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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. You'd have to ask the community resources team for that - that's not something with ipb (and IPB does make it possible)

    What about the idea of multi-row application tabs or (preferred) ability to have drop-down menus with various applications in it, much like in the ACP but where the admin can choose what goes into which tab, the order, etc.

  2. OK OK :P

    With a custom option of choosing which modules aslong as it's not the FBI, CIA etc


    Speaking of modules...

    Would REALLY love it if we could pick and choose exactly where each application will appear. Not only on the tab bar, but also have a secondary (if wanted or needed) tab bar. I like to try to have my tabs alphabetical (after the first 3 main tabs), but can't do it because of how it's mixed-sorted.

    Also be nice if an option could be chosen that would put all the add-ons into drop down menus. Allow me to create a drop down menu of "Featured Add-Ons" where I might include IPS extras, then another tab where I might include 3rd party add-ons such as shoutbox, tracker, etc.

  3. Just done a search for Tracker in this topic but nothing found...

    So I would like to suggest that the View New Content link shows new Tracker posts too aswell as Help Files, Forums, Members, Blogs, Calendar and Gallery :)

    Links, Shoutbox, Downloads, Wiki's, FAQ's, FBI, CIA, FDA, IRS, DEA, SSA, FAA, FCC, FTC, etc.

  4. Quoted the wrong list item, sorry. :lol: Updated my post.

    Still not what they're looking for.

    That locks the topic not the poll. They want to lock the poll but not the topic.

  5. Already exists. Edit Poll > Make Poll Only

    That makes a topic into a voting topic only, no (additional) replies allowed.

    He means being able to click a button that would reset all the votes to 0.

  6. With the reputation system -- it'd be great if I could give certain member groups more influence on reputation. So that if you're an Admin or Moderator and give someone a "+" on a post that it counts for more than 1 point of their reputation. I've found a lot of users are abusing the rep system just because they can, going through every post of threads and giving people -1. Since I don't actually know who's doing it there's not an easy way to combat it. :)

    Just set the reputation system to be positive only. :)

  7. It would be great if we can choose the external search engines to search the forum, thus I don't need to move my website to a dedicated server.

    Would also be nice if there was a starter list of search engines to choose from (Google, Yahoo!, MSN, etc). Personally I'd use Google, but as I said before, not everyone is a Google person. I don't know why, just not everyone is.
  8. P2P support is a voluntary thing where people can ask their questions or post their issues and get feedback from other members. Things that you wouldn't want to waste a support ticket on and it's likely to get a response sooner, especially from trivial things.

    Do you hold an active license? If so, make sure that your email here and in the client center match up. Then sign out and sign back in and then you should have +Active Customer status.

  9. These threads keep popping up--is Invision really going to bury their collective heads in the sand?

    I don't recall any IPS staff saying, "There's no problem." or "Get over it." or even "We won't try to work on it some more." or anything else to that affect.

    We don't know what IPS is doing until they make it known to us. You've each said, multiple times, that your members are not happy with it. It's understandable saying it multiple times because you want to make sure that it's heard as being important and not just as an idle comment. But what are you going to accomplish by assuming that IPS is ignoring you? If they make additional changes to it in an effort to make everyone* happy, it won't happen overnight and they can't majikally change all the existing copies. Relax some. I've got a hunch that IPS is now more than aware of the fact that many people are displeased with the new way it's being done.

    * You can't make everyone happy.

  10. yes you have, but other not - so don't invite to post there if many may not access to that.

    agree to that: poster must check for customer state before inviting to closed P2P areas ?

    No, because there are some people who come on, asking for support and many people (myself included) don't like to help someone out if we can't be certain that they are running a legit board (not referring to you). If someone has an active license and needs support, then they can go into the P2P forums and get help there. Otherwise, how do we know that they didn't get a pirated copy of the board and want free support for it as well? A couple of the perks of an active customer status is the P2P support and the Resources site.

  11. I've been thinking about this one while installing hooks but how about adding this option so that every member can manage which hooks they want to appear when they log into any message board using IPB 3: adding a Hooks Management section in "My Controls" and allowing members to toggle on or off whatever hooks are installed.

    So long as the Admin can specify which hooks are optional for the members. There could be a certain hook that the Admin wants required.
  12. My prediction: This thread will close soon (if this keeps up). :whistle:

    Aside from that... I think perhaps the word "majority" was misused. A majority of those submitting tickets about it may have been from confusion on the feature. Still though, if enough people assert a dislike for a feature or confusion or annoyance over how something is done, and it's something that can be changed, then change tends to happen. I think this demonstrates that change in action.

    If you ever do any form of customer service, you'll notice how people complain more about the things they don't like, can't understand or have some other problem with, instead of complaining about what works, the fact that it makes them happy, etc. The squeak wheel syndrome is in effect. People complained and gave IPS cause to make a change, now that the change is made, others are complaining about that change.

    However, let's keep in mind that the IPS people are... people. No need to get mean or rude. State your point of view and if you wish to debate it, do so in a respectful manner. Calling something BS or anything else doesn't help promote the change desired nor does it set a good tone for the rest of the thread to follow. Why not have it both ways, where a person clicks on which style they want to use? Perhaps that could be added in a near future release (or in 3.1.x)?

    I personally pick and choose where I'm going to read. I don't use the "View New/Old/Midlife Posts/Content/etc" feature myself so it doesn't bother me really. It allows me to pick the 'mood' or 'subject' of what I'll be diving into more, instead of it being chosen for me.

    To summarize, keep it nice. There are things that I thought might be in IPB3 and weren't, but I don't go fussing up a storm about it. As a customer, I pay the company money so its employees are my employees (figuratively speaking) and I dislike seeing my employees getting mistreated for trying to make changes they think will make things better. So how about showing some respect okay? Thank you.

  13. I have a lifetime license AND a license that I have to renew, and yes I do renew it from time to time, so that I can have two boards that are running the latest software versions (legit). I also have licenses for each of the three add-ons. So I definitely contribute support to the company and even if I just lingered on that lifetime license, I'm still considered an active customer so yeah, I qualify to get access to those elite areas. If stuff is meant as a perk, then how is it a perk if there are no restrictions or limits to getting access to it?

  14. God I remember IkonBoard....it was quite interesting but IPB was the better product. is iB even still being actively developed? I don't believe it is....

    It's still being developed. Looked it up recently. Didn't stay long though.

  15. Those are three huge flaws and you may find not many big sites upgrading unless they are sorted.

    Um, big sites pay big money and can afford to hire people to update the skin to match their site. If there's that much of an issue with the search, then they can submit a ticket to IPS and being a $pecial

  16. It's a cluttered mess, someone needs to force Rikki to make it less cluttered. :P

    Last time someone tried, they used SubWay as a reward mechanism.. He attacked them and took ALL of the SubWay food and thus nothing gained. They learned that day to just let Rikki have his way.
  17. Just in case I haven't said this enough...

    1) for the ban filters, have tabs (ip, email, username) that way the admin sees/adds/edits what they want. Also would be nice if there was another field, where a 'reason' or comment could be added per ban. (like who the ban is supposed to apply to for example) as well as who added the ban.

    2) make the custom profile fields truly flexible and configurable. remove the "if aim then/else if icq then/else" stuff. add an extra setting in the fields, with the url format to use. Something like: [ aim:goim?screenname={content} ] in the url would do the same thing without having to use so many if/then/else/if/then/else/etc conditions and would allow other messengers and services easier to integrate into the profile. (Also, wouldn't it reduce the process time a little, since it wouldn't have to go through all those logic steps, but instead just display the icon if there is one and then create the url/text (again, if there is one) or just display the text as is? Anything to reduce the CPU load! ;))

    Another that I thought of, when viewing the hooks, be able to filter the view via a search (ala live search). Type in a few characters and it applies it to the view. Should search hook name/desc and authors. if possible, the filter should either hide what doesn't match, or highlight what does match. when hiding non matches, moving the hooks around should be disabled (maybe?).

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