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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by TheJackal84

  1. 11 minutes ago, Gauravk said:
    • Multiple Image upload to have individual points than just for one upload
    • Referral should not allocate point for his own username, instead, check the existing users first

    2 bugs, Well 1 the 1st will be a option for people to choose from, If that's several then I would hate to see what you say to IPS's latest bug updates considering there are someones over 50

    11 minutes ago, Gauravk said:
    • Display points log in the front end for each user
    • Points show in left side user profile too than just in profile header

    Requests not bugs, You can remind me daily if you wish, I only read the topics for requests and fixes really not PM's, each file has it's own topic for support etc when it comes to refreshing what needs doing I go through the topics not hundreds of random pms mixed together

  2. 3 minutes ago, Gauravk said:

    Any idea by when we can expect an update as I'm waiting for several bugs to be sorted very desperately.

    Can you let me know these several bugs? I only have 1 what comes to mind what needs fixing what is the custom items page on the ACP, the update is basically for 3rd party devs to work with, the rest I have read what people have posted are requests

    3 minutes ago, Gauravk said:

    I have added member group item at the backend to move the member to a premium user group, but I can't find frontend option for users to reach that item. Appreciate if you can please let me know the steps or share the documentation if you have it handy. Thanks.

    Once you create the item and give users permission to view / buy them, they will be in the members shop home page or categories page

  3. 1 minute ago, Sonya* said:

    Yes, it works now. 

    Can you please make the display of who has edited or added the Q&A optional? This information makes no sense on our site as the Q&As can only be added by admin. 

    Only admins and moderators with permissions can see who added the Q&A's

    You can add this to your custom.css file

    body[data-pagemodule="faq"][data-pagecontroller="main"] h4 > .ipsType_small.ipsPos_right {

    that will hide it

  4. On 3/12/2019 at 5:47 AM, Tripp★ said:

    I'm not sure if this is just another example of my site being wonky or if it's a bug in the application, but embeds and images don't appear to work. When I put an image in when editing it appears, but when I save it and view the FAQ normally, it doesn't show the image at all. In fact for me, when I right clicked on the image and asked it to open in a new tab, it loaded '/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png'. 

    If you can reproduce this, then it's a bug. If not then I guess something on my end is not co-operating nicely.


    On 3/12/2019 at 2:52 PM, Admin@Stonerhaven.com said:

    fwiw, I have 1.0.7 version of FAQ and had same issue with images, not sure I tried right clicking to open- but images def went away after putting them in. I did w/o the images- but would like to use them.

    Updated to 2.0.4

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the bug when adding images to the answers when using lazy loading
  5. On 3/13/2019 at 2:32 PM, SerialNoob said:

    Same as Paul, after upgrading to IPS 4.4... I hope I won't have to reinstall.


    On 3/18/2019 at 1:15 PM, Fleiding said:

    It appears some language keys are missing in my Notification Settings:


    Both will be sorted with the next update


    Also will update the files description when it's updated for 3rd party aplications & plugins as it now works with @Adriano Faria's Quizzes

    This has another fun way to allow your members to earn points and to keep your members busy and on site

  6. 2 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    No. I have a one-level category structure. I do not need "container" or parent category.

    it needs a container just like the forums do, make a new category and disable permissions for adding to that category, now drag the one you are using as a child of the category and it will be fine

  7. 2 hours ago, Dean_ said:

    Wonder if you could theme it to make it look like the old and nostalgic MSN Chat Rooms 🤣

    Looks so 1990 lol

    2 hours ago, Dean_ said:

    Great work Jackal, impressive. Can see this being popular!


    1 hour ago, ILM2 said:

    Could it be set up so that two users can chat privately .. like an Instant Messenger?

    ex:  USER 1 invites USER 2 to chat

    Not yet, but it is something what will be coming in a future update, maybe not private 1 on 1 chatrooms but private messages etc, I will need to see the best way to do it

  8. 1 minute ago, Sonya* said:

      No. There are three lines that are commented out. The third one is for the block. The other two are for the main view.

    Yeah there are 3 lines, 1 is to pull data, the 2nd is to count that data and the third is to output a sidebar with the count in the output, look at the output it only outputs the theme,

    Have you containers got children? if not add some and see if they appear


  9. On 3/12/2019 at 5:47 AM, Tripp★ said:

    I'm not sure if this is just another example of my site being wonky or if it's a bug in the application, but embeds and images don't appear to work. When I put an image in when editing it appears, but when I save it and view the FAQ normally, it doesn't show the image at all. In fact for me, when I right clicked on the image and asked it to open in a new tab, it loaded '/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png'. 

    If you can reproduce this, then it's a bug. If not then I guess something on my end is not co-operating nicely.


    On 3/12/2019 at 2:52 PM, Admin@Stonerhaven.com said:

    fwiw, I have 1.0.7 version of FAQ and had same issue with images, not sure I tried right clicking to open- but images def went away after putting them in. I did w/o the images- but would like to use them.

    Can you two tell me how you are adding images? I just tried by using a link and using the attachments bit and they both worked fine

    On 3/16/2019 at 4:36 AM, Larry Kachadorian said:

    Well its back.  Accessing Staff and Downloads throws error ... had to disable app ... not good 

    When you say accessing staff & downloads what do you mean? is it accessing the applications themself?

    On 3/18/2019 at 11:50 AM, Sonya* said:

    Can you please look into it? In your code I can see that the lines for the main view are commented. If I uncomment them, then the main page looks as desired. Is there any reason that you commented the lines out? 

    Them commented out codes are for the index sidebar and will be for a future update, they should not effect the page, have you made containers and then sub containers?, if not then make sure the categories etc have children, let me know :biggrin:

  10. 3 hours ago, AlexWebsites said:

    This looks interesting. Is there a chat tab count in the main menu or some sort of notification of who's in chat or a who's in chat block?

    what do you mean count in the main menu?, there is a box next to the message list with a live online users to that chatroom, it will update when someone leaves or joins

  11. Updated to 1.0.1

    New Features

    • Added a new setting in the ACP for the chatroom message theme display
      • Choose to display only the message senders avatar
      • Choose to display only the message senders name
      • Choose to display both
    • Updated the look of the chatroom for mobile themes
    • Added a new setting to display the total amount of messages in the chatroom container

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed a theme bug on the users profile page when choosing to display their chatroom messages
  12. Just now, Sonya* said:

    In ACP -> Select member group and the tab "Social" (see above), scroll down to Clubs:


    You see Allowed content areas in clubs. In this case the user that belongs to the group is allowed to create forum, blog, calendar, gallery and a (your :rolleyes:) FAQ area. (BTW: it would be better to rename it to FAQ at this place.) When Chat is integrated the same way, then the checklist is extended with Chat. If leader belongs to this member group and Chat is selected that he can create Chat as well.

    Check the comment above


    FAQ has been renamed too, that will be in the update to it

  13. 3 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    This is group permission in ACP


    There should be a chat there to check or uncheck for the group. If it is there then leaders can do it as well when their group is allowed to do it.


    Wheres the IPS settings showing if leaders can create club modules?

    5 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    There should be a chat there to check or uncheck for the group. If it is there then leaders can do it as well when their group is allowed to do it. 

    Are you talking about this?


  14. 2 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    Can you add an option that club leader can create a chat as well, not only owners? Or is this a group permission?

    I am not to sure how clubs work, if leaders can create forums / download modules etc then they can create chatrooms, if only the club owners can create forums / download etc then they can only create chatrooms too, it will be a IPS setting for the permissions

  15. 1 minute ago, DiggityDaV said:

    Looks superb, great job! I would love to see a more compact view as an option where the poster name and message are on the same line (IPB3 shoutbox style) without profile icon. If you could add that this is a must buy.

    There will be a setting in the update to use either profile images or names and maybe both, the message and name on the same line is not a good look when lots of text is placed in the message, same as if you embedded a link from your site / image / giphy from the toolbars etc, it don't use standard textareas for the messages it uses the same editor as you are using to reply here so there is lots more than basically just a line of text

  16. 1 minute ago, Sonya* said:

    Can you please look into it? In your code I can see that the lines for the main view are commented. If I uncomment them, then the main page looks as desired. Is there any reason that you commented the lines out?

    I will look into it, this is the next app on my list of bug checks

  17. 3 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    Enter key is not working to send a message on your demo site. Is it because it is a rich editor? On the screen I can see a simple field (without rich editor). Is it a setting? If no rich editor used, can emoticons still be used? Can you add a screen with settings? 

    Same as on here, CTRL and ENTER will post it, it uses the editors we are using now to reply so all emoticons etc and it looks a bit different to these editors as I made some css edits to make it look nice and match the theme of the rooms

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