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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by MIXOH

  1. @Mercury_ There is currently no such setting. I will try to add in the next version.
  2. As I understand it, an error occurs in the application "downloads". I will check and fix as soon as I can. Thank you!
  3. @Maxxius Sorry, there is no way to fix it for health reasons. I will try to fix it in the near future
  4. Thank you, that’s the reason 😄
  5. @Mike John How should the application behave when an item is deleted? In my case, all records remain in the database, moreover, in all widgets including statistics, images and modifications are displayed. Only the topic of discussion is actually deleted
  6. You have duplicated rows in the word table 'core_sys_lang_words'. Either reinstall the plugin with control of extra language strings in the database in the table core_sys_lang_words or manually delete the extra duplicate rows with the value 'word_plugin' = null. There are only 12 words (rows)
  7. Once again, this is not an application problem. This is a Chrome issue under iOS
  8. @Sonya* Ok. Checked on the site for your link, everything opens perfectly. I think your problem is with the settings of the phone itself, or the browser. Incorrectly processed whatsapp: // link, there is no way to check on iOS, but the application has nothing to do with it
  9. К сожалению на iOS проверить нет возможности, но приложение здесь не при чем
  10. Я так понимаю, можно и по русски? Проверил на сайте по вашей ссылке, все превосходно открывается. Я так думаю ваша проблема связана с настройками самого телефона, либо браузера. Некорректно обрабатывается ссылка whatsapp://
  11. @Dayton28 Check again by download overwritten updated version 1.1.6, i'm fixed uniqe reactions
  12. Yes, that’s how it happened to catch a bug. I’ll try to fix it tomorrow. Read description.... Exclude these Members - Reactions will not be available FOR CONTENT posted by these members! Disallow for Members - The reaction will be unavailable only for specified users and is available for all others
  13. I do not confirm. Check if there is another prohibition on the use of this reaction. I do not confirm.
  14. No, this moment i'm not fixed. I checked this. Thanks.
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