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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. You can edit the email template easily enough to add a note to 'not reply to this email because...'

    That same template can also be changed to not include the contents of the PM right? Because then people would be forced to go to the board to read it, thereby nearly eliminating all replies.

  2. Over the past years, IPB has gotten more widely used and popular than vBulletin and any other enterprise forum software out there to date. I have to agree, IPB has gotten some pretty outstanding reviews.

    Keep up the great work IPB, the developers and the forum software get an A+++!!! :)

    If I'm not mistaken, NBC.com uses IPB for their boards. :thumbsup:

  3. Smellivision.

    I'd rather have Wonkavision. :D

    It's a pretty good idea. More people will opt to take showers often. Will all the smells be hosted on a central database by invision power though? I just hope we don't get cologne advertisements.

    You can suffer the cologne ads, I'll suffer through the Drew Barrymore and Hayden Panettiere advertisements.

    I vote no on this feature. People requesting new modifications will want their own custom smell integration (smelligration?) settings, group permissions, etc. More work for the mod authors.

    I would want my site to have various smells. For the 'stuff that stinks', fart and sewer odors. For the happier forums, steak and mac/cheese.

    IPB would smell like new car, while vB would smell like your grandparents!

    My grandparents are dead (they lived to a good old age though).. But how about smelling like Britney Spears? :D

  4. I'm sure it was because so few people used it. I don't see why someone would want to save so many PMs.

    Some people like to keep copies of their conversations and in order to do that and to free up more PM space, you have to be able to download them and then delete the ones from the board that you now have on your computer.

    I'm quite sure plenty of people used the feature, just probably got overlooked.

    How would one know to double click to open the smilies panel? :/


  5. Since we're requesting things back, how about returning the emoticon side panel, or at least giving the option :) Not sure why it was removed in the first place.

    Rikki is already looking to make it so that when you double click the smile face (emoticon panel), it will show the side panel and the choice will (or can) be saved so it always appears. As it is, you have to double click it per post you are making in order to show it. So long as it can be minimized/hidden, I think it's a wonderful idea.

    I'd like to see an option where a member (or admin) can request an automatically generated password, like form http://www.goodpassword.com
  6. "edit log" for Admins eyes only

    Not a detailed log, just a simple "last edited by" log, with the date/time of the edit as well as who did it and the IP address of the edit. This would be viewable by the Admins only (maybe global moderators?) and couldn't be hidden in any way. It could be kept out of view with a drop down (menu like) where the Admin could view the history of edits. So if a member makes an edit to a post, the admin will know it, even if no one else does.

    Not a detailed log though, as in, not telling what changes were made, only that an edit took place. For a detailed edit log, that should be something separate (there are requests for that). However, any 'edit reasons' should be kept in the history as well.

  7. I'm curious if we've made it clear that "10 users" means you may have 10 concurrent users online, actively using your forum at any given time. If this is not clear, we would love to know to avoid further confusion. For a starter forum, 10 users all online at once is relatively good, based on what we've seen on old packages. I do agree, 10 seems low, but it's really not for a $9.95 package.

    As always, we're open to feedback. :)

    I personally think that 10 concurrent users maximum is a bit limited, especially if it happens to experience a spike in users during a particular hour of the day. But on the flip side, when someone signs up for the package, it's "buyer beware". I'm paying my hosting company about that much per month and there's no limit on the number of guests as well as other nice features. But I did my homework so I found a better deal. If someone doesn't want to do their research first before choosing, then that's their money, not mine. :)
  8. Should be simple enough to explain.

    If someone uses %7Boption%7D tags in a post/PM/etc instead of an smiley, have those %7Boption%7D tags converted to the emoticon/smiley equivalents, with exception being if the person turns off emoticons in their post (because then obviously they are including them manually and know that their post contains items that would turn into smileys).

  9. Would it be possible to add a messages telling them not to reply...

    While that's a good idea (and definitely should be in there), I can bet that you'll still have people replying to emails thinking that it'll get to the intended recipient.

    Where I live, there's a mall a few blocks away with a driveway on the side of the block for people to use. It has two lanes for people to exit (turn right and then the straight/left turn). There are two inbound lanes that merge into one, with one of them being for traffic from one direction (to make a right turn into) and the other for traffic from the other side of the street. There is a sign that says "Keep left" on a small island that separates the two inbound lanes. Guess where the people coming from the other side tend to go..

    I go to places where there are signs on the walls giving you important information, like whether or not checks are accepted, needing personal ID (like a drivers license) under certain circumstances, etc. People still try to do the opposite of what the signs say.

    There's an intersection where a sign is up telling people not to block the intersection (it's a small intersection so it doesn't look like much). People still block it and others get pissed off because they can't through because of the dumb butts that show no consideration for others.

    There's a bug tracker on this site where people report the same bugs over and over again, most notably about an error in the bulk mailer. A majority of those reports could have been avoided had people read the first page of reports or just did a search for "bulk".

    In short, you're going to still have numbskulls that will ignore anything you put in there and they will continue to read the message that was meant specifically for them and still try to reply to it. You could have big bold blinking blue/black words saying "You must visit the site to reply to this message" and people will still ignore it.

    Not saying it's not worth trying, because it will let some people know that they can't just reply to the message. But there will always be the few who seem to have a special gift for ignoring what's smacking them in the face.

  10. Not a good idea. What if you are in a thread and further down the page, people have been farting. Then you'd have to go crack open a window to keep from being knocked out. What's worse, what if the person is all sweaty and hasn't showered for a month. Then suddenly, your computer would stink like a sewer.

  11. oh goodness, I didn't think of it that way. LOL :lol:

    Hey, here's an idea...

    Leave Rikki's profile up there, then make it so when

    people click on it, then it goes to my profile then. (w00t)

    LOL (jk) :P

    Actually I had mentioned about putting both Rikki and your profiles on there..

    How about replacing Rikki's profile screenshot with a screenshot of

    this profile



    I'm sure Sherri would love to be featured on our homepage.

    Rikki has an ego though, you see. You can't replace his profile.

    Okay put both profiles on there then. :D Oh and the profile images should be clickable, so that it takes you to the profile so that visitors can see it in real time.

  12. Oh goodness, I step out for a few hours and I get drug into this. LOL

    Let's just leave it as it is. I think Rikki looks awesome on the front page. :D

    If you had your profile on there and clicking it would take the visitor to your profile, then they'd see that you do skinning and that could bring in more customers for you. :D
  13. Those are applications basically. I'm not sure how you would add another tab but I'd be more interested in being able to choose what appears up there and what appears on like an "applications" bar. Because too many applications and your menu will appear messed up.

  14. It's not a bad idea, but I have the same concerns about it that Michael mentioned. Another concern would be resources, if the conditions were complicated enough it could become a really intensive query to run on every page load.

    Easy solution for that.

    Each night, task is run which clears out a table of board notices.

    Next time member visits, if the board sees that the person isn't in that table, it checks to see if they need to see any notices. Then it saves that member to the table along with all (if any) notices that they should be seeing. Obviously, if they're in the table, then it would show only those notices. If the member does something that changes their account (change email/password, which could be another determining factor for a notice), then it compares their confirmed notices again to remove anything that doesn't qualify anymore. Also, the person could [confirm] that they've read a notice (admin can choose which ones can be confirmed/ignored).

  15. So all the conditions would be checkboxes, and you'd check the ones you want to use for that message. "User group", "Post Count", "Inactivity", etc...

    Banned, Spammer, Suspended, Birthday and any custom fields that are checkboxes

    Drop down boxes:
    Primary group, Gender, etc.

    Text boxes:
    Everything else I would image

    Should be broken into groups. Such as generic information would always be displayed. Advanced filters and custom field filters should be expandable.

    Generic information should include Primary group (multi-selection), post count (less/equal/greater), banned/spam/suspended and ages (of account, last post and last visit).

    Advanced would include when they registered, last posted/visited using date ranges, secondary groups and other settings are available. Birthday and age range (min and max) (so if the person turns '21' on their birthday, it could be a special birthday message). Date of birth (in the form of month/day to month/day, the age of the person would be covered above).

    I know it sounds like a lot to do checks on but OMG it could totally rock, especially as hidden treats for members when they visit.

    Would also like it if a message could be triggered if an event has passed for the member but they didn't visit when it would have triggered. ie, a birthday message. "[_] Show missed events on next visit?" sort of thing. That way it can say "Missed personal announcement:" and show a late happy birthday message.
  16. Here's one that I'm sure will get some +'s

    Reverifying account information, namely, email addresses. Over time, some members may switch to a new email account and forget to update their account information to reflect this. So with that in mind, a few ACP settings.

    Tools & Settings/Security
    Enable account email re-verification? Yes/No
    How long after notification before member loses access? [__] immediately/minutes/hours/days

    Then, per member group
    How often to re-verify email address? [__] days (0 to disable for that group)

    When the member visits again, they get sent to a special page that tells them that for security purposes, they need to verify their information. They can be given the choice to do it right then or to continue without it at that point (unless the time limit is set to immediate). After the notice and the specified time period, any visits to the board will require that they verify their email address. What this would mean is that they would be shown the currently used email address, with the ability to change it. If they put in a different email address, then they need to enter it again (to make sure it's correct). After that, they press a button to verify and then click a link in the email they get. The email simply tells the board to reset their account (ie, account was last verified at date/time).

    This would help keep email addresses current and in doing so, could reduce the risk of an email address being dropped, but then someone else making the same email address (like on sites where email addresses can drop and someone else can register the same email address). Because then all that new person has to do, if they know an account with that email exists, is do a password reset and then they can gain access to an established account.

    Not only that but if you need to contact a member for any reason, it helps to know that you have a valid email address to reach them at. Also, if someone sends them a PM or if they are watching forums/topics/etc, when notifications are sent out, less chances of something bouncing.

    This would be different from putting an account into "awaiting validation" mode, as it would be specially flagged to either give them a warning of impending doom (ie, account will become disabled) and once disabled, the account would be unusable until re-verified. This should also disable any other emails sent to the member (the aforementioned PM's and watched forums/topics notifications). That way if an account does end up with an invalidated email address, there won't be bouncing emails.

    One other thought on this. If the email address IS changed during the re-verification process, an email should be sent to the old email address, giving notice of the change. The drawback is that if the account is closed/etc, it will bounce. But if someone is changing it without authorization, then the original account holder would be alerted to the action.

    Also, changes during the re-verification process should be logged. Account name, old email address, new email address, IP used (as well as browser and OS type). For an admin that knows the member being affected, if they say it wasn't them and they see strange information (I know for a fact that they'd never us Windows! gasp! for example), then they can easily restore the account.


  17. I +'d it too, wonderful idea. Could be useful when you have a member that's banned. It could tell them that they're banned and how they can appeal the decision. Same with accounts that you have found out are using invalid email addresses and you move them to a special group. Would let them know that they need to contact you about reactivating their account.. etc.

    This is an un-needed feature IMO. IPS will never be able to satisfy all of the conditions people will want, and this can already be accomplished very easily with minutes of skinning effort. If someone doesn't know how to write the if statement to check something, all they have to do is ask. If they're adding so many that they are getting confused, then they have gone overboard.

    The idea he's mentioning would be basically like making an announcement, where you can control which forums it appears in and what time period, except that it'd be a board message (like the one in the community forum, telling people it's not for IPS support) and per message, the admin/moderator could give certain criteria to be met before the message would be displayed. It would be dynamically handled, not special conditions per message, with those conditions being pre-included in a future release.

  18. This topic reminded me of something > http://forums.invisionpower.com/topic/286583-chmod-back-after-instalation/ , its not a bug as its always been that way...

    I do think it would be nice if there was a remind on the last page of the upgrader / installer routing to warn you to chmod conf_global back down again.

    Perhaps a better option, a warning in the ACP (similar to the warning box about /install/index.php still being present) warning you conf_global is writeable. I know its already done in the security center ;) , but new admin's may not visit that section for a while.

    Just a passing thought :)

    + for ya

    Here's a slightly better idea. If there are any known security issues that are highly recommended to be dealt with, then a big warning notice that advises the admin to visit the security center to address the issues. A link to take them directly there would also be helpful (but should only appear if they have access to that area).

    Would help new admins to learn about it and see what's there for them to use.
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