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Wayne B

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  1. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Kevin Carwile in IPS Rules Application   
    I have written two sets of rules which have now been added to the Marketplace and are just pending approval. 
    One will deal with posts/contributions,
    the other will deal with Likes/Reputation
  2. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Vianney Gantelmi in IPS Rules Application   
    I have written two sets of rules which have now been added to the Marketplace and are just pending approval. 
    One will deal with posts/contributions,
    the other will deal with Likes/Reputation
  3. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from prupdated in Social Stream   
    Can I bump my previous post as well please and also ask what the plans are now Activity Stream has been refreshed and does the same thing in 4.1 ?
  4. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from prupdated in Social Stream   
    Appreciate that its not planned but this would be a really useful addition, a live stream in the sidebar updating every x seconds, is it something you will consider doing please?
    Currently when a thread is created, in the social stream it appears with a reply box underneath it for you to be able to type a response. However if a reply to a thread appears in the feed (which is the vast majority of all feed entries) there is no reply box to respond to the previous comment. The only time you get the option to comment is on brand new topics, not posts to topics.
    Hopefully that makes sense?
  5. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from MaNiAc LRSC in Delete My Account   
    Hi @Adriano Faria 
    I like the idea of this plugin but rather than Delete My Account I would love to see the option to Close my account, this would effectively leave all posts and content attributed to a particular member so it would not show as Guest but mean that the account is locked to further logins with a message saying your account is currently closed, - please click here to request the account be re-opened which would then send it for review by the admins and that request could be approved or denied. 
    Probably a separate plugin to this although you may feel it is very similar hence posting it here.
    Best Wishes
  6. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Adam_S in Delete My Account   
    Hi @Adriano Faria 
    I like the idea of this plugin but rather than Delete My Account I would love to see the option to Close my account, this would effectively leave all posts and content attributed to a particular member so it would not show as Guest but mean that the account is locked to further logins with a message saying your account is currently closed, - please click here to request the account be re-opened which would then send it for review by the admins and that request could be approved or denied. 
    Probably a separate plugin to this although you may feel it is very similar hence posting it here.
    Best Wishes
  7. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Eric BXL in [JIMMO] Top Posters Plus   
    I would like the ability for each of your TopContributor Plus and TopPoster Plus plugins (I have both installed) to be able to exclude certain groups from appearing in the list. My view being that staff and moderators often make lots of contributions to the forum but I would not want them to be considered so that this then becomes a member only facility.
    Would you be able to add that flexibility to both please?
  8. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Amy Pond in Users Homepage (Support)   
  9. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Michael.J in Users Homepage (Support)   
  10. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Guest View Limit on Databases Records   
    Works perfectly thanks
  11. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from JustHatched in Social Stream   
    @HeadStand - Could we have it so the sidebar widget auto-refreshes to please?
    Also - is there any way you can add the ability to add a reply direct in the feed when a topic is replied to as opposed to just when it is created? That would help if you wanted to chip in on the conversation without leaving the stream.
    Many Thanks
  12. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Morrigan in iAwards   
    Done and confirm it has resolved the issue
  13. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from -RAW- in iAwards   
    Done and confirm it has resolved the issue
  14. Like
    Wayne B reacted to -RAW- in iAwards   
    If anyone gets a error when hover members awarded please download the new file i just submitted.
  15. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Michael.J in Forum Logos (Support)   
    Good idea! Noted this for a future version. It's relatively simple so may be able to get it included in the next release.
  16. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Morrigan in iAwards   
    @Jimmy Gavekort It does have that fix.
    @Police Community we are looking into it.
  17. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Martin1980 in Invite System   
    It's cool I can wait - It is not in use beyond admins as yet as I am waiting for the feature to bulk import email addresses to send invites which we talked about earlier in this thread that I believe you were planning for the next release.
  18. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    It's cool I can wait - It is not in use beyond admins as yet as I am waiting for the feature to bulk import email addresses to send invites which we talked about earlier in this thread that I believe you were planning for the next release.
  19. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    @Adriano Faria 
    It would also be good to allow a member to claim a new members as a member that they invited to the forum in case that member signed up without entering the invitation code in instances where it is not required to sign up and remains optional. I think this needs some kind of validation to confirm they did invite them so it may be one of the two following things are in place;
    Members email address is on their Invite List and they  register without the code, it still shows as converted to the member that issued the invite. In cases where it was word of mouth, the member that told them about the forum could claim that member was invited by them and it would then need the invitee to confirm that they were invited by this member. You may even feel it appropriate for someone registering on the forum to be able to enter a member display name as the person that invited them in place of the invitation code.
    Just a few suggestions to consider.
  20. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    An import tool will be available on new version in a couple of weeks.
  21. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    Ok. Let me work in those request then I'll send the app.
  22. Like
    Wayne B got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    Purchased - thank you
  23. Like
    Wayne B reacted to Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    If the email is already in use by any member, it won't send the invitation.
  24. Like
    Wayne B reacted to onlyME in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    Hi all, V4.1.1 is out
    Added 'all' checkbox for categories selection. New setting to for the default no-image. New option to get only specified contents (pinned, featured). Never get archived topics.  
  25. Like
    Wayne B reacted to onlyME in Featured Content for IPS4.x+   
    Yes, I will add the 'all' checkmark and default image setting in the next version.
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