the core message of protecting personal information is good. The embed notice is something we already have on our list but we don't have a release date for it at this time.
  10. Why would you want to disable storing the IP address completely? We need to store it for a short time for authentication purposes and to track abuse. We do have a feature that removes IP addresses from the database after a set period of days/weeks (ACP > Members > Profiles > Profile Settings) You could set this to a low number, say 7 days. The internet is based upon recognising IP addresses, for complex applications to work and be trusted, we do need to store them for at least a short amount of time. I am not a lawyer, but we work with many GDPR/privacy focused EU brands that accept IP addresses to be stored for the purpose of the application.
  11. License key checks should now process. Apologies for the delay in getting this issue fixed.
  12. Thanks for your patience. We're working on this right now.
  13. Hi all, Just a note to say that the October developer's blog is out now. It has a little information about our holiday release schedule and a new developer working with us!
  14. Welcome to our October developer's update! After a frantic few months of working on the PHP8 transition, we made it across the line with our November release (4.7.4), which requires PHP8 as the minimum version. Reminder: Invision Community 4.7.4 will disable plugins and applications that are not compatible with PHP8, and the only way to re-enable them is to upload a new version. Hopefully, you've had time to get your apps updated and through our review system. Thank you again for your patience throughout this process. The next big change will be PHP8.2, which changes how DateTime is overloaded, but that's a headache for 2023. Make sure you use PHP8 with your local development environments and set your IDE to PHP8 if it has this feature. If you need a refresher on the new functionality that comes with PHP8, then I recommend this blog or this video. Impacting Code Changes We've been very careful to avoid adjusting any parameter signatures this month, and we will endeavour to get you plenty of notice if we need to change things on a central method. The main change to look out for this month is the change to IPS\<app>\extensions\core\ContentRouter /** * @brief Can be shown in similar content */ public $similarContent = TRUE; We added a public method variable to note if this content type can be used in the similar content widget. This change fixes a bug where some content types, like Commerce packages, appeared in the widget but with incompatible metadata. Holiday Release Schedule It's that time of year when we start planning releases around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. We try and avoid larger releases at this point in the year to reduce the stress levels on our support and development teams. No one wants a crisis during what should be a relaxing time with family and friends. The current schedule looks like this: 2 November: November release (4.7.4) First week of December: Smaller bug-fixing release (4.7.5) Early January: Patches or a very focused bug-fixing release ( February: Full monthly releases as usual. Deprecations This month, we removed the older guest page caching. Those looking for a better replacement are having success with a free plan from Cloudflare. We also removed the Facebook promotion tool as Facebook keeps raising the bar for approval, and we want to focus on a Zapier replacement coming soon. Finally, we also removed Vigilink, which no longer works. Other News The November release features commits from @HeadStand, who is working with us part-time to chew through the backlog and work on feature improvements. She is a coding machine and has filled my inbox with GitHub pull request notifications which I'm very happy to receive! That's all for this month, happy developing!
  15. Matt

    PHP 8

    Salut, excusez mon mauvais français. Vous pouvez demander à OVH de passer à PHP8. Bonne Journée
  16. You don't have to update straight away of course!
  17. Just an update, we may release on Wednesday as I think we're about ready.
  18. I'm sorry for the delay, I'm about to update your ticket. Thank you for your patience.
  19. There is a setting to prune back the ES index, but we would never drop the index. We prune it via _delete_by_query. I would not expect a prune() to clear the index unless you've switched between MySQL and ES (which isn't the case here) or an upgrade has pruned it back because new columns were added. The software would not remove an index though.
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