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Brian Klein

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Posts posted by Brian Klein

  1. I'd further this by allowing an off switch for those emails we want to send out in bulk without anything from our picks attached.

    Allow us to turn off that promotion that hitches a ride on all bulk mails, or at least allow us to chose which promoted item we would like the user to see without having to hire someone to make an app that does this.

  2. Let us hope that this finds the IPS staff well and is something they are willing to consider; Thank you all for posting your thoughts -- Feel free to post your thoughts to continue this thread in hopes of getting the IPS staff's attention if you feel the cause is just. I did not expect this kind of backing when I originally posted, it seems more then just myself feel this way about this particular option in the Administrative Control Panel.

    Thank you all for posting your thoughts.

  3. 17 hours ago, Davyc said:

    This fixes it in Chrome and Edge

    It seemed to work there ol'chap! 


    17 hours ago, opentype said:

    I can replicate that in Chrome (but not in Firefox or Safari). It seems to be a rounding error of some browsers in combination with the CSS/JavaScript framework of IPS. Unfortunately I have no control over any of that. So I don’t think there is an easy fix I’m afraid. I would probably have to rebuild the entire layout from scratch in a different manner. 

    I do apreciate the effort used to look into it, thank you for replying. It seems @Davyc got it down, it works from my end here.

  4. I could not agree more! Having been with them for a long time -- Years, in fact. This team has had to work with me on so many levels; they know I know nothing about computers or coding; They walk me through everything I've ever needed help with -- I would only further this by stating the Peer to Peer help is amazing as well. Every time I've put a question in, people come to my aid and help fix the issue; if IPS cannot all of you usually step up.

    The community here is great, there are exceptions of course, but I must stress they are only exceptions.

    Thank you all for everything, without all of you, my community would not be possible.

  5. @opentype, hello there, First I would like to say this is such a beautiful template and works like a dream; I really enjoy the format as it gives a certain professionalism to the work that has been done by any author; Thank you!

    I did notice a small cosmetic issue, I cannot seem to fix; I have looked through the support thread hoping someone else has come through the same issue; nay, I did not find it.

    I use the browser Edge and Chrome, both browsers show this issue [When in full screen mode] (The article seems to be 1 pixel off). I do try and inspect element and the second I do this, when the panel opens up it seems to align, I am unsure how to fix this issue. It seems like a CSS sort of thing.


    I was hoping you could help correct this issue; I use only the default theme provided by Invision Power Services thus I am not modifying anything aside from the article template provided by you.

    Thanks in advance for looking into this I apreciate the time.

    Kind Regards,

  6. First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read the ramblings of an old man just trying to learn.

    When a topic is created in the forum application there is a check box that floats above all the posts; as shown below in Example 001

    [Example 001]


    I tried to figure out the code here to

    • remove the white box bordering that check box
    • place that checkbox in the first post
    • but only have it affect the forum threads and nowhere else on the community

    As to tidy it up so it looks more like [Example 002] (Image 002 is of the first post in the thread when created, the other posts have the box already within them)


    I am not entirely sure why IPS creates it the way they do, it just seems to me this would be cleaner.

    If anyone is willing to help me code it right, I would be forever grateful. I don't feel comfortable attempting it on my own without guidance.


    Thank you again for your support and helping me figure this out.

  7. ?name=inline-78680421.png

    I do have a small observation or small critique on this; please don't take this the wrong way but it seems like this could be a big issue moving forward and I hope my voice will be heard here. I mean NO disrespect.


    ACP -> Community -> Forums -> Settings -> disable "Moderation events between posts"


    I feel this option should not be an 'On' or 'Off' option, but rather a "permission set" type of item or perhaps both one to turn it on and another to allow who can see these; allowing me to chose which groups can see it. I feel this particular item is a staff only sort of item and I wish there was a way to only allow my moderators or administrators to see this; guests have no reason to see moderated modifications to posts but staff does. While this option is awesome for staff use, it seems a bit misplaced allowing a visitor to see changes that moderators do.

    Please don't take this to heart, I just feel it is a change that needs to be implemented having used the product a long time, love the staff, and company, it comes from a good heart and place.

  8. It has been several months, June 11th in fact, last we spoke on the 'moods' app conflicting with the enhanced user information panel as you see here, the panel causes the 'moods' to disappear. 

    I also wanted to bring up to the attention the 'Flags' app that Adriano had created, you'd made mention that you'd look into adding an option for 3rd party apps for the flags to show up where 'location' is. 

    Any updates?



  9. Any update on the update from 4.3 to 4.4?

    16 hours ago, Joel R said:

    I'm not the developer but if Fosters has updated the file to 4.4.0 compatibility, then it's ready to go.  He probably just forgot to update the compatibility field (by the way, the author updates that field, not IPS).  

    Actually saw this after the post, I agree (merging this with the previous one)

  10. I've just purchased this wonderful item 'Superblocks' for my community. There are a couple of issues that I was wondering if you could help me with.

    For one of the topic feeds I have selected '6' to show but only 5 are showing (As depicted below.)

    (from ACP: pages - blocks)


    (Actual home page view)


    There is also an issue with the blogs (I called them journals at my community), nothing from my personal blogs are showing, yet I have them set to public view. (As depicted below

    (My ACP - Pages - Blocks)


    My Home Page View Below


    Note; no entries from my blog are located by the block.


  11. @TAMAN Works great! One question! is it possible to add padding in the ticker to match the blocks when and only in mobile and tablet form? It looks great on desktop, but is a bit off when in tablet and mobile form. Basically help it match the blocks padding ; I am using a basic pages layout that has blocks dragged and dropped.

    Picture one; Ticker goes to the end of page (no padding), block below has a padding.



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