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  1. Agree
    AlexWebsites reacted to Dreadknux in Let's Have This Website's Theme Included as the New 'IPS Default' Theme   
    So when are we going to be able to get this theme in our self-hosted/other packages? I've been digging the theme on this website for a while now, and it would be great to be able to adapt it for our own communities.
  2. Agree
    AlexWebsites reacted to Genestoy in IPS Update Banner   
    Please someone tell me how to stop the IPS Update banner that pops up every day. I get it, you want me to update, but not everyone wants to until they are sure everything including all apps have been updated and is VERY ANNOYING every day!!!
    Thanks for help with this
  3. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Jon Erickson in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    Correct. That’s why I had him use my fix which just included sources/vendor to allow the rest of the sources folder to still be included. 
  4. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Daniel F in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    Just an update here.. sources/vendor will be excluded from the Scanner in the November release!
    This is a bad approach because it's literally going to exclude everything from the sources directory which means any own Item,Comment,etc class which extends one of the base IPS classes wouldn't be checked.
  5. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Jon Erickson in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    I appreciate @Randy Calvert responses. They are exactly what I would have said. 
    With that being said, we will await IPS’ response on where to place the vendor folder. It is currently in the sources folder as I was directed by @Daniel F to do so. I originally had it in the root application directory when I first released the application but it sounds like that wasn’t kosher.
  6. Thanks
    AlexWebsites reacted to Jon Erickson in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    Check my previous post for the update to fix it. 
  7. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Jon Erickson in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    Looks like it was shipped with 4.7.3. Line 78 of Scanner.php:
    $excludeDirs = [ 'hooks', 'setup', 'dev', 'vendor' ]; HOWEVER, the patch, as it stands right now, will not work as the regex pattern is looking for a directory path of
    The vendor folder is located in the sources directory as required by IPS, not the root application folder.
    @Daniel F, do I move my vendor folder to the root directory or do you guys update the regex to look for the vendor folder in the sources directory? 
    For the time being, you can edit line 78 of Scanner.php to the following to fix the issue.
    $excludeDirs = [ 'hooks', 'setup', 'dev', 'vendor', 'sources\/vendor' ];
  8. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Daniel F in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    That said, we're preparing a patch which should be available later today, where the vendor directory will be ignored! 
  9. Agree
    AlexWebsites reacted to jesuralem in 4.7.2 update broke test site   
    @Marc Stridgen you should read the discussion.
    The application is totally compatible with PHP8, but it includes the AWS library whch is too big for the scanner and causes it to crash.
  10. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Jon Erickson in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    I finally recreated the issue in my local environment and received the following stack trace. Confirmed it is indeed attributed to the compatibility scanner and trying to scan the entire vendor/dependency folder.
    # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0014 406056 {main}( ) .../index.php:0 2 0.1819 9685824 IPS\_Dispatcher->run( ) .../index.php:13 3 0.1820 9687328 IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->execute( ) .../Dispatcher.php:153 4 0.1820 9687328 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute( ) .../support.php:48 5 0.1820 9687328 IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->getBlock( ) .../Controller.php:107 6 0.1820 9687376 IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->_showBlockHookscanner( ) .../support.php:228 7 0.1845 9851896 IPS\Application\_Scanner::scanCustomizationIssues( $getDetails = FALSE, $shallowCheck = TRUE, $limit = 500, $options = ['shallowCheckEnabledOnly' => TRUE, 'enabledOnly' => FALSE] ) .../support.php:519 8 0.1983 9938336 IPS\Application\_Scanner::scanExtendedClasses( $getDetails = FALSE, $shallowCheck = TRUE, $limit = 500, $hardLimit = 5000, $options = ['shallowCheckEnabledOnly' => TRUE, 'enabledOnly' => FALSE] ) .../Scanner.php:786 9 21.4599 13207736 IPS\Application\_Scanner::getClassDetails( $scriptContents = '<?php\n// This file was auto-generated from sdk-root/src/data/apigateway/2015-07-09/api-2.json\nreturn [ \'version\' => \'2.0\', \'metadata\' => [ \'apiVersion\' => \'2015-07-09\', \'endpointPrefix\' => \'apigateway\', \'protocol\' => \'rest-json\', \'serviceFullName\' => \'Amazon API Gateway\', \'serviceId\' => \'API Gateway\', \'signatureVersion\' => \'v4\', \'uid\' => \'apigateway-2015-07-09\', ], \'operations\' => [ \'CreateApiKey\' => [ \'name\' => \'CreateApiKey\', \'http\' => [ \'method\' => \'POST\', \'requestUri\' => \'/apikeys\', \'responseCode\' => 20'... ) .../Scanner.php:175 Running into a max execution time. 
  11. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to jesuralem in 4.7.2 update broke test site   
    Yes this is definitely my issue.
    As suggested by @AlexWebsites maybe the compatibility scanner should whitelist some widely spread SDKs.
  12. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Randy Calvert in 4.7.2 update broke test site   
    This can happen if you have one plugin with a ton of libraries as well. For example, I was able to ALWAYS duplicate this happening when the AWS SES plugin is installed. 

    This was noted by devs in my reported case and the team was looking to improve this in a later release. 
  13. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Stuart Silvester in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    Randy's comment certainly was helpful, the majority of people that pay for self-hosting wouldn't have any idea what type of PHP handler they use.
  14. Thanks
    AlexWebsites reacted to beats23 in TXT & PHP Widget   
    This one is free and and it's 4.7 compatible. It may or may not be useful to you.
  15. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Jon Erickson in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    From what I can see from the logs, it is trying to look for files/directories in the vendor folder and it is receiving a not found error. This vendor folder contains all the crucial dependencies needed to run the application. I have double-checked the bundle to make sure the files are present and they are. Can you check your server and see if the files that are named in the log file you provided are indeed present?
  16. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Randy Calvert in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    If you don’t know, this is a question for your hosting provider. 
  17. Agree
    AlexWebsites reacted to beats23 in AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management   
    I updated to the latest AWS SES and I have the same issue. When the AWS SES is activated the site won't load.
    I now see that it only affects the admin account as members can login and access the site fine, however when Admin try to login to both frontend and backend the site will not load and it gives these 2 different errors in the photo below on different occasions.
    When I rename the awsses folder to awsses9 the site loads fine, when I revert back to the original folder name awsses, the site works fine and I can login, however If I change a plugin settings or change any settings in the ACP and click save, the site will freeze and will not load unless I rename the awsses folder to awsses9
    Also I disabled all third party plugins and apps and its the same issue 
    See error 


  18. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Marc Stridgen in Outdated Overloaded 3rd Party Methods   
    Its almost like this guy has been here before 😄
    Randy is quite right
  19. Thanks
    AlexWebsites reacted to Randy Calvert in Outdated Overloaded 3rd Party Methods   
    It’s a known issue for those that have a large number of 3rd party resources or if a resource has a large number of libraries. 

    It’s going to be fixed in a future release from what was said previously. 
  20. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from virap1 in Ezoic set up with Cloud hosted invision   
    Ezoic rep did it all for me. I’ve used the chrome extension on occasion but within IPS, ad placeholders are shut off.
  21. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from Percival in Word Filter - Rebuild Posts/Content   
    It would be great if there was a feature to rebuild posts after a word filter(s) was added. I know there are some plugins/apps to achieve this but something built in sounds like a no brainer for a complete word filter solution.

    Also, is there a template to use a word filter xml file? Or is this created when you have these on one site and then download?

  22. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from Ibai in Ezoic & Invision Compatibility   
    I put it in the global template before the head.  It's usergroup ID.
    For multiple usergroups, follow the logic posted here: 
  23. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from virap1 in Ezoic & Invision Compatibility   
    I put it in the global template before the head.  It's usergroup ID.
    For multiple usergroups, follow the logic posted here: 
  24. Thanks
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from AlexWright in Upgrade from 4.6.12 to 4.7.0 Failing   
  25. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from alexxis in Hump Day: Improved search bar UI   
    I like the simplicity. Is there a way to re-arrange the order or does that go by apps order? It would also be great if there was a custom search to add lets say a downloads category, specifically. 

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