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Everything posted by Miss_B

  1. I wish @Rikki the best of luck in the next step of his career. May your new opportuinity bring you as much happiness and fulfillment as IPS did. 😊
  2. Do you get this in the admin panel? If so, what page/url?
  3. As a rule of thumb, a third party app/plugin, should work only with the out of box software. i.e. not compatible with other third party apps and/or themes. That being said, I can make it compatible with the app that you mentioned, or any other app for that matter for an extra fee.
  4. Why is that an upsell? And what is so wrong with my response that 'shocked' you? When you buy an app here, or at any place for that matter, you buy it for what it does and not for what you want it to do. And if you want to be sure about something regarding the item that you are interested in purchasing, all you have to do is ask a pre sale question before you buy it. Like that, situations like this can be avoided. That being said, if you need something extra added to the app, then it is more than normal that the app 's author should charge you for that. That is a common occurrence.
  5. That was done to make the fake users look like real users. I will not be changing the app, but I can make adjust it for individual/private specifics for a fee.
  6. There is no automatic appearance. You will have to readd them manually again after the fake online session is expired.
  7. Do you need help with any specific thing regarding the upgrade, or for the whole thing? First of all make a backup of the database and forum files/folders, download Ipb 4.7.1. and overwrite your current forum files with it. Then run the upgrader. If you want to hire someone to do the upgrade for you instead, please feel free to contact me.
  8. Hello and welcome. This looks like a permissions/configuration issue to me. Try to click the Edit button, configure the permissions accordingly and see if it helps.
  9. It looks like you are editing the prefix in the phpmyadmin or some other databse management tool. The edit should be applied to the conf_global.php file. You can find that in the root of your forum folder. Hope it helps.
  10. When you add a fake member online, you can also add the number of minutes that you want that particular member to be online. A task will run every half hour to remove the expired fake sessions from the online list.
  11. I can take a look at this for you. Please feel free to contact me in private should you like to hire me.
  12. Manual upgrading is very easy. First of all make a backup of your database, overwrite your forum files with htose from the latest version and as last step run the upgrader.
  13. When you uploaded the new version, did you run the upgrader to bring the database up to date with the forum files?
  14. A word of advice if I may, make first a backup of the dataabase before you run any queries. The best place to run queries would be at the SQL Tab for the forum 's database at phpmyadmin.
  15. It would be better to make a complete backup of it first, especially the database. For just in case.
  16. Can you please tell us all the steps that you took to move your forum? Additionally have a look at this guide to make double sure that all the steps mentioned there were done correctly.
  17. What was the latest change that was done to the forum prior to this happening?
  18. From what version did you upgrade and what patch did you use? The only way that I know of to roll back from an upgrade is to restore the backup that you made from before upgrading. If you did not make any backups of the database prior to the upgrade, you can restore the most recent one, but that means that all contents made from the time of that backup till now ill be lost.
  19. I can help you. I have cleaned up quite a lot of hacked forums. You can contact me in private should you decide to hire me.
  20. Hello. I have edited the app to update the version compatiility field to include the 4.7 version as well. Currently it is waiting approval. Once it gets approved you can download it from your Acp.
  21. What restore did you try and how exactly did you do it? The more details you give the better.
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