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  1. Marc's post in Master and Slave was marked as the answer   
    Please could you clarify what you mean here? Are you referring to connecting 2 communities? If so, please see the following which shows how this works
  2. Marc's post in Unable to cancel subscription. was marked as the answer   
    Click on the customer tab, and you should see it on there
  3. Marc's post in ads.txt file was marked as the answer   
    For anyone else who may be looking for an answer to this, you can create an ads.txt file using the pages application. This is shown in the following guide
  4. Marc's post in Redirect loop was marked as the answer   
    There are a couple of things you can try there.
    Try disabling redis entirely, then testing again Try reverting all custom FURLs
  5. Marc's post in Intense ticket spam was marked as the answer   
    Spam simply seems to be getting through captcha these days unfortunately, and contact forms is one of the main attack points for spammers. This is one of the reasons we have introduced hcaptcha in our next release, as this appears at present to be more effective
  6. Marc's post in OutOfRangeException: (0) was marked as the answer   
    It looks like this was an issue with cache. I have managed to get your site back online, but you do have modified files, and there are other issues with your installation I have messaged you about that you really need to resolve.
  7. Marc's post in Renewal invoice delay was marked as the answer   
    You can log in and pay the invoice once your license has expired, yes. You just need to log in once you return (you can). 
  8. Marc's post in For next payment without Blog and Gallery was marked as the answer   
    You would need to message our accounts department for this. I can create a ticket for you however
  9. Marc's post in Terms & Privacy Policy update and Accept requirement was marked as the answer   
    Both are shown on the same page, with on agree button at the bottom
  10. Marc's post in how to enable push notifications on ipb? was marked as the answer   
    You would go to to Customisation>Appearance>Icons and Logos, then fill in all the details there. Once you have done this, push would be enabled
  11. Marc's post in Cannot access Admin control panel - was marked as the answer   
    You have switched to https using the server, but not actually changed the software to use it. You need to follow the instructions in the following location
  12. Marc's post in Link from quotes uses "unfriendly" URL. was marked as the answer   
    This is indeed intentional due to the way in which those links are created on quoting.
  13. Marc's post in Where I can change this section? was marked as the answer   
    That looks to be a guest block. If so, please open the block manager using the tab on the left and you will see an edit button for the guest block
  14. Marc's post in Turn off 2FA was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned above, you would need to create a constants.php file. You would create this in the root of your community installation, and add the following
    <?php define('DISABLE_MFA',TRUE); Remember to remove this line once you have got in there and reset anything you need
  15. Marc's post in Duplicated page category cannot be deleted was marked as the answer   
    I have deleted that item for you. The delete option was further down the list
  16. Marc's post in No Space or Margins in Template? was marked as the answer   
    This is an issue on the custom theme you are using there. You would need to contact the author of that theme to correct the issue there.
  17. Marc's post in Archiving not archiving was marked as the answer   
    A ticket has now been created for you on this, and someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  18. Marc's post in Can Banned Members receive News and Updates was marked as the answer   
    If a member is banned, all they will see is the banned message
  19. Marc's post in New members manual registration: no access to content due to product purchase (mandatory) was marked as the answer   
    I have spoken to my colleague here, and the reason for this is that this change was intentional. As mentioned, you would need to add a sub to those users if you wish to enforce purchase of items. This does not affect anything on old accounts, which is why you are seeing some differently
  20. Marc's post in Upload error was marked as the answer   
    Is there is an issue with tmp, you will need to contact your hosting company to resolve this. That will certainly be what us causing your upload issues
  21. Marc's post in Should I turn on "Enable template disk caching"? was marked as the answer   
    I would ask yourself why you are switching it on. Switching on that setting 'can' save processing time and memory usage. It doesn't necessarily mean it will. Some servers are good with that switched on, and others it can cause issues with. So it will depend on your server also.
    I wouldn't advise looking at advanced configuration with a few to changing settings. In general, if something is set as defaulted to the off position, there is usually good reason for this. If you are unsure on what the setting does, and its in that section, you probably shouldnt touch that.
  22. Marc's post in Sometimes I click "Submit Reply" and nothing seems to happen - yet the reply is indeed posted. was marked as the answer   
    If that is already selected and you have no cron job set up on your server, then this is why your tasks arent running. You would need to either switch it to run with traffic, or set up the cron job on your server. The latter would be the better of the 2
  23. Marc's post in Attempted to set up with Google Search, having issues with DNS was marked as the answer   
    You do not control your DNS as your Domain nameservers are pointed to us. If you would like a text entry added, you would need to create a ticket in your client area to request any additions you need are made
  24. Marc's post in Freshdesk integration? was marked as the answer   
    There is no specific functionality for this within the platform at present. It may be worth taking a look at zapier to see if there is freshdesk integration there. If so, you may be able to create this functionality using zapier. You can read more about zapier setup here
  25. Marc's post in File Check while trying to Manual Upgrade was marked as the answer   
    It looks like when you downloaded, you didnt so select to include the converters. You need to ensure you have, as you havent got the latest files for that application
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