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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. While you may not like it to be in the open, perhaps some things you say or ideas you express may be supported by others who just hadn't thought about speaking up about it. Although I admit it could be useful if there was an Anonymous feedback forum, where your topics are visible to only the staff/mods and yourself, but not to other members.

  2. Looking at the feed, there are two listings for IPB 3.0.0, each about 20 minutes apart. I'm only able to click on the earlier one (other gives me an error message). Looking through the rest of the feed, I see one for IPB 2.3.6 which is encoded and for use only on an IPS server. So I'm wondering, is the later copy of IPB3 the same (encoded for IPS servers)? If so, since it doesn't specify that, it can be a bit confusing and have someone wondering what the different versions are for. If not, then please enlighten me.

    Thank you.

  3. Reason it gives you those options is so that you can rename it and place it where you want. Would be nice if that screen had the topic already filled in along with the destination forum, then gave you a list of options (what options are available to you based on your permissions) to Approve/Unapprove/Lock/Pin/Add post(as part of the moderation). Because if you break apart a topic and want to title it something like "Flame posts" at the end and closing it, along with a message saying, "This is an example of what not to post." then you could do it all in one swipe.

  4. Okay this would help solve some problems.

    Have a setting in the ACP to use with this.

    Basically, for the menu bar, if the number of installed apps exceeds a certain number, then the apps would be placed inside of a drop down menu. The drop down menu name would obviously be inside of the language files for compatibility. The number of apps to exceed would be in the system settings/forum section and possibly even allow the admin to choose if members/calendar would be on the menu bar or in the drop down menu. If the drop down menu is activated due to the number of apps, then all apps would be inside of it (except members/calendar, if the admin wants it on the menu bar).

    I believe this would help a great deal for people who want to install a lot of apps, like the 3 paid add-ons, the 4 free ones (I count links towards the total) and then anything else that happens to add a link up there.

  5. I think that there will obviously be a 3.0.2 coming along quickly as well (like in August at this point), so I'm for a 3.0.1 coming out this week as well (like on Friday). That way we can test it out, report back any new bugs and so a lot of people can relax about the who search issue and such.


  6. There have been many times recently when the board won't respond (or if it does it takes a few minutes). I know it's not my connection because I'll try the site from another location (remotely of course) and have the same issue. Then when it's responding, I can check the online users and during the time period the board wasn't responding, there was no activity. This time when I came into this feedback forum, it gave an error message and the CPU usage was enormously high.

    What's going on? :(


  7. When you report member, I would say copy and paste their status message though into the report


    I would say to use a cam, take a pic of the screen, then send that picture in along with a screenshot, copied/pasted text, notarized letter of what the complaint is about and why the person felt the need to file the complaint (did it offend them, etc).

    Of course, pasted text along with a link to a screenshot of the board index might be enough to make sure someone can't claim that they didn't really have that as their status.

  8. I could have handled it nicer however he/she could have written their post more accurately like saying "I haven't noticed any bugs. I think my board is perfect." instead of trying to state things as fact like he/she did "Well, i dont have any bugs on my board".

    Clearly, there are bugs just take a look at the bug tracker...

    Your interpretation of what WallBase said is your own. I take it to mean that so far, he's had no problems with it so to him, it's working perfectly.

    So how about calming down some, it was really unnecessary to call him ignorant.

    In the words of Rodney King, "Can we all just get along?"

  9. More than likely it will be tomorrow. :)

    but still it will be this week ? hope yes :D

    also 3.0.1 as i read will be have some of new designs from designs contest ? its true ? :)

    There is no guarantee that it will be this week. IPS, as I recall, said likely this week, but don't recall any guarantee. Mind you, I hope it does get released today (or tomorrow or Friday), but all we can do is wait until they feel it's ready for us the download and be able to safely use it on our sites.

    huh so long ... anyway hope we (normal members) can then choose the new style ttoo here on board :)

    I'm sure that IPS will either retain the default look, or keep the default but allow members to view/experience the alternative that will be available for others to download.

  10. [list=1] [*]This thread was made first.


    :lol: So true.

    First post of the first thread... (this thread)


    Expecting to release 3.0.1 this week :D

    First post of the second thread... (other thread)


    I want to know the version 3.0.1 will be issued and be in the area of the member to download?

  11. 4. Paypal / E-check delay. I don't know how people or paypal does this but a few members use e-checks and report long delays on getting their account approved even though the money was sent. When this happens I manually approve the accounts. I have some members from afghanistan and saudi arabia, and *maybe* there are some discrepancies with how electronic funding works there.

    E-Checks take a few days, it notifies the user when they are shown this option on PayPal.

  12. As a note, there's a "Mark board as read" link at the bottom of every page that will mark the entire board as read.

    Kind of beat you to it, except I only said the board index. Oof. :lol: I keep thinking about the blue bar where the different links are for moderator team, top posters, etc.
  13. On the main board index there is a link to mark the board as read. When you look at the individual forums (either from the board index or when in a forum looking at subforums), you can click the folder on the far left and that will mark that area as being read.

  14. The whole reason for the word "My" instead of "Your" is to make it feel more personal. Such as in IP.Board, where it says "My Settings" or "My Profile." Makes the whole site in itself feel as if its been designed just for me (even though there may be hundreds or thousands of users).

    I know where you're coming from. To me, the menu title saying, "Your Account Options" would be it telling you that the listed items are your options, with the actual choices not having a My/Your label. Sort of like if someone were to say it to you, they'd say "Your options are" and then list the items, such as invoices and downloads.

    Big difference would be that it's a title, not a link to something.
  15. The real trick comes in with it not just being PM's to or from other people, it's now to/from inside of a conversation. I have one thought that could work but it would either involve multiple files or involve one file that may be incompatible for some people. But could always be offered as an option for those who want it.

    The idea is a bit advanced so *IF* it were to get done, I doubt it'd happen before 3.1, unless it's done as a hook (which I guess could work?).. Export the conversations individually into html files, with a master html file, so you would have a 'webpage' of conversations to read. Would need to include image files and such, then all of it get zipped up to keep it all inside of one file.

    Other method would be basically the same except having each conversation being a self contained file (mht for example) and a root page, with all being inside of a zipfile. Fewer files but not everyone would be able to make use of them.

    Until then though, XML, TXT, etc would have to work. HTML would probably have to be one massively huge page with all Convo's/PM's on the same page and no images at all.

  16. Ok now... seriously why do people (may be just you) keep using the spoiler tag for almost every post they make? If you saw a movie that someone has not seen and didn't want to spoil certain details, that's what it's for. Otherwise the [s]use[/s] over-use of the spoiler tag on this forum is getting irritating.

    I've used it may be 3 times in the last month. I know someone has it as part of their signature, but that's not me.
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