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Posts posted by SC36DC

  1. 2 hours ago, Canal World said:

    Looking further, it seems there's two options, GD compression or ImageMagick - The latter only seems to compress jpgs. 

    Have updated it now to use GD. Screenshot attached for reference.


    Could contain: Page, Text, Computer, Electronics, Pc, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Monitor, Screen

    Curious if anyone has any data behind these settings, or comparison of images compressed at different settings. Would be interesting to see both file size and quality. Mostly setting the values at 60/6. compared to max setting. My current settings are set to 70/100 and 6/9. 


  2. I am also very interested in image compression, as I intend to start a new forum once IC5 launches, and it will be very image heavy, and I would like to put into place the best image compression settings from the start. 

  3. The Donations feature that is part of Commerce, when someone makes a donation, does the amount raised automatically adjust to reflect each donation made?



    I currently use the FREE Donation Sidebar from Michael J., and with this one, when someone makes a donation, I have to manually go into the backend and enter the amount.

    Thanks to anyone that can answer this question.

  4. On 8/1/2023 at 1:31 AM, panzerscope said:

    If there is not a new update available in your application section for it, then assume that it is not ready yet. Hopefully @InvisionHQ will have an update on the new version soon.

    When I first migrated from self-hosted to cloud a few weeks ago, I had to uninstall Classifieds due to an error, (forgot exactly what it was saying), I am also very interested in the update. ETA?


  5. 4 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    I come up with a more straightforward but functional solution.

    Moderators with proper permission and raffle/giveaway author will be able to manage restrictions as long it has no participants yet.

    - New moderator permission:



    - Log:



    - Item view:



    - Form:



    These options will keep showing up when creating a raffle/giveaway.

    A new version is pending approval.

    A work of beauty. Love it. Thank you.

  6. 6 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    These are the “rules”  that wouldn’t be fair with those already participating to have the game changed after it started, that’s why they appeuonky when creating the raffle. It also appears when there are no participants yet.  

    Makes sense. I was working on putting one together, no one had participated in it yet, but when I went to edit the raffle, those options still did not show up. Not sure why not. I'll just make sure I set those correctly when actually creating one. Thanks for the response.

  7. After checking in on my Facebook developers api, I see that my api access "was disabled due to a Platform Policy violation".


    Platform Terms 4.b: Your privacy policy must comply with applicable law and regulations and must accurately and clearly explain what data you are Processing, how you are Processing it, the purposes for which you are Processing it, and how Users may request deletion of that data. During testing, we found that your privacy policy doesn’t explain how users can request data deletion. Update your privacy policy to include this information before you submit an appeal.

    My question, is there a general Privacy Policy that we can simply copy/paste for use in our own community? I can't imagine having to come up with it on my own. What else is everyone using for their Privacy Policy?

    Thank you.

  8. 9 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Just looking at the message there, that doesnt actually appear to be from our email servers, and hasnt been seen since you edited email settings. Did you switch the email setting to cloud after you clicked to send on the bulk email perhaps?

    After I switched to cloud, before sending that email, I went into email settings and switched from SMTP to Invision Community in the Cloud setting. Should I try resending it?

  9. One of my members reached out with the following:


    when I create a topic the advanced editor is available with all the features such as fonts, spoiler, text color, etc but when replying to posts only the basic editor shows up with stripped down functionality.

    Is there a setting I'm missing, when I personally tested this out, the full editor shows for me whether I'm replying or creating a topic.

  10. As far as I can tell, the emails did not go out, as I've asked a few people if they have received it. Also, if this is how it's suppose to work, why did the email listing all recipients show up in the error logs with the error message?

    I very rarely use the bulk email feature, possibly only once a year, if that. I would really like it to work when I do need to use it, like in this case when I need to let people know of the new link to the forum. 

    Thanks Marc.

  11. Hello Jim, It was 3000+.

    I saw no setting or mention of a single email limit, I would of thought the system would only send it's limit per email, send in intervals. How would I go about accomplishing a "bulk email" send?

    Thanks for replying.

  12. I recently migrated to the cloud from self-hosting. My question is, if I set my email settings to:


    Invision Community in the Cloud
    Uses Invision Community servers to send emails.

    Am I able to send Bulk Emails to all the members of my forum? I tried doing so yesterday, and they were not sent out. I looked at the Email Error Logs, the email I attempted to send says this in the error field:
    Could contain: Text, Page, City

    Could someone please explain what do I need to do in order to send bulk emails? 

    Thank you for any help with this.

  13. 1 hour ago, media said:

    There are more problems... Cannot add new videos...  The app itself has so many bugs needs to be updated...

    uhh.. you are right. I just tried adding a video, DENIED!!!!!!! Error!

    I went ahead and disabled the plugin for now. Hopefully we get an update for it at some point and all issues are resolved. 

  14. In order to get rid of this message:

    [[Template videos/front/view/comments is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    I had to turnoff 'Enable video comment' in the Videos app. Now the error is not showing, but also now no one can leave a comment on a video. 


    i would love for this plugin to receive an update and have it working 100% again, but I am thinking of disabling and uninstalling soon if the developer is no longer supporting it. 

  15. After migrating from my forum to the cloud, I am now seeing this message as well.

    [[Template videos/front/view/comments is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]


    Any known fixes for this? Thanks.

  16. @Jordan Miller

    Regarding the Printful plugin, I assume it's officially abandoned. I actually purchased it when it first launched. I still use Printful to this day on my main site, which is Wordpress/WooCommerce based. Do you know if there is anyone else that make a new Printful plugin? A reputable developer? I would still be interested in integrating it directly onto my forum.

    Could contain: Page, Text, Person, File, Face, Head

  17. 11 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Just looking at your ticket, it seems all your questions there were answered. You would need to purchase a cloud solution and then you can put a ticket in to request a transfer

    Oh wow, I didn't realize that was the next step. I might of waited longer than I needed to if you had not replied. Thanks Marc for the info. 

    I was waiting to get an email back on what was the next step. Thanks again, I appreciate the help.

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