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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. The way I was thinking was to specify users who could use the multimod in the same way you specify forums it's available in. The existing system can do almost the same thing, but this would give finer control (though again, it's not an urgent priority).

    Ah so what you mean is...

    MultiMod, control which forums each function is available in (as it is now)
    Per forum, add a group/individual as a moderator, do a checklist of each multi-mod function they may use.

    Yeah that could get messy.

  2. I was thinking per multimod, not globally for all of them. That isn't essential though.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are looking for.

    But as it is now, you can create a multi-mod function. Specify which forums/subforums it is available in. Then per forum you can add a member group (or a user) as a moderator and specify if they may or may not use the multi-mod functions.

    As for global moderators, they will have access to it, but a global moderator is 'above' a regular moderator in a manner of speaking.

    • Allow member groups (and maybe other things too) to be changed along with changing the topic. This was a feature that I used extensively when I was using ZetaBoards and going without it has made things a bit more complicated.
    • To make sure that the above didn't get abused, allow admins to specify specific users or groups who can use the multi-moderation, instead of making it globally available to moderators.

    These would be really helpful to me. I don't know how many other admins would make use of these improvements, but it might be worth looking at.

    I think you're talking about whether or not a group can use multi-moderation.

    If that's correct then it's already part of IPB.

    You can control not only which forums a multi-mod function is available to, but you can specify (per group or per member) who can use multi-moderation functions, per forum.

  3. I don't see any diiference


    BTW Do you need to download those smilies to use them or can you link to them?


    (I know you have dl them but can't find a terms of use on the site)

    I download them and them upload them here. Way I see it, if the other site goes down or has trouble, then the images will stop working.

    As for gallery_49404_3_169.gif your post gallery_49404_3_169.gif and my quoting gallery_49404_3_169.gif of it, are gallery_49404_3_169.gif you sure you can't gallery_49404_3_169.gif spot any difference?

  4. As for the discussion at hand, the top button serves no useful purpose at all. Not even a little. It lets you get to the top of the screen, that's it. Except there's about 10 different methods of accomplishing this, with or without a mouse button or keyboard, built into your operating system and browser already. It's clutter that serves no purpose, which we've avoided with 3.0 in an effort to streamline the user interface and make it easier for novices. Some users, when they see 15000 buttons on a row, tend to just ignore them all (guilty!). Now, you only have icons relevant to the data point (e.g. for posts, icons related to that post, of which "the top button" does not qualify).

    Meh, this has been debated to death. Suffice it to say, Rikki has had no intentions of bringing it back, and I don't blame him. ;)

    How about Next/Previous posts buttons? Very useful when you see a huge ass post and want to skip to the next one but don't want to spend all day scrolling the page looking for it. (w00t)
  5. When you make a setting to use in the ACP in the System Settings, for the Extra to show to the Admin, you put in #show_groups# or #show_forums#, etc, and then it gives you a list when you see the setting in use.

    Like in Topis, Posts & Polls, the "Ignored Users: Protected Groups" setting, it shows a list of the different Member Groups. If you were to look at the data to make that setting possible, you would see #show_groups#

    Make a new setting to play with:

    Setting Extra? #show_forums#

    Enjoy! :D

  6. It could be used by board admins when they want to show someone new the different features of the ACP, but without risk of live data being messed up. Would also allow admins to test out functions as they teach themselves with an easy 'reset' button.

    I know it might not be too feasible to make available (even if only to those with active IPB licenses) but figured it couldn't hurt to mention the idea.

  7. TSIA.

    Be able to do <#MEMBER_EMAIL#> and <#MEMBER_IP#> in the email sent to the admin, because sometimes it helps to determine right away if the person is legit or not before getting into the ACP. While going to log in, the admin could be doing a spam search for the email (or even modify the admin_newuser to make the email into a link) so it's easier to take action.

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