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Posts posted by Jock3r

  1. Hello there,

    After doing a test upgrade of the forum I noticed that the reactions are broken in a way that the main reaction aka id 1 cannot be deleted.

    We have upvotes and downvotes on our IPB3 forum, however after upgrading and trying to set those back, I tried going with id 2 as downvotes which worked fine and id 1 as upvotes(which didn't work at all) as the upvotes were saved on id 6 on the old one. So the issue is that since all of the upvotes are saved on id 6 if I can either transfer them to 1 or somehow delete/disable id 1 and only keep 2 and 6.



  2. Hello there,

    I am currently experiencing an issue setting up the REST API on a test forum. The issue is that when I got to AdminCP > REST & OAuth and do what it asks me for I keep getting "The API endpoint is not giving the expected response. Check you followed the instructions correctly. The URL being tested is: https://www.testforum.example/api/core/hello"

    I have uploaded the .htaccess file it asked me to to the given directory(/api), I also have Friendly URLs enabled, I do not have index.php anywhere on the forum, however on the /api endpoint the index.php is needed inorder to access the urls. When I first visit www.testforum.example/api I get the error I should have regarding the api key not being there, however when I add /api/core/hello I get the 404 IPS error page, but when I do /api/index.php?/core/hello I get the noapi key invalid error again. Moreover, /api/?core/hello looks to be working fine but I still cannot get to pass that error page to generate a key.

    I am currently using the default nginx config provided here 

    PHP Version: 7.4

    Mysql Version: MariaDB 1.1.48

    and I have also used the PHP-FPM config provided on the thread as well.

    Does anyone have any idea what could the issue be?


    EDIT: I have solved the issue, looks like I did not setup the nginx config properly for the api endpoint.

    For anyone ever coming up with the same issue you may want to add this or anything similar to your nginx config:

        # IPS API
        location /api/ {
            try_files $uri $uri/ @api;
        location @api {
            rewrite ^ /api/index.php?$args last;


  3. Hello there,

    I am planning on upgrading an already established community of over 4m users, 30m posts, 15gb DB from IPB3 to the latest version.

    The current plan is move db to test environment, run upgrade to IPS4 and then start upgrading apps/plugins and everything. However the main site will still be running on IPB3 until that process is done. My current concern is about transferring over the database after the IPS4 is ready.


    What do you think would be the best course of action to achieve? My idea would be to get everything done on the test environment and when the time is right, we will try to merge the IPB3 database with the "newly" made one that supports IPS4. However that may bring more issues and may be more of a pain in the ass to do.


    Do you have any suggestions on what course of action would be better and more reliable to achieve that?


    PS: The current IPB3 version is heavily edited with many custom plugins/apps.

  4. 8 hours ago, xtech said:

    @Gabriel Torres  are you already seeing Google Analytics benefits of these improvements? I mean, how are the several optimizations you are making impacting your search engine traffic?

    I believe that IPS should implement these improvements built in. Having successful communities is of their best interest, and SEO effectiveness should be a top priority.

     They said that there is a SEO audit coming soon. They will probably take everything into consideration.

  5. I couldn't agree more with this one. I came across many such cases in the past that people wanted to report a member for offensive avatars/signatures that happened to have no content on the forum, meaning that they weren't able to report them. I remember this being a thing back in IPB 3.x, but has been removed ever since IPS 4.

  6. On 12/20/2020 at 3:28 PM, Alexandr.P said:

    i wrote to the hosting company and added how to check that the crown is now working

    You can start by checking if the Tasks are running when they are supposed to


    They are on the same page as the cron setup page.

  7. Ask your hosting provider if it's a managed server that you are using. However, if you are using an un-managed hosting then all you have to do is the following:

    crontab -e

    Then you have to add the following row on the document that will open on the command line:

    * * * * * (/usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=0 /path/to/your/forum/applications/core/interface/task/task.php therandomhashyougetwhenclickingoncronoption)

    Then close it and save it.


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