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Everything posted by SJ77

  1. For example it was using CSS_Built_31. So I deleted that folder hoping that it would just build a new one. Guess what, it doesn't. It's still trying to look for css_built_31 directory.
  2. Oh,.. god come on bro. I get it you're team IPB. I have been here a long time too. Clearly I support IPB. I don't understand how the theme cache works, can you help or you don't know either? To answer your question, I have a site that looks like hell because the cache won't rebuild. I either get [[Template core/front/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] Or I get no CSS at all. Haven't found a way to fix it.
  3. If you move your site around and some how bugger up the CSS_BUILT_xx directory in the uploads folder, You will spend forever looking at [[Template core/front/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] or just plain, not having CSS and looking at an ugly site. No amount of running the support tool seems to fix this. It's very frustrating. I have no idea how the theme cache works or how to fix it once integrity is lost. Thoughts?
  4. Why does this plug-in create a record for every single member? Shouldn't it only be necessary to create records if a member add's a block topic to the table? I have thousands of unused rows in this table.
  5. Waiting for the same, fairly excited about this.
  6. The bug I mentioned has to do with folks who have many followers struggeling to post. After submitting there is a LOOOOOOOOONG pause. If someone has enough followers they can't post at all. They get a 503 server error. Then when they refresh the page the post is there. core system is trying to push notifications and not allowing the post to just happen. Notifications should be a background task but it isn't.
  7. My own opinion so take it with a grain of salt, BUT.... Pretty sure this is called a soft launch. The idea is to quietly roll it out so only a few folks upgrade, instead of everyone upgrading all at once. The support staff can become overwhelmed quickly if too many people upgrade all at once.
  8. How many plugins do you have
  9. I changed a word to be filtered into 2 STARs "**" and now I am getting tons of complaints because email addresses are being affected This doesn't seem helpful at all. I would prefer if the word filter sticks to the stuff being posted to the site.
  10. Seems interesting. I have so much stuff already hooked into downloads app that I am worried about conflicts.
  11. Any updates on these issues? I would love to be able to use this tool. Right now it's mostly dysfunctional. Please help πŸ™‚
  12. Derp!!! LOL I don't know how I missed that!! All one table no joins needed. Thank you πŸ™‚
  13. Trying to figure out which table to join to connect file_id back to the owner member_id I cannot find the table that tracks which files belong to which member. Any help appreciated. Thank you πŸ™‚
  14. Hi @Makoto Can this get a little love? I am getting complaints from members for bugs that were reported almost a year ago. A little attention for this plugin would be greatly appreciated. Thank you πŸ™‚
  15. So turns out that folks can add a title to their downloads file that is LONGER than the name the Nexus field ps_name will accept! This makes for lot's of good fun of unraveling purchases where customers were repeatedly charged but never got the product. YAAAY!!
  16. derp.. that makes sense. Perfect, thank you πŸ™‚
  17. I can't find this setting anywhere. I want to allow a group permission to ADD MESSAGE to a file in downloads app. Thank you in advance.
  18. HI, Discovered that when it builds the zip file it doesn't work right if the file names are the same. For example if we have 3 file but 2 of them have the same name the zip file only ends up having 2 files. It's been over a year since the last version, so I hope this great little plugin will get some love soon. Thank you @Makoto
  19. Suspicious purchasing patterns are scary. Risk of fraud and charge backs are high in these cases. Not worth it. Dude spent 500% more than most people in a short amount of time. (slow it down buddy) Left like 20 one star negative reviews in a single hour. If you hate everything you're buying ...let me help you stop buying it.
  20. If I start wanting to add multiple members to this block list the hard coding is going to get pretty tricky. There’s going to be a lot of β€œor” statements This is the best I’ve got. I hope someone will come up with a better solution.
  21. There is no group setting for that in the ACP. He's spent a lot of money so I can't cut off his access to stuff he already paid for. I just don't want him buying new stuff. The hard coding works for now I guess.
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