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Everything posted by Miss_B

  1. It is not possible to add a note for someone else in the current version.
  2. Untick the Download Attachments option for guest group permissions.
  3. There is no reason to be nervous. All you have to do is copy the query, paste it at the sql box at phpmyadmin and run it. Make sure to select the correct database and make a backup of the core_members table.
  4. Assuming that by dm you mean ppersonal messages, you can do it with a sql query. First make a backup of your core_members then run this query: UPDATE core_members SET members_disable_pm = 0; Hope it helps.
  5. Yes, the admins can see all notes. A list of all members to do tasks, is logged in the Acp.
  6. Yes, you will need to do that by creating a hook.
  7. Most likely the files in questions have not been uploaded/overwritten. Try to reupload them again.
  8. The 500 Internal Server Error is server related. Have you asked your host about it? P.s. What was the last modification/change that was done to the forum before this happened btw? Can you check the error log in yourcPanel to see what errors have been logged in there?
  9. I do not think that that will help. When you say that you been locked out of your admin account 3 times now, what happened exactly btw?
  10. I have not seen such a plugin myself. Have you looked in the MP though? If there is not any there, you can request one in the Request Forum.
  11. Not by default. It will require a custom plugin.
  12. To resest how? Can you pplease elaborate a little more?
  13. When you click on a member profile, you will see a numeric value appended at the end of the url. That is the member id. For example, if you click my profile here, you will see this in the url: 606440. That is my member id here.
  14. What section are you searching and what do you enter for the search text?
  15. I think it is a very good idea. I have added it and the new version is waiting approval.
  16. Can you have a look the Restrictions part at the following link and make sure that none of those criteria match up in your promotion.
  17. You can request such a plugin at the request forum. It might receive more attention there. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/506-customization-requests/
  18. I can not reproduce this. I just tested it again without the aforementioned error. Can you please send me the link to your forum with an admin account so I can check it directly at your forum? I would possibly need ftp access as well to look at my app 's files.
  19. You can unban a member from their profiles->Warnings & Restrictions->Adjust Ban. Hope it helps.
  20. The difference is that with this plugin, when you ignore someone, all their posts and topics will be completely hidden throughout the forum, activity feed page, Search Results and ignored members profiles. Also, the name of the ignored member will not show as the last poster either in the topic listing or forum listing.
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