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My Sharona

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Posts posted by My Sharona

  1. Greetings.

    I hope I'm in the right sub here...

    I often analyze my site's speed with either, Lighthouse or GT Metrix. Since adding a new form of advertisement, I have noticed that, according to either of the previously mentioned analytic tools, complete page load times are ridiculously long. They are still interactive well before complete page load but it is concerning that, according to those metric tools, the page isn't completely loaded for an extreme period of time. If I remove the advertisement, the page loads considerably fast for the IPS product that it is.

    I mentioned this to the advertisement provider and they said they would have their devs look into it. They responded with a HAR file that stated the Advertisement loaded in 258ms. I don't have any experience with the HAR tool and I'm not sure what to make of it so I thought to ask here and hopefully someone will be able to lend insight.

    As such I guess, if i am understanding things correctly here, I am wondering why the discrepancy between the two/three different metric tools?

    Any insight given will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  2. 13 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    No problem. I see thats now been sorted by one of our developers for you 🙂 

    Yes, thank you. @Andy Millne, thank you as well sir!

    Again, thank you and I do apologize for my saltiness. You have to understand though that I witnessed the demise of vBulletin. It was tragic to be a part of and witness the decline of what was once preeminent. Please don't ever let that happen to you guys. You have the best product out there, keep it that way.

  3. I don't know if related or not but two days ago a user reported that when signing into the site, they are getting a 403 page 'Generated by Cloudfront.' User additionally states that if they pause their VPN, they can get past the login and if unpausing it, they can function on site as normal. They also stated that this has been going on for about a week maybe longer.

    FYI, I upgraded to 4.7.1 on August 31st.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Let me get this into a ticket for you, and we can see if this is something that can indeed be applied to your site directly. Someone will be in contact as soon as they can

    Thank you sir, much appreciated. I am OOO during the day so no availability here but will check the email regularly. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    I understand you are frustrated but we're both kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place here. There is no roll back without loss of data or knowing that will fully resolve your issue here because of what you're attempting to do with Pages but we also can't move forward because of your own desire to not upgrade. Are you not wanting to move forward because of the issue with third party add-ons? If so, this decision has been removed on our end and you are in control of that.

    You can read about how that looks now here: 


    Yes I'm frustrated. I am mad at myself because I don't ever upgrade until I am confidently satisfied that issues with a release, that has gone through betas and should be safe to upgrade upon release but never is, have been addressed and it is safe to upgrade. Shame on me for being fooled. There is a lesson in all of this though... and that is that after I get the next stable version, it will be a looooong time before I upgrade again.



    14 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Are you not wanting to move forward because of the issue with third party add-ons? If so, this decision has been removed on our end and you are in control of that.

    I read that other thread and your solution is akin to a non-starter is it not? Your solution is to allow for the plugins to be activated by the end user but if they are still breaking the site, what good does activating them do? I have to admit that I am laughing a bit here because of the incredulity of the offered solution. Am I misunderstanding the solution IPS has offered?


    Honestly, there is no need to respond. Nothing is going to change. My broken site won't be fixed unless I upgrade and by upgrading, other aspects will break. WOW, what options I have!

    The site is slightly broken and the offered solution is to break it in other places to fix what is currently broken. :facepalm:

  6. 4 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    There are several different items for rebuild tasks which are resolved in 4.7.2. I'm afraid, we will need to pause then till you are willing to upgrade so we can review this further. As we cannot review something which is resolved in the latest release, as mentioned here:


    • Fixed an issue where rebuilding record topics would fail.
    • Fixed an issue where orphaned categories could break syncing from topics.

    WHAT? Are you -deleted what I really wanted to say here- kidding me? This borders on unacceptable.

    I can't upgrade because your latest greatest will break other aspects and my site is currently broken because of a bad design in 4.7.1 and all you have to offer is, "we will need to pause then till you are willing to upgrade? I mean... really?  

    Can you roll my site back to 4.7.0 with out losing any existing content?


    What is happening to IPS?


  7. 5 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Thank you for clarifying and sorry for the confusion. Your topic was split from another so might have added to my colleague missing this.

    Looking at your installation, could you please upgrade to the latest release to see if this helps with your issue here?

    No. Your latest, greatest will break my site. I never, ever upgrade until all issues are ironed out. Upgrading is simply out of the question at this point. 

    5 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Your topic was split from another

    Where is the topic I started then? It looks like it was merged here: 

    Why was it merged? I couldn't find it [color me mystified]. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Could you let me know what site this is on please?

    I thought I gave you adequate information by telling you that...


    9 hours ago, My Sharona said:

    You might have possibly looked at the wrong website. The account in question is:


    Is this not adequate information? It seems you should be able to access the key for my sites. If this is not enough information, please start a private email chain so that I may be able to give you the particulars you require.

    Looking at my ACP, It would seem that somebody has done something, because on my dashboard I see the following:


    Could contain: Text, File

    There are 164 statements of 'Sending a Batch of PWA notifications'.


    I really need this fixed as I have records to publish and am a day behind at this moment.

    Did you change the title of my topic?

    9 hours ago, My Sharona said:

    It would be categories of the database 'form&id=4.' Within that database, I cannot select/unselect, 'Post topic' in any category because, 'A comment move is in progress, you cannot change this setting until the process has been completed.  ' grays out the ability to do so.

    This has been the condition for the last few day now, at least since 09/11/2022 06:58 AM. which is the time stamp on the System 'queue' task.

    I misspoke here, the database in question is 'form&id=2.' However, it should be self explanatory by just looking at the site and the frozen processes.

  9. Apparently there is a different set of logs because in the 'Get Support' tab I see the following:
    Could contain: Text, Page, Paper

    Clicking the 'Fix This' button reveals that I have 11 and 1/2 pages of the following:

    Search: Message
    09/14/2022 07:01 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 06:46 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 06:30 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 06:15 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 05:36 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 05:21 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 04:14 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 03:33 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 02:49 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 02:34 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 02:19 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 02:03 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 01:45 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 12:58 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 12:43 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/14/2022 12:23 AM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/13/2022 11:29 PM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/13/2022 11:12 PM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/13/2022 10:56 PM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/13/2022 10:41 PM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/13/2022 10:26 PM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/13/2022 10:11 PM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/13/2022 09:56 PM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/13/2022 09:41 PM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)
    09/13/2022 09:26 PM queue_oore OutOfRangeException (0)


  10. I also have a 'Notification' in the ACP which states:

    Locked Task: queue

    One of the routine maintenance tasks which run in the background has failed several times, which may indicate a configuration issue.

    • Application/Plugin
    • Task
      Runs background queue tasks.
    • Last Run
      Sunday at 06:58 AM

    You should check the logs for any indication of the issue or attempt to run it manually. If the task does not run successfully and you require further assistance, please contact support.


    Additionally, if I click the Run now button at the bottom of that notice, I get the following:
    2C124/2 The task is already running and cannot be ran until it has finished or the lock is removed.


    If I click the 'View Logs' button, I get:
    Tasks do not usually log anything if they run without error.
    There are no results to display.


    1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I am not seeing any moved in process at the moment. Please coul dyou let me know which items you are looking to change, so I can follow this through?

    You might have possibly looked at the wrong website. The account in question is:


  11. It would be categories of the database 'form&id=4.' Within that database, I cannot select/unselect, 'Post topic' in any category because, 'A comment move is in progress, you cannot change this setting until the process has been completed.  ' grays out the ability to do so.

    This has been the condition for the last few day now, at least since 09/11/2022 06:58 AM. which is the time stamp on the System 'queue' task.

  12. This relates to changing the settings Pages > Records > Categories > Forum > Post topic.

    I changed a setting and that apparently put into action a comment move (I mentioned this in the [feature suggestion] Database Records Canonical Meta Tag thread I created early Sept.). This was a little over a week ago, and at that time, I was unable to do much else with regard with regard to the "Categories' because there was a comment move in progress'. I needed to complete the edit of categories and attempted to do so today but am unable because the 'Comment move in progress' is apparently still running.

    I checked the system tasks and and the 'System queue' has been running for over two and a half days now. I clicked to 'Remove the running' lock but that does nothing. It looks like it resets the task but if you immediately refresh the page, is shows it is locked again.

    Please have a look and fix.


  13. So... I have discovered an item with regard to this canonical meta tag system. Not sure if this is a minor bug or not.

    I have found that if I mark the database as posting a "topic" to a forum and then mark whatever category as to 'overriding the database forum options' and deselect 'post topic', the canonical tag on the database record will post a canonical meta tag that directs the record to have prominence.

    Additionally, in this scenario, a forum topic is still created. And, the canonical tag that is created with the forum topic gives that canonical meta tag direction to that forum topic.

    Almost certainly, it is not good to have two pages, almost identical, each dictating that they are the prominent version.

  14. So... I have discovered an item with regard to this canonical meta tag system.

    I have found that if I mark the database as posting a "topic" to a forum and then mark whatever category as to 'overriding the database forum options' and deselect 'post topic', the canonical tag on the database record will post a canonical meta tag that directs the record to have prominence.

    Additionally, in this scenario, a forum topic is still created. And, the canonical tag that is created with the forum topic gives that canonical meta tag direction to that forum topic.

    Not sure it is good to have two pages, almost identical, each dictating that they are the prominent version (as Google states that they will ignore one of them), but my records are showing up in Google News.

  15. 30 minutes ago, SJ77 said:

    Thank you for the additional information.

    Unfortunately I need to crop the first part of the thread and not the end.  Perhaps I can come up with some SQL that will simply allow me to hide the posts

    Again, just me and what I might do in this scenario...

    Select the last 20 or so pages (prior to those on a partial page load), just before where you want it to pick up, split them off into a different thread, lock the newly created thread for however long it takes you to move the prior posts from a partial listing page (and then opening the newly locked thread), so it can continue on in that context. Then as you get time, move the rest of the prior posts. At which point you will want to work forward so you get to select entire pages of posts.

    Good luck!

  16. Clicking the box at the top of the replies will check every post on that page. I know it is probably not the solution you are looking for but it will reduce the "1 by 1" option by a factor of 19. If it were me and I had to do it that way, I would do the last 10/20 (20 clicks will move 400 posts) pages or so first just to get the split thread started and the discussion can continue, in context. When you move the rest, it will update as the move progresses.

    Additionally, by working backwards, it enables you to select all posts on the page, until you get to that cutoff point. You're probably locking the thread with the first 7500 posts anyways so, you could do it at your leisure after you get the secondary thread started.

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