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Arcade King

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Posts posted by Arcade King

  1. 14 hours ago, Martin A. said:


    Check your permissions for the "Members" category. The default should be that all member groups except guests are allowed to add markers. That is the only thing that would cause that button to disappear. 


    I run a Retro Pinball and Arcade forum and are using the Community Map for Machine locations on site. I noticed making a secondary category, in this case "Machines on site", the button is missing.

    I've currently got the Main Member Map disabled.

    You have to click "Browse Markers" then select the catagory. Since I'm not using it as a pure member map it would be nice to see a add marker button on sub catagory maps to make it easier to add sites.

  2. On 2/25/2023 at 2:32 AM, ToeJam said:

    Sorry forgot to add a pic


    Could contain: Page, Text, White Board

    I just purchased this plugin.

    I seem to be missing that Add Location button as seen in your screen shot 😕

  3. On 3/1/2023 at 7:45 AM, iacas said:

    So… Google emailed to say "we've found a publicly accessible API key for Google Maps. You should stop doing that."

    I looked at the page they linked to, and yep, there it is. There is no map on that page.

    I've since disabled Google Maps from the "Integrations" page in ACP, but… is this something that can be fixed in IPS? I see no way for me to do anything about it, and obviously I would rather people NOT get my public key (even though my private one is still a secret), which is why they sent the email to begin with.

    Got the same Email yesterday and ever since getting this error in the admin console under Secret API Key

    This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key. Request received from IP address 2402:1180:0:2::53, with empty referer


  4. 9 hours ago, Jim M said:

    We are investigating an issue currently with calendar events time being off. If you can provide me a link to an example event, I can also add your example.




    Last 3 event's.

    I can give you admin access if needed.

  5. On 12/2/2022 at 7:52 PM, Daniel F said:

    As mentioned in the ticket, it seems that there's still a cron using the php7 interpreter path.

    @Arcade King could you please check Plesk or your cron table and ensure that you're not affected by the same issue.



    The reason that this issue happened now, even if PHP8 or PHP8.1 was used for months is, that you wouldn't have noticed till yet if the task was called with php7 or 8, but now we're using a php function inside the mail class which is only available in PHP8.

    Server OP sorted it thanks for the information.

  6. On 9/1/2022 at 11:31 PM, Marc Stridgen said:

    If you go to the support page of your admin CP, you will see "view hooks" on the right of the page. Look for hook 395, and see what application or plugin that is. Disable it, and see if that resolves the problem

    Unfortunately I couldn't find any reference to hook 395 in there however I did end up finding the culprit which was "Enhanced Member List"

  7. Hi guys

    I'm trying to future proof our site however when switching from PHP 7.4 to 8.0 the Activity Feed sidebar goes missing and we get the following error. When refreshing the site for the first time the screen is blank until you refresh a second time.

    [Mon Aug 29 09:39:56.268887 2022] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 9738:tid 139736895190784] [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of IPS\\Theme\\Cache\\hook395::filters() must be compatible with IPS\\Theme\\Cache\\class_core_front_search::filters($baseUrl, $count, $id, $action, $elements, $hiddenValues, $actionButtons, $uploadField, $class = '', $attributes = [], $sidebar = null, $form = null, $errorTabs = null) in /var/www/clients/client260/web359/web/system/Theme/Theme.php(951) : eval()'d code on line 173', referer: https://www.aussiearcade.com/

    I've tried disabling all plugins, cleared the cache and no errors show up under Support. We do use 2 custom theme's but both are up to date and the same thing happens on the standard skin.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  8. On 7/9/2022 at 12:32 AM, Richard Arch said:

    Hi Adriano, is this on your list to be updated to support v4.7?

    So does this mean this and Ignore Forums is broken for 4.7.0?

  9. On 1/23/2019 at 3:56 AM, AlexWebsites said:

    I am playing around with subscriptions and noticed the following two issues:

    Manually added subscribers cannot upgrade their subscription - so if you manually in ACP add a member into a plan, seems they are locked into it and cannot upgrade into a better plan if they so choose in the future. The option does not exist for them on the /subscriptions page. 

    Removing a manually added member from a subscription does not revert to old member group - if you remove a manually added member from a subscription that moved their user group, removing their subscription does not move them back to the user group they were in before the subscription.

    This is still the case it seems in 2022. I've had users wanting to upgrade but the subscription options are blank.

    Could contain: Person, Human, File, Scoreboard

    When I upgrade from VB5 I had to painstakingly manually go through and assign every user their previous subscription.


  10. On 9/16/2021 at 10:48 AM, liquidfractal said:

    There was a recent announcement that Zapier will be available for self-hosted customers as well.  Just FYI.

    I obviously didn't make myself clear. It was a general observation about people having to complain before action is taken where a bit of foresight and planning could have avoided the mess. I think this is the biggest grip people have right now.

    I genuinely believe the IPS staff are doing a great job. I recently had my VB migration issues resolved by @Stuart Silvester and my forum has never been better.

    Going against the grain here and I know the decision has been reverted but yearly payment was another non issue for me, shame we can't have both options. I like to pay my bills and not have to worry about them but I understand people don't like change and if that's the way its always been done here in the past so be it.

  11. Several observations as a new customer.

    Since moving to IPS there seems to be a lack or foresight on major issue like the one that's being discussed. No support for Zapier for self hosted comes straight to mind. It also feels to me that self hosted customers are being treated second rate which is sad. I've noticed many questions regarding self hosting being skipped over and ignored.

    I've got zero issue with a price hike as long as I'm getting value for money. Compared to its competitors IPS is by far the best and I've tried them all (Troll as some might). I'm sorry but trying to blame IPS for your lack of traffic or ability to sustain your site is wrong. Social media is the real enemy to the traditional forum.

    Hopefully the IPS team sit down and think hard before making announcements like this in the future. I can understand peoples anger having this dumped on them with little to no warning.



  12. Happy to pay extra for a premium product however not sure how I feel paying for support for issues created by the software itself.

    Myself and my users have been very happy since moving from VB5. I've put in a handful of requests relating to the conversion such as passwords not transferring, VB5/4 links not pointing to the topic/posts they are supposed to and other errors in the Admin CP.

    In each case support has been great to a certain point with "yes we have a fix" but none of the issue have yet to be resolved. Should I be paying for premium support for these issues that are out of my control?

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