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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. I've mentioned the idea of being able to hit a "check all" and "uncheck all" feature. That way you could activate all the options in a tab and then take off what you don't want them to have. Likewise if you are removing access (editing) you can uncheck all quickly. Would also be nice if checking a section would check all the options for that section. Like under the system tab, if access is given to the Apps & Modules module, then all related settings for that area should get checked (or unchecked if that module is unchecked). Under the Members tab, if access is given to the Members module, I would think they should be given checked access to all the functions under that module, so you only have to uncheck what you don't want them to have. On the flip side, if you check one of the options and the module isn't active, then it should become active and it shouldn't auto-fill the other settings (that way if you want to give them access to only a few items, you just check the few to give them and they get that module automatically).

    Would also be nice if adding an admin group (that has restrictions) when the member is part of another admin group (that also has restrictions) would combine the allowed access instead of combining the restrictions themselves. >_<

  2. And thats what you want for your birthday?

    Nah, just would be nice if that happened.

    If IPS wants to give me a gift, then they could upgrade all my current licenses to be lifetime (even though the add ons never had lifetime options). Or they could just give me a free renewal on the expired IP.Board license that I have. :D

  3. Any particular reason? Only one I can think of is for those of us who have to account to tax departments and bean counters for it... that it?

    Yes and no. Yes because there are people who need to have something with a date that shows when it was paid for, but no since I don't need it for tax/expense purposes. Although would be nice to be able to see the date paid easily.

  4. When you're in a topic and you choose the topic moderation option to delete that topic, you not only get a javascript prompt asking you to confirm this, but upon accepting that you go to a second page where you have to once again confirm you want to delete the topic. Did folks have a problem with the old way, where you only got one confirmation screen? The new way seems like overkill to me.

    I think the second confirmation screen should have a pop up that says, "Are you absolutely positively and definitely sure? This is your final chance to not make a mistake!"

    Just kidding. How about if the trash bin option is active and the deleted post(s)/thread(s) will be going there, then the second confirmation should get skipped.

  5. There are companies that act as resellers. Technically though, they don't sell licenses; they just buy hundreds of licenses from us at a time and then sell people the rights to one of those licenses.

    But they're not authorized as in, not endorsed aka officially associated with right? Because to me, if someone buys a license and then they let someone else use it, either free or for a fee, then so long as that license is only in use once, then there's no violation of the agreement, thus, they can do that if they want.

    Also are they selling the licenses or leasing them? That could be a really handy money maker right there, to lease a license to someone.

  6. Ideally, a complete fix for this would include a PHP edit to the source code too, just to verify there's no funny business.

    A better fix would be to have it in the Forum tab along with all the other settings/permission masks. But that might just be me. Since you can select which groups are exempt via the System Settings, it also makes sense to have this in there too. So six of one and half dozen of the other.
  7. I'd like to be able to move the reports into different categories, where there would be new (first screen you get to), open and then closed.

    New would be those reports which are not marked by any mod as being opened (ie, someone looking into it).
    Open would be any report that a mod is handling.
    Closed would be any report that has been marked as closed/handled.

    Obviously, any report could get comments/discussion added onto it and such. But a report should remain marked as 'new' if someone hasn't been assigned to handle it or if someone hasn't "opened" it. If someone opens it then their name should get attached to it as being the moderator handling it (obviously). But an admin could "assign" it to a moderator to handle if they choose to.

    The ones that are open/closed should be on different screens, so that you don't have a million reports loading on the same page, where you have to pick and choose which ones are still pending action. For each, would be nice if there was a limit on how many appear on the page (have to click [2][3][>][>>] etc to change pages).

  8. When deleting any member (or members), allow the option to perform additional functions on the members before the deletion is complete. These additional functions can include banning the email address, user name, login name, IP address or entering notes for the deletion reason (old member, abusive user, etc). This includes deleting members who are in the middle of validating accounts.

    Not only that but (as I requested before), allow reasons for bans to be given per ban. If a member is being deleted (or their information is to be banned but the member not deleted), allow the ban to link back to the members account.

    This would help greatly in keeping track of why bans or deletions were made and could help improve the security of the board as Admin could always have notes readily available for why actions were taken.

  9. I don't think that is the solution ;)

    Just offering an alternative. An email address offered by IPS would be the best solution, but in the mean time or if that turns out to not be feasible, then gmail is an extremely good resource to use. :)
  10. XML and HTML would rock. TXT also? Each conversation could be separated by a noticeable header that would say who all was in the conversation and the title of it. Then only need to have date/time and who for each actual post. (At least I think that would make it simple to read through).

    But definitely XML and HTML.

  11. If you think it's a bug report it there. Not that hard to be honest. :)

    He knows the bug tracker very well. I think his goal was to check with others first to make sure that it wasn't just him having the issue. I think it shows responsibility by trying to make sure it can be reproduced first before just throwing out another bug report.

  12. Expiration date is listed as renewal date next to the package on the Purchases page.

    And thanks for the reply, Charles. :)

    ######	Renewal: IP.Blog 		02/14/08 	$20.00 			Print

    I renewed that recently. It has the original invoice date on it. It doesn't tell me when it was paid nor when the new expiration is. I'm meaning when it will expire in the future. :)

  13. When I click the "Toggle HTML source" in RTE mode and then click "Cancel source edit" at bottom I can no longer type in the editor? Is it just me?

    Bug alert.

    For me, I can type again but it's at the very start of the post. Can't move the cursor around at all.
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