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Posts posted by Jock3r

  1. 35 minutes ago, pequeno said:

    Hello @Jim M. My actual url forum is www.website.com/foro  ( "foro" is "forum" in spanish). I will move my forum to www.website.com and I thank you if you tell me how the redirects would be in .htaccess


    I will also update the friendly urls in ACP so that the word "forum" is converted in "foro" and "topic" in "tema"

    I assume that you have done all of steps that Jim has suggested above. The process is the same, however if you have the knowledge for it, you would need to edit the nginx/apache configs and .htaccess accordingly.

    First off,

    1. Make sure to change any RewriteConditions on .htaccess from /foro/ to just /. There may be some of them on the main .htaccess file you can find on the Invision Community Marketplace.
    2.  Regarding your apache/nginx configurations, I would suggest getting someone that knows how the software works and working with them as it can vary depending on your configuration.
  2. 7 hours ago, Steve Bullman said:

    Thanks for this. The second part for the files, is this images etc? If so do I need to back these up beings as i'm using AWS for these anyway?

    It's pretty much the whole folder including apps and so on. I just do it to be safe.

  3. If it isn't a managed server then you can set it up with a cronjob.

    BACKUPTIME=`date +%b-%d-%y`
    echo "Creating backup of database to $SQLDUMP"
    mysqldump --single-transaction --quick --databases forum | gzip -9 > $DESTINATION
    echo "Dump Zipped up"
    echo "Uploading zipped dump to the Amazon S3 bucket…"
    nice -n 10 ionice -c2 -n 7 s3cmd put $DESTINATION s3://cdn.myforumDB-backups/
    echo "Removing the backup file $SQLDUMP"
    echo "WooHoo! All done"

    And for files I have this

    BACKUPTIME=`date +%b-%d-%y`
    nice -n 10 ionice -c2 -n 7 tar -cpzf $DESTINATION $SOURCEFOLDER
    echo "Uploading zipped dump to the Amazon S3 bucket…"
    s3cmd put $DESTINATION s3://cdn.forum/Files-backups/
    echo "Removing the backup file $SQLDUMP"
    echo "WooHoo! All done"


  4. I have to say that this message is also annoying me. Do not get me wrong, I do plan to upgrade but not yet, since I mostly use custom applications and theme. They would all have to be updated for 4.5 and that's gonna take some time as devs are pilled up with stuff due to corona and due to other orders. I would also want to know if there is any way to hide that.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    @Jock3r I'm back on after a long while. Did you get yourself sorted on this one? I definitely think the plugin I did for @AlexWebsites will help you here - I did it as a POC back nearly 2 years ago, but never got around to releasing it to the Marketplace.

    Is it anything similar to the one I got zayed to make?


  6. 5 hours ago, Steve Bullman said:

    I did this ages ago, if I remmeber correct something had to be changed at server level

    As far as I know online list depends on php's session time, which I changed to 60 minutes as well, but not entirely sure regarding the timing on whos Online widget

  7. Hello there people,

    What do you believe are some must have SEO plugins? I had one made recently regarding adding keywords automatically from topic titles and content. I also found another one that prevents topics with x words to not be indexed. What else do you believe would be helpful?

  8. Hello,

    Is there any way to make the Who's Online Widget display users for a longer time? I have checked out the ones on marketplace but they lack the guests and anonymous counts which I would like those to be shown as well

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