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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. I'm predicting a 2nd week of August release at the latest. CCS..... Last week of July

    But, I've already got a pre-pre-pre-alpha copy of IPB 10.2. It has identical features and looks of 3.0.1, but with a different version number on the bottom. You guys are really behind the times. :P

    That's nothing, I have version 867.53.09 so beat that. :)

  2. On the Presale questions forum...the description description reads:

    If you have questions about our products or services before you purchases post your question here or email sales@invisionpower.com for assistance.

    Should be change to purchase.


    No, actually, they misspelled the word "your". Should read "If you have questions about our products or services before your purchases post your question here or email sales@invisionpower.com for assistance."

    After all, would you want someone to make a purchase from your company, or to make multiple purchases? :thumbsup:
  3. The skin contest would be hard to steal because it was for IPB3.0 and even with the beta's and RC's, the 'authors' would have had to keep it up to par until they submitted it for the contest, making it extremely difficult to steal from someone else.

    With the smileys, someone could use one that they know is rare to find/see and then claim it as their own. Same with avatars.

    Now if the avatars were to be IPB3 specific, like say, it has to be animated and have IPB3 in it, that could work. Same with smilies, although the IPB3 would be hard to squeeze into such a small space. :)

  4. I suspect that there will be multiple topics about this created by those who don't look through the forum for this topic. Sides, I doubt that 3.0.2 will be released until maybe the end of next month.

    True on the first point. Although for the release time, I'm thinking it'll be in August. Still, amusing topic, ya know? ;)
  5. Not really asking, just know that someone is going to create a thread asking, so thought I'd toss it up so that the initial "When It's Ready™" and complaints about people trying to rush IPS will all be out of the way.


    If you think I'm actually asking when IP.Board v3.0.2 will be released, then you need to read this post again. Continue until you stop thinking that I'm seriously asking.

  6. What if it's not discovered until after the contest has been over for a couple of years? If the original author can prove ownership, then even if IPS were to remove all traces of it from their software, the damage would already have been done.

    Don't get me wrong, I want a few new or updated smiley faces too, as another topic of mine will show. But in there is where the mention of copyright/etc was brought up.


  7. Lindy, what about something where the user can check off a list of things that match their problem..

    Please choose from the list what best matches the issue you are having.
    ( ) Is your board offline, inaccessible or giving errors?
    ( ) Are you having a problem getting into the AdminCP?
    ( ) Has your board been hacked, attacked or in some other way compromised?
    ( ) etc
    ( ) None of the above.
    Picking the wrong item from the list can cause delays in your ticket.  If you are unsure of what to pick, then pick none of the above.

    A few like there where the person can choose what best matches their problem (similar to the list you have but could be after they have submitted the ticket the first time and before the final submit. "None of the above" could be pre-selected and would cover things like low priority items. Obviously it's hard to cover all high priority items, but if there are 3 for high priority that are generic enough to cover a wide range (but specific enough to eliminate false positives) then that could potentially help prioritize some of the tickets.

    Obviously the ones marked "None" might benefit from a fast review by a staff member to see if it's a high priority so it can be bumped up in importance, while leaving the rest of the tickets alone, but no system is perfect.

    Hope something in this post is of some use, be nice if it helped to improve the ticket times, even if only a little bit. I've generally never needed to submit a ticket for problems on my boards before, but I can imagine how the customer must feel when it is an important issue and every minute seems like forever.

  8. If you believe a site is using an unauthorized copy of IPS software, please report it at this link:

    Please keep in mind that IPS never reveals the outcome of a report for the protection of the privacy of the sites reported.

  9. The resources site that is hosted by IPS (and run by community developers) has not only mods and images but also skins that can be supplied by those who specialize in making them. Also there are other community resource sites that are available (not supported by IPS) that also host files for admins to download and use.

    With IPB3 out now, the mods section is starting to fill up quickly with goodies that are easy to add in and some of the skins are looking really nice too. :)

  10. Welcome to the IPS forums, have a free (+) from me.

    I've been using IPB for a number of years now and am quite pleased with the product. Yes, there are times when they don't include an option that I think they should or make changes that I wish they wouldn't, but that's a part of life with any product. I'm one of those who was hoping IPB would go on one more testing release before going final, but oh well. IPS definitely stands behind its product and does its best to fix the bugs that are found, no matter how insignificant some bugs may be.

    When you take the plunge, I encourage you to give consideration to the community suite, as they will give you an up front discount of $15 (you get IP.Board, IP.Blog and IP.Gallery) and then the optional renewal fee is $25/6 months. After the first year, you will end up saving $50/year that way. Of course, renewal is optional but when you do decide to renew (even if it's a year after the invoice has expired), you just pay $25 and everything is considered up to date again.

    So welcome to the IPS world and I hope you enjoy your stay here. :)

  11. SHHH!! Don't ruin my idea.. :P

    Still though, if the spamless mod we came up with (and that he and others are developing) was to end up being used, it would totally rock. Especially if the mod is as effective as it's planned to be.

  12. owch yeah guess there is no point in having one then. was just hoping there would be one so I had less files to re-edit , yes I know I'm lazy at times lol

    no offense but that's not a shortcut for upgrading that's just a faster way to upload anything that has multiple files in it ;) but that was good info for anyone who didn't know how to do it

    I'm lazier. I prefer to not do any file edits. :D

    Also, I use the SSH method of updating. So much faster and more reliable. After all, multiple files, bigger possibility of file corruption during transfer.

  13. It's not finished and I doubt IPS would be using a mod :P

    Would so rock if they did though. :lol: Hey, if it was taken over by the community, they might.. They use the tracker, for example.

  14. How would it do it with one click? IP.MindReading? It would have to in order to figure out with one click which posts you wanted to move and what you wanted to call the new topic you're moving them to.

    Let me known when IP.MR 1.0.2 is out. I'd offer to try out the betas/rc's, but I fear that a bug in the MR might cause it to do some brain damage and you know that 1.0.0 will still have some bugs as well as 1.0.1, so yeah.

    I select posts which I want to split and move to special category and then I simly select multimoderation from drop down menu. Then flame posts will be automatically moved to special category and new topic with desired title created.

    Look at the post I made. Think that would work for you? :)

  15. Upgrading 3.0.0 to 3.0.1

    Do you you just upload all files of 3.0.1 over the top of 3.0.0?

    Does this change any of the board settings?

    Yes, upload all of files over top of the existing files. Then you need to run the upgrader via http://domain.com/forum/admin/upgrade (example, adjust to your needs).
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