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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by TheJackal84

  1. 18 hours ago, ILM2 said:

    I purchased your app yesterday and look forward to implementing it.

    Here are the most important features necessary.

    There is no rush.  I will not need anything until 4.4 is released and stable.


    We can follow up on this privately to discuss timetable and your fee.

    Send me a PM it will more than likely be a add-on addition, it already has a sign up screen referrer on this since the last update

    9 hours ago, Madiakz said:

    The reason I would like a maximum amount to be earned for topics/posts as I will be using it for Steam keys I would like to keep a limit on what is done points wise, I don't want someone just spamming to get points for the keys you see.

    if they spam to get points a deletion of that post will also remove the points earned from that post ( if you have selected to remove points from deleted posts that is )

    9 hours ago, Madiakz said:

    With regards to the members log, I would like to see a log of Player1 sent Player2 100 points, again just to keep track, if someone makes multiple accounts to try and work around it I want to be able to track those points.

    They can only send points via donations and all donations are logged via the ACP in its own table

    9 hours ago, Madiakz said:

    Is there an ETA on the Commerce script being released? This is one feature I would really like.

    There is no ETA on this, the script is made and completed but I was paid by someone to make it for them, until they say I can add it to this application and make it public then I can not add it to this application

  2. 10 hours ago, Madiakz said:

    Can you set a limit for the amount of points earned in a day for topics/posts?

    You can't set a limit no, I always thought there was no point in that as it will keep people wanting to be active and doing stuff on the sites earning as much as they can

    10 hours ago, Madiakz said:

    Is there a log of points sent between members? I see there is for purchases, just wondered about members.

    What do you mean by this? there is a log in the ACP what logs all points earned and spent and shows what they earned / spent the points on

    10 hours ago, Madiakz said:

    Can you set a "wage" for example VIP's get 100 points awarded per day/week.

    You set bonus points, for daily / weekly / monthly to award user groups with a clause, Example, if you set it to last visit, then the user will have to log in once in the set time period and they will receive the bonus

    10 hours ago, Madiakz said:

    Is there any plans to integrate this with Commerce, by that I mean purchase real item for either £10 or 500 points? I would really love that, I see a few do a currency exchange rate, but I would much rather have it as purchased with the points themselves if possible.

    I have a script what allows this but at the minute it can not be made public as it was a custom job for someone, hopefully it will come available soon

    10 hours ago, Madiakz said:

    Really like the look of this app and some others you do, great work. Please @ so I see the reply.

    Quotes should let you know but just incase @Madiakz

    On 1/28/2019 at 12:13 AM, Wolf said:

    I noticed there was a referrer option already, would be nice to expand it. Perhaps when you've got the time, it would belong in a separate app though!

    I will see what I can do, I need to update over 20 of my apps / plugins for 4.4.0 so will be busy doing them for the time being

    On 1/28/2019 at 12:13 AM, Wolf said:

    What I mean to say is, I want a member to ONLY be able to view the "my logs" view, while I want to allow staff to view all members' rewards and logs.

    I will look into this aswell and see what other ways they could be shown

  3. 1 minute ago, helloworld77 said:

    Yeah ! Perfect

    Serait il possible également de corriger cette erreur?

    Error: Access to undeclared static property: IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\Package::$itle (0)
    #0 /home2/*****/public_html/applications/nexus/extensions/nexus/Item/Package.php(63): IPS\nexus\Invoice\_Item->__get('itle')
    #1 /home2/*****/public_html/init.php(460) : eval()'d code(33): IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\_Package->__get('title')
    #2 /home2/*****/public_html/applications/nexus/sources/Invoice/Invoice.php(1693): IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\membersshop_hook_NexusItemPackage->onPaid(Object(IPS\nexus\Invoice))
    #3 [internal function]: IPS\nexus\_Invoice->markPaid()
    #4 /home2/*****/public_html/init.php(460) : eval()'d code(17): call_user_func_array('parent::markPai...', Array)
    #5 /home2/*****/public_html/applications/nexus/modules/admin/payments/invoices.php(1116): IPS\nexus\comrules_hook_ipsNexusInvoice->markPaid()
    #6 [internal function]: IPS\nexus\modules\admin\payments\_invoices->IPS\nexus\modules\admin\payments\{closure}(Array)
    #7 /home2/*****/public_html/system/Helpers/Wizard/Wizard.php(177): call_user_func(Object(Closure), Array)
    #8 /home2/*****/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(824) : eval()'d code(1663): IPS\Helpers\_Wizard->__toString()
    #9 /home2/*****/public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(58): IPS\Theme\class_core_admin_global->globalTemplate('040f4e728a601a3...', Object(IPS\Helpers\Wizard), Array)
    #10 /home2/*****/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(166): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('globalTemplate', Array)
    #11 /home2/*****/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(118): IPS\_Dispatcher->finish()
    #12 /home2/*****/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(148): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->finish()
    #13 /home2/*****/public_html/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #14 {main}


    Yes, should be updated by tonight

  4. 14 hours ago, helloworld77 said:

    Adding a "block" "My points" would be very nice 🙂 

    What will this block show, just their points?

    10 hours ago, Joel R said:

    The number of points for users really needs to be more apparent throughout the suite.  

    Makes sense to just have them show in the sections they will be used don't it?, gimme some ideas of where and what you want shown.

  5. 1 hour ago, black0ut said:

    Thank you for this, it's gonna help me a lot. Great support as always 👍

    Codes n Vouchers updated to 1.0.1

    New Features

    Added the ability to mass import codes from a .txt file

    • Each code has to be on a seperate line
    • If a duplicate code gets added it will ignore it and move on to the next code
  6. 25 minutes ago, Sethhh. said:

    I just contacted Invision Community Support. They told me:



    I see you have made changes to the friendly URL configuration. Please could you first of all try reverting these back to default, and then testing again?

    Kind Regards,
    Marc Stridgen

    Try doing what they say, revert any friendly url changes you made and also check your htaccess files rewrite to the /forums/ is done correctly, it is 100% not this app what done that, nearly everywhere on your site is getting re-directed to the homepage, click any link, even the announcement tabs will pop up with your homepage and not the announcement

  7. On 1/18/2019 at 2:36 PM, black0ut said:

    @TheJackal84 Please respond to my question regarding Members Shop codes and vouchers

    Sorry I forgot to say, I have added a upload section where you will need to upload a .txt file, each code will need to be on a seperate line and then it will grab all the lines / codes and it will import them into the selected category, if by mistake you upload it with 2 of the same codes or upload again with a code added, it will ignore that and just add the ones what are not in the categorys, the update should be out either tonight or tomorrow

    25 minutes ago, Sethhh. said:

    Hello TheJackal84,


    I just updated the application to the last version and as I can see: when I click to one category of my forum I am redirected to the index page. How can I resolve this problem?

    just checked your site, it is not the app mate it is your site, go to your clubs and then select a club, it will go to the homepage, your topics direct to a blank page with just the members online blocks etc, your member links direct back to the home page too

  8. 6 minutes ago, Sethhh. said:

    Example: If I want to click on the categories of items in members shop ( gamble medals ) should I see this page https://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/membersshop/category/1-games-medals/

    but I see the index of my forum with the same link.

    I hope you understand me. If is better for you I can send you my username and password in PM.

    re-save the categories and see if it changes, if not send me a PM I will check it out later when I am online,

    4 minutes ago, SerialNoob said:

    If I set points to be added automatically upon purchase, it results in the following error

    I'll look into it

  9. Just now, Sethhh. said:

    Hello TheJackal84,


    I just updated the application to the last version and as I can see: when I click to one category of my forum I am redirected to the index page. How can I resolve this problem?

    whats the address shown after the index.php?

  10. No, I was just bored and reading posts and see his one, and thought that it might be able to be generated via the invoices, I am sure you said you changed the extend so they show on my purchases pages etc, if you did then you should be able to generate them via the ACP :biggrin:

  11. 1 minute ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Nah! I'm thinking in add a member field in the form or elsewhere so the admin enters the members that can access it. That's the purpose of the resource. I won't change it or make it so specific for one person only.

    I mean, it might already allow generating so you won't need to do nothing then :biggrin:

  12. 7 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Nope, currently only groups can be excluded from paying to read topics. I'll think in something like that in a new version.

    Check cos depending the extend will depend if you can generate a purchase for it, and if so they can just generate purchases for each person marking as paid, might be easier then writing lots more stuff

  13. 9 hours ago, Chris Olson said:

    Ok, not good news but it is what it is.  Thanks for the quick response.

    I know, I did think maybe they would of put out a patch for it, but they did say that 4.4 will be out before 2019 so that might of been why they didn't patch it

  14. 5 minutes ago, Chris Olson said:

    Hi I'm receiving the following errors across everyone in my Moderator group.  It clears if I disable the FAQ. 

    Appreciate your assistance !!

    Moderator clicking on reported content ... endless spinning circle


    Moderator clicks on "All reported content" OR attempts to access ModeratorCP


    Best Regards

    This is caused by a bug with-in the IPS code, it happens on a few apps, @Daniel F informed me that it is fixed in 4.4

  15. 5 hours ago, black0ut said:

    @TheJackal84 Please respond to my question regarding Members Shop codes and vouchers

    No mate, not at the minute anyway, I will look into it for a update to it, sounds like a good idea

    2 minutes ago, zomBEE said:

    Getting this error when trying to add items: 5M149/1 We could not locate the item you are trying to view.

    Also having an issue with not being able to save WARNINGS settings: EX1054 Something went wrong. Please try again. 

    Sent you a PM :biggrin:

  16. 37 minutes ago, Wolf said:

    Ability to hide the shop system from guests entirely. 

    click the permissions in the ACP app listing and disable it for guests, same as any app

    37 minutes ago, Wolf said:

    Ability to use point prefixes.

    I can look into it

    38 minutes ago, Wolf said:

    Ability to use decimals. (ex. 0.01 points)

    No I won't use decmals, there is too much code inside to rewrite it all to decimals

    38 minutes ago, Wolf said:


    • Referral Links - Allow members to generate referral links, clicking this link will set a cookie and pre-fill/lock/hide the referrer field to ensure the member who referred gets credit. 
    • Referral Criteria - Require the referred user create a certain amount of content, be joined for a certain amount of days, or have a certain amount of reputation (or a combination of these) before the referrer gets credit.

    Referrers is not something I want to get into with this application, maybe in the future I might but not at this time

    39 minutes ago, Wolf said:

    Permit the use of 'additional groups' rather than changing the user's primary group.

    Yeah that's been requested before, It is on my list of update notes for it already

    40 minutes ago, Wolf said:

    Permission to allow a member to only see their own log entries, not global logs.

    Go to rewards & logs, click filter and select my logs, then that is all their logs only

    On 1/16/2019 at 3:22 PM, Paul Play To Enjoy said:

    Did you forget about me again?

    forget will smith GIF

    yes sorry, It is added to my notes now anyway :biggrin:

  17. 8 hours ago, THEbookiee said:

    Hi @TheJackal84 wasn't sure if you seen this message

    No mate that's not possible

    Updated to 1.1.4

    New Features

    • Added a new shop item ( Mystery Items Box )
      • You can select what items to award and the function will award the user a random item from the list when redeemed
    • Added a new setting to mystery boxes and random amount boxes allowing the admin to choose a win % for each item
      • Example, if you set it to 78% then members have a 78% chance of winning with a 22% chance of losing
        • You can allow it so that everyone is a winner
    • Added a member referrer field to the registration page
      • Admins can enable / disable this setting via the ACP settings
      • Admins can choose the amount of points to award the referrer via the ACP settings
    • Redesigned some of the logs and the members bank transactions adding some colour to it making it look nicer
  18. Updated to 2.0.0

    New Features

    • You can now create categories and sub categories to place the media files in
    • You will now choose what uploads to allow / maximum upload limits etc via the category settings
    • Added a new landing page showing blocks of different media files
      • Shows a block of featured media files
      • Shows a block of the latest uploaded media files
      • Shows a block of the media files with the most views
      • Shows a block of the media files with the most downloads
      • Shows a block of the media files with the highest ratings
    • This application now fully supports the IPS clubs feature to allow media uploader categories in clubs
      • Added settings to the ACP to set the maximum upload limits club owners can set for their categories
    • This application now fully supports the IPS moderator permissions
    • This application now fully supports IPS reactions
    • This application now fully supports the IPS search features
    • This application now fully supports the IPS ModCP to allow approving files / comments / reviews etc via the ModCP
    • You can now allow members to comment on media files
      • This can be set on a per category basis
    • You can now allow members to review media files
      • This can be set on a per category basis
    • Added a new page to view the media files as well as using the ajax pop ups
    • Re-designed the tables so it looks a lot better
    • Re-designed the way you upload a file ( It will now only show the upload buttons for the file types allowed for the category it is in )
    • Re-wrote the way it downloads the media files it will now work with 3rd party file storage locations such as Amazon S3 etc

    If updating from a previous version, a category and subcategory will be created, go into the settings and edit them as you see fit, you will also need to re-save the permissions in the 2 categories


  19. 8 hours ago, ILM2 said:


    Does your software have the ability to reward people for referring other people to join the site?

    The sign up screen would have a simple REFERRED BY box 

    No it don't do that, I could add it to the update though

    5 hours ago, Joel R said:

    Error when trying to change file storage setting.

    Also, the langstring in File Storage settings needs to be fixed for Members Shop.  

    I will sort that for the update, it don't actually use any storage yet so don't worry about filling up your server etc, that is for the coming images what are getting added

    Update should be out with-in the next day or two it is only a small update sorting a few things out

  20. On 1/11/2019 at 12:01 PM, Jombi said:

    When i installed this Application, i can not view the page on the front end. It says i have to log in in order to view the page. I am logged in as Admin, and permissions are set via Tournament/team permission setup.

    Send me a PM with login details and I will check it out

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