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My Sharona

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Posts posted by My Sharona

  1. 10 hours ago, bearback said:

    Not sure if its related but i am having difficulty getting on this site, very slow to load and often times out. its only in the last week or two i have had this issue. usually very quick to load. I am UK based if that's any help.  Tried different devices/browsers and makes no difference.

    Also error shown or site does not load correctly. 


    Could contain: File, Webpage, Symbol

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

    I had the same issue this morning here and on one of my sites, while my other site (though on the same server) loaded just fine at the time.

  2. 7 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Could you please clear your browser’s cache and try again? It may have been a brief issue but your browser has since cached the reply. 

    Trying to access this site, I got the admin/install page as well. Tried going to just https://invisioncommunity.com/, and it kept kicking me to the install page. I didn't clear my browser to gain access, I went to an open tab of the client area, copied that url and pasted it into this tab, backed out of the client area and got here. 

    And... it wont let me upload an image of the admin/install page...


    Let's try this:

    And then... while trying to post a hosted image, I got another error:


  3. 7 minutes ago, Grant_B said:

    We have 100's of pages of errors in our system log from around 4:45pm yesterday to around 6:33pm (UK time) which seems to coincide with this issue - do other see the same? 

    The errors relate to redis, mysql and template errors so I just wanted to check these all relate to the cloud issues.

    Just had a look and while not hundreds of pages, there are redis, template, javascript, and datastore errors. I also experienced other issues with this as well, which can be found here.

  4. Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

    I feel you misunderstood what I said there. There is no question whatsoever in believing what happened. it's the reason for it happening I dont believe to be the cause.

    My apologies then. I just coupled your response with the previous discussion here and kind of assumed that was the case.

  5. 2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I don't believe in any way that a users group could be moved as a result of what was happening with cloud there. However, I have created a ticket for you here, so we can look closer at this for you. 

    It's okay that you don't believe what happened. I have living proof that a user was moved from one group to another at the timeframe in question.

  6. On 2/15/2024 at 10:43 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    Thats certainly a fair comment. I think at this point, let us know if you see anything like that happen again. Its certainly an odd one if thats the case

    It happened again today. I have a member who was moved to another group. From all indications, it happened when the Cloud had issues today.

    This is not good. What if the next time it happens, a member is moved to an administrative group.

    Because of the previous discussion here, and the impression I took away from it, that I wasn't believed, I have not done anything with the member in question so you can have a look for yourself and see. I would like to have this investigated quickly so I can move the member in question back to their rightful group.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I have to be honest, and say you are the only person I have seen this happen to. It would lead me to believe its very likely that member wasnt actually in the group you thought they were. If its not a problem now, we can leave it there, and if you see anything like this happen again please let us know. Alternatively, my first call would be for me to get a backup of the database from prior to that point in time, in order to check the groups. As you mentioned yourself, there, its not possible to move a user from a group without it actually being reported in the members page

    Well... I am quite positive that those members were in the group I thought they were. There is the fact that both of them have been posting to the Private forum since their joining, as is evidenced by their postings to the private forum through the years. This is easily provable if you login and look at their postings through the years, up until the point when they could no longer access the Private sub. If they were not in the Private group, I'm not sure how they could post to the private sub. They could not post to the private forum being in the group they were found to have been in on Thursday. Other than that... I'll leave it at that.

    I might suggest that you indeed get a backup of the database from prior to that point in time in order to check the groups. Other than the above, at this point, I don't know if there is anything else to say in this matter.

  8. 20 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    The question on the group, you are misunderstanding entirely. Im not asking what moved them out of the group you believe they should have been in. Im asking what put them in the group they should have been in firstly. Im asking this, as if this was by something that was automated, such as a purchase, a promotion, or something similar, it could be something wrong in that process that has caused it to revert.

    I placed them there, manually.


    20 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    On point 1 there, I have just noticed from the users ticket to you there, they actually stated it started Sun/Mon. This was days before the issue occurred.

    Yes, one member did, the other was Wednesday, the day after the redis event. I will concede your contention that the two are not related.

    Honestly, as I said in my PM, this is not a big deal for me, it was more of a FYI for your team. I do, however, find it strange that there is no record of them being removed from a particular user group and odd that it happened in the first place.

  9. 2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You are mixing 2 things here. The issue you are having is unrelated in any way. The exception you were getting rendered your site inaccessable. It does not change data. 


    Somehow we are talking past one another. Not sure why there always seems to be a communication gap when it comes to matters regarding issues.

    Something changed the data. I don't believe I am mixing two things here, The two issues arose at the same time so however remote, and though you say it isn't possible, I'm not sure how, or why, but the members being removed from their user groups, and being placed into another user group, with no record of it happening ('twas not done by me or there would be a record of it), both occurred at relatively the same time.


    2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You're also misunderstanding the question there. Im asking what put them in the group in the first place. 

    I. Do. Not. Know. I did not do it (as there would be a record of that action in the ACP). It happened when this REDISException occurred... that is all I know. Period. Hence my query here... what happened?

  10. 9 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Is there Something Specific that would have put them in that group in the first place? I ask as I cant see them having been in that group

    And that is my point. It happened when this REDISException occurred. They have been in that group since 2010 or so. And as you can see, from my screenshots, there is nothing that indicates they were moved from the group that I had to move them back into. The only record is that I moved them back to the group they had been in for well over a decade. 

    I explained all of this upthread.

  11. Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

    We would need the example members and exactly what you believe they moved from and to. As mentioned however, there is nothing at all on the downtime that would have changed settings in any way at all. It was quite simply a service that was down

    PM  details?

  12. Just now, Jim M said:

    Profile Settings there in your screenshot 🙂 

    Sorry, I uploaded the wrong image. I edited my post while you posted. Please see the revised image.

    ETA: There is no setting for pruning member history as far as I can see.

    Additionally, I explained that with other member's accounts, I can see actions performed as far back as July of last year...

  13. 24 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    You will want to take a look at when your Member History is pruned in ACP -> Members -> Profiles -> Settings. It could be their group was changed, manually or by group promotions, but would not be logged due to your settings.

    Not sure I am able to locate the aspect you are referring to here. I could not find anything related to your direction,  ACP -> Members -> Profiles -> Settings.

    I believe it to possibly be the ACP >  Members > Members Settings > Profiles but again, I see nothing there that allows for pruning member history. All I see is:

    Could contain: Page, Text


    Regardless of the above, with other member accounts, I can see as far back as July of last year with actions taken on a member's account. As such, I would think that this would be the case with every member's account, though I could be wrong on that.

    I have documentation to prove everything I have stated.

  14. 10 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Im honestly not sure what you mean here. Are you responding to the right topic?

    I am responding to the right topic. Let me try again...

    When the problems with the Cloud happened and I was getting the REDISException, I was emailed by two members that they could not access the forum as they had been accustomed to doing for the last 15 years. Gone were sub-forums they had had access to for the past decade-plus. I looked at their accounts in the ACP and there was no indication anything had changed. Missed by me at the time was the fact that they were now in a member group that did not allow for permissions they had for those 15 years. Upon further investigation, I discovered that somehow their member group had changed. Usually, when an admin changes a member's group, it is noted in the right sidebar of that member's account. In that sidebar, there was no indication that the member's group had changed on this past Tuesday, or at any period prior. When in fact, their group had changed this past Tuesday.


    I'm not sure I can explain it any better than what I have just laid out. It seems pretty easy to grasp from my perspective, but I am failable.

  15. About the time this happened, I had two members (that I know of) who had their group changed. There is no indication in their ACP account showing the grouping was changed. It is like they were in the grouping they were found to have been in, forever when that is not possible. 

  16. 20 hours ago, AtariAge said:

    My site was down for about 30 minutes with all manner of errors, "This Community is Temporarily Unavailable", blank pages, etc.  It's back up now, but I'm getting tired of this.


    This was just 5 minutes ago for 5 minutes:
    Could contain: Page, Text, Paper, Business Card


    Can't even come here to report it because this is what you get when you come here to report it:
    Could contain: Page, Text, Chart, Plot


    At this rate, they might want to create a sub-forum just for ICC server problems...

  17. Apologies for the four topics of the same name. Every time I tried to submit, I got a screen that said, "Opps, sorry something went wrong", so I had no idea it had actually posted.


    Please delete the other three threads of the same topic.

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