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  1. Like
    xdrox reacted to All Astronauts in Awesome Member Hovercards   
    AMH 10 submitted. Available when approved. Contains the following:
    NEW! Added template and custom language string for yearbook quote edit form. FIX! Modified permissions on AMH popup so the gear menu containing mod actions does not appear when the AMH card belongs to a moderator or admin NEW! Added option to insert current browsing location into card. Members logged in anonymously excluded of course. FIX! Wiping out your yearbook quote now resets things correctly.
  2. Sad
    xdrox reacted to CoffeeCake in Invision Community Blog interface   
    The news section here is done with Pages, not Blogs.
  3. Sad
    xdrox reacted to Core4D in iAwards   
    Hey guys, I just purchased iAwards over Marketplace and everything went smooth until I tried to give award. This is the error message I am getting

    Also, I am on latest IPS update.
  4. Sad
    xdrox reacted to Nathan Explosion in 'Random' gallery image... not so random   
    Then turn it off, if you haven't already done so.
  5. Like
    xdrox got a reaction from Miss_B in Disable completely the last profil visitors block   
    Many many thanks. Thank you thank you !
  6. Like
    xdrox reacted to Miss_B in Disable completely the last profil visitors block   
    At the profile template, either remove or comment out this code and save the changes.
    {{if !empty( $visitors ) || \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id == $member->member_id}} <div class='ipsWidget ipsWidget_vertical cProfileSidebarBlock ipsBox ipsBox--child ipsSpacer_bottom' data-controller='core.front.profile.toggleBlock'> {template="recentVisitorsBlock" group="profile" params="$member, $visitors"} </div> {{endif}}  
  7. Thanks
    xdrox got a reaction from Makoto in Activity stream sidebar block : only show reactions?   
    This exactly what I needed.
    Reactions Feed Widget - Blocks and Widgets - Invision Community
    Great plugin. Kudos to @Makoto !
  8. Thanks
    xdrox got a reaction from Makoto in Reactions Feed Widget   
    Wham, bam, done. It works as advertised. 
    I've decided to show only one reaction. That way, it kinda acts as a topic randomizer. I like it. Check out the result.
    Le Dépotoir - forum (depotoir.ca)
    Thank you man.
  9. Like
    xdrox reacted to Makoto in Reactions Feed Widget   
    It is indeed compatible with 4.5!
    I'll update the plugin to reflect its compatibility soon, but you can manually install it for now without issue.
  10. Like
    xdrox reacted to DawPi in (DP45) Topic Attachments   
    from currently viewing topic.
  11. Like
    xdrox reacted to Morrigan in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    So, this plugin existed in 4.4 and I sorely doubt that they will deny it in 4.5. Its a cosmetic change that doesn't affect performance. When they speak of "removed functionality" they are talking about things that are detrimental to the health of a site and thus why it was removed (Re: the topic title of the next unread post at the bottom of a thread:

    which was removed due to major performance issues on large communities)
    As for the link on time.... that's been a feature since IPS was in version 1.x. Honestly most platforms have the feature to click or copy the link from the time as its been a building block of forums for as long as I can remember for over the past 20 years.
    IPS isn't depriving you of choice. YOU have the choice to add it yourself. All IPS did was remove the fact that they offer it as default functionality. I personally removed post numbers even in the 2.x days and find softwares that use post number a little archaic and aged. Yes. Even Xenforo is getting a little behind in the UI times.
    Unfortunately, that's not how time works and using referencial time makes what you're looking for impossible but its cute. If you find the time clutter then remove it. I find the time a good reference for me to know how long ago something was posted. Its my best reference IMHO.
    Overall, I've seen this come up a few times since it was removed in the 4.x days and its a circular conversation.
    "I want it because I think its useful"
    People provide "reasons why its not useful"
    "Okay but its not useful... here are more reasons."
    "But I think I deserve to be able to keep it despite your reasons."
    "Well then use a plugin. Its not coming back to core."
    "BUT I WANT IT because...." return to step one.
    This whole conversation so far has been that and if you go back through it, it really exemplifies what I just put into laymens terms. I understand that you feel its useful for your community but really it would be more "useful" overall if you taught your users how to use the newer more advanced features then asking for the more basic archaic features back.
    Education is king in a community environment, don't teach your users that this is a bad thing, teach them that it both helps THEM as its faster and it helps the end user because its easier.
    Hell.... teach them how to use quotes. Quotes link to the original post.
  12. Like
    xdrox reacted to GlenP in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    That won't work across time zones though.
    I'm in Australia and see times in my time zone. Many of our members are in the UK which is 9 or 10 hours behind. What I see as September 13 19:00 would show as September 13 10:00 in the UK.
    Our members liked the Post Number plug-in but if doesn't return I won't be upset. I see how the numbers change after deleting, hiding, splitting posts. The PostID idea is interesting but I can't see too many members quoting numbers like this - 2931519 (a real post number from a few minutes ago on my Forum)
    With collapsed quotes, we'll just keep educating people on linking rather than saying "post 1234"
    Now, about the old Automatically hide/delete inactive posts feature......😮
  13. Like
    xdrox reacted to BankFodder in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    Well it would still be interesting to know the answers to the to the points which I made in my previous post – two posts up from this one as I don't have a number to refer to. It's the post that I made one hour ago – although of course this will change as the thread gets older so for the avoidance of doubt, to the question I asked in this post:
    but here's a suggestion which maybe will satisfy everybody.
    I also hadn't realised that the dates were clickable although that wouldn't be necessary for the suggestion below.

    As clearly the date of each post is logged somewhere, how about actually having the date and time each post was submitted.

    This would allow people to refer exactly to the post that they made – whether it is a member view or a moderator view. At the moment, there is a certain amount of "visual clutter" which might interfere with focusing on content.

    Instead of using "posted two hours ago" or "posted August 28" which is actually visually cluttering and is also using information which is quite unnecessary because it is so obvious -  such as the word "Posted", how about replacing that with simply the date and time that it was posted.
    So that when you see "Aug 28, 14.31", it becomes obvious that the post was submitted on August 28 at 2:30 PM and therefore it becomes very easy to refer to whether you are a moderator or a member.

    That means that you could say something like – "if you go back and check my post about eight pages ago in this thread dated Feb 10 23.49, you will see that I've already described what happened…", Then this will provide a precise reference for everybody, no misunderstanding and also it will have the advantage of removing visual clutter because unnecessary words such as "Posted".
    It will have been replaced with useful and functional information and also it will be several characters shorter than the current "visual clutter" because the month names would have been shortened to their traditional three letters and the word "Posted" would have been replaced altogether.

    If this is felt to be to "legacy" then there can be a setting somewhere to make this a matter of choice so that the nay-sayers will be able to dispense with it altogether but those in favour will be able to decide to use the system.

    I know that I have posted the above suggestion in a slightly mocking manner – but if you can get over that and treat this as a serious suggestion then maybe you'd like to let us have your comments. It seems to me that this is a way forward.

    If you wanted you could also give an option to decide whether to have a 20 4 o'clock or 12 o'clock so that the date might say "Sep 14, 10.31pm" if you prefer- although the AM/PM would just make things longer and for Europeans would be unnecessary visual clutter.
    Of course it would mean at some point that one would include the year that the post was made – but this would probably be a bit shorter than what is being used at the moment and at least the visual clutter would have a purpose.
    2019, Aug 14, 20.21
      I think that it is important to distinguish between useless visual clutter and useful visual clutter.
    I would add, that simply having a generalised date of posting is generally speaking quite unhelpful. With lots of threads, there can be a flurry of posts the same date so simply saying - if you look at the posts which were made on August 28 – when there might be 10 or 15 posts, it is pretty nebulous – and August 28 really becomes visual clutter without any particular purpose. Having a specific time makes it very useful.
  14. Like
    xdrox reacted to Lindy in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    I'm sorry it's felt that we were dismissive and it's never our intent to insult anyone who are trying to provide us heartfelt feedback. Admittedly, I think our frustration with demands for legacy functionality does bleed through on occasion, for which I apologize. It is taxing at times when you are moving forward, the vast majority of your clients are happy, but there's the occasional desire to pull us backwards and believe me, cluttering up the interface with inconsequential numbers, is by ALL modern web standards - a step backwards.
    I know it sometimes feels like we make decisions in a vacuum and without regard to clients, because you are the client that feels passionately about a given issue - it IS an issue to you and we get and expect that. Nonetheless, I sometimes wish some of you had the vantage point of being in our office and on our internal systems in which we gather collective feedback from various avenues, technician notes, sales notes and see the exhaustive vetting that goes into something. You would see that this, for example, was removed because:
    1) It's 2020 - post 390 right now, may not be 390 5 minutes from now or may not even be 390 right now to another user.

    2) There are legacy forum platforms that have grown to be quite successful in maintaining legacy functions for a niche demographic and that's great for them, but we our goal is not at all to compete with legacy forum platforms. Consider us the FedEx of Communities: Moving Foward. 😉 We are a modern community platform and very respectfully, there isn't anything modern social related that uses arbitrary, visual IDs. I can't imagine you would tell a colleague "Hey Bob, check out tweet 9832441068311 on Tim's twitter feed" - nobody does that, right? 🙂 You send a link to the tweet and save Bob 10 minutes of needing to energize the flux capacitor to find content. Same with Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and other platforms the majority of customers and their end users are going to be familiar with.
    3) Because, as noted in #2, it's inconsistent with literally the rest of the Internet, it caused confusion. "How do I remove this?" "Why is this here?" etc. It all prompted the question "why IS this here? it serves no functional purpose beyond familiarity and personally speaking, I would be extremely annoyed if someone sent me an arbitrary ID number for content I'm suppose to find myself when they could literally click the date of the post and send me the link to it.
    I realize it used to exist and at one point, it was a good idea. Hand cranking an old Model A was also a good idea too before electric starters. I think we can mostly agree ehhh, maybe we'd rather just jump in and turn a key and/or push a button. Likewise, most agree they don't need an arbitrary number as a visual cue or as directions to a post - that's not how the 2020 Internet works. Simply click, copy and paste the link. Bob thanks you in advance.
    @BankFodder I could see how that number could be misleading. I just looked, as I was curious too, but there are folks who have downloaded i 10+ times and it counts each one. This is the number of reporting installations that have ever had the plugin:

  15. Haha
    xdrox got a reaction from Morrigan in Hide user's reputation counter from post container (phone)   
    Thank you, you're good and you deserve a bonus.
  16. Like
    xdrox reacted to Morrigan in Hide user's reputation counter from post container (phone)   
    .cAuthorPane_mobile .ipsRepBadge { display: none; } Add it to your custom.css and it should disappear it on mobile.
  17. Like
    xdrox reacted to Steph40 in Chat Application ( Support Topic )   
    It is in the description 
  18. Like
    xdrox reacted to zomBEE in (MIX) Advanced Reaction Settings [support topic]   
    Did we ever find out if it's just the groups with access that can see the reactions?
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