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Posts posted by MIXOH

  1. On 12/30/2019 at 7:28 AM, GTAPoliceMods said:

    @MIXOH We are getting this error on a certain file http://prntscr.com/qhdx6h not sure what is causing it. What is strange is that when I disable Advanced Reactions the error goes away... anyway you can take a look at this?

    Edit 1: I have switched themes, it's not the theme. As stated above when I disable your plugin the error goes away.

    Error in screenshot: [[Template core/front/global/reputation is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    Edit 2: Member sent me this screenshot too: click here

    Edit 3: When I log in as the member, it shows the error however when I log in as my self it does not. In other words it only shows to that member... I think figured out the issue...

    • The error is showing because the member has reacted to the content, and for some reason it will display that error message. The error only shows on the account that reacted to it. (So far I have only seen this error occur in Downloads and Gallery, no error is shown on topics).
      • If I remove his reaction (admin permission from my account) the error will get removed from his side
        • Probably a bug from the Advanced Reactions Setting

    Thank you!

    As I understand it, an error occurs in the application "downloads". I will check and fix as soon as I can.

    Thank you!

  2. 3 hours ago, alexxis said:

    I'm trying to translate the words, it says, the changes saved, but after updating the page the fields are empty again

    You have duplicated rows in the word table 'core_sys_lang_words'. Either reinstall the plugin with control of extra language strings in the database in the table core_sys_lang_words or manually delete the extra duplicate rows with the value 'word_plugin' = null. There are only 12 words (rows)

  3. 53 minutes ago, BakuEdi said:

    But when you click on icon it doesn't open the Whatsapp application on the phone

    Я так понимаю, можно и по русски?

    Проверил на сайте по вашей ссылке, все превосходно открывается. Я так думаю ваша проблема связана с настройками самого телефона, либо браузера. Некорректно обрабатывается ссылка whatsapp://

  4. 2 hours ago, Dayton28 said:

    Still not working for me. I created a new reaction, gave it a value of 2, and disallowed it for anyone to use other than the Administrator group. This is the error it gives me the first time I use it. What am I doing wrong?

    Yes, that’s how it happened to catch a bug. I’ll try to fix it tomorrow.

    2 hours ago, Dayton28 said:

    Also, what is the difference between 'Exclude these Members' and 'Disallow for Members'?

    Read description....

    Exclude these Members - Reactions will not be available FOR CONTENT posted by these members!

    Disallow for Members - The reaction will be unavailable only for specified users and is available for all others

  5. On 10/28/2019 at 4:42 PM, Dayton28 said:

    The next day (or even two or three days later) and I still can't use the reaction a second time. I've only ever been able to use it the first time

    I do not confirm. Check if there is another prohibition on the use of this reaction.

    On 10/25/2019 at 6:48 PM, Dayton28 said:

    The 'Disallow reaction for selected groups or members' option also has a flaw, which is why I never use it. A user can copy/paste the url to the react and use it, even if they're not supposed to.

    I do not confirm.

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