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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. It will at least be another hour. Think that covers all the bases?

    You weren't joking dude, you were being serious. Nice one dude!

    In Tracker some bugs are fixed for 3.0.1. I think 3.0.1 will be here soon after 3.0.0. I'll wait for newer version.

    Read here for some Subscription Manager comments

  2. I can't really see a benefit to the consumer for this. Why would I buy from a reseller, with possible hassle and inflated prices, when I can buy directly from IPS and know my license is good, coming from the source?

    The reseller would be a group similar to the IPS Resources group, where it would be a group of trusted people to run and maintain the site and activities. From the original license holders perspective, they could sell one or more of their licenses while retaining their other licenses (if any) and know that when payment is made and the transaction is completed, if the buyer tries to reverse the payment, then the license will be recovered. The buyer would know that they will get the license and won't have to deal with the hassle of someone just trying to take their money without releasing the product.

    Also, the idea isn't to replace IPS selling licenses. If you figure out that it'd be cheaper (percentage wise) to purchase a brand new license then obviously you wouldn't buy it. So if the seller wants to sell the license off, they'd want to make sure the price is reasonable given how much life it has left.

    Also, unlike a physical product, the licenses are still good over time. If you purchase a used IP.Board license that has expired and you paid $30 for it, then for $25 more you can get 6 months of support for it. You just got a IP.Board license for $55 and it's just as good as a new license, except that it's half a year of downloads and support instead of a full year.

    At first that may sound like a bad idea from the viewpoint of IPS but in reality it's not. After the boom of selling used licenses, things would slow down to a trickle as the used licenses are of limited supply. Those licenses that have expired and are no longer a source of income from IPS are suddenly given a new life and can now expect to get $25/6months from a whole group of new people where as they wouldn't be getting that. Yes, there are some who would have bought a brand new license for the $129 (sale) or full price, but there are also a number of people who couldn't or wouldn't spend that much up front, but suddenly can still get the license.

    You think I'm talking about the transaction between the licensee and the purchaser? I'm referring to the seller charging back their payment to IPS after "selling" the license - first thing IPS does if that happens is void the license and customer portal access. Ouch! New buyer now has no forum, and no money.

    There can be restrictions on what can and cannot be sold. Cannot be sold would include expired or almost expired IP.Board licenses which are NOT renewable. Could also forbid licenses that are under 3 months of age or so. After all, it'd be rather suspicious if someone is selling a license that isn't even a week old. If they don't want the license they could contact IPS, explain the situation and possibly get a refund (POSSIBLY that is, I can only speculate that there would be some cases where it might happen).

  3. All the IPS employees. You're going to lose the bet and you've just delayed the release until January 1st, 2013... happy now? :P

    Okay just for that...

    My money is on the timeline of June 23rd, 2009 to December 31st, 2112. Who wants to bet against me?

  4. also so the mod comes into effect after the mouse has hovered over the link for 2 seconds instead of instantly. <-- this would be a great mod then.

    That mod annoys me as it is, but when it's instantaneous, oh geez that just goes overboard. Lemme move my mouse around without assuming anything by its location for a change. Gosh.

    Of course, the most annoying mod ever is the one where a small in-window pop-up prompts you to either log-in or register for an account.

  5. A popup with a wider editing area already exists. Click the green plus on a tab.

    If not much else can be done to increase the width of the editing area, I do like the idea of being able to collapse the templates list -- that would save some valuable real estate.

    Shows how little I edit skins. :)

    I like the idea of collapsing the template list but in the same way as I mentioned (similar to the [X] and [<] on the board index page) and if the template list was a fixed width, so it has a more pleasing appearance. Then ditto it for the pop-up editor, with being able to switch between the different bits you are editing.


  6. I told my community it would be an hour! WTH. >_<

    Don't worry. Like I said, in the forum world, time is skewed. When it's released they'll all be like, "It hasn't been an hour yet!" even if it's really be 3 months.

    Tell them that it's bfarber's fault. :P

    Nah, blame it on Matt.

  7. Brandon said something along the lines of "we'd like to have it out by the end of June" and I read on these forums earlier today someone say something like "Well they promised it would be out by the end of June!"

    There is a reason we don't say dates.

    I was the one who asked about it because someone else seemed to think that there was some sort of a promise and wanted to know if there was such a promise or if it was something else. Don't forget, I know the difference between "we'd like" and "we promise". ;)

    It will at least be another hour. Think that covers all the bases?

    Edit: This is an attempt at humor, and not an actual release timeframe/idea. ;)

    Well if you want to cover the bases, you should say that it'll be at least a year and then that way if it comes out sooner, people will be happy. Although I bet you'd still get complaints like, "But you promised it'd be a year!"

    thanks, that will give them at least one hour of sleep :lol:

    If they fall asleep now, they won't wake up for a month.


    Not yet guys put them away.

    No no, wrong picture... Try this one instead...

  8. I would love to tell you, I really would, but some people take release date estimates far too seriously and will go crazy if we miss an estimated date.

    Would less than 30 days help at all? I know that's a wide range.

    Is it possible to give an "at least" idea? Like, "It'll be at least two weeks", with the bolding intact, so if someone does fail to read that part and tries to say anything, they can be referred back to it and given a road map to a few dictionaries that explain the concept of "at least"? Meanwhile those of us who understand can say, "Ah ok, won't be before that time, but on that day OR AFTER THEN".

    The "at least" idea should only be used when there is a definite known date though, and the only hold up comes down to a few things that will definitely be done before then, leaving the release up to the discretion of IPS staff.

    Yes and we didn't mean to take out the "RC2" tag but bfarber was hell bent on fixing a small language bit issue and did.

    Should just take it out completely.. Or change it to say "RC 2.1".. To confuse people. :thumbsup:
  9. Tossing in my 2¢ here...

    Obviously won't happen in v3.0.0 and possibly not until v3.1.x at the earliest (if at all).

    • A virtual pop up window (lightbox anyone?) with the editor in it would be nice. This would make it possible to have a wider editing area without using an actual pop-up window.
    • Options to turn on/off word wrapping.
    • Font options (font face and size)
    • On the left, for the list of templates..
      • font options here too!
      • be able to resize that - for me, on 1024x768, the list of templates wraps a ton so it looks like a complete mess.
      • be able to "minimize" it, just like you can minimize the right column of the main board index by click the "X" and then bringing it back out again with the arrow.

      • Tells how long they've been working in the skinning section since it loaded.
      • Maybe a clock (based on their local time) for those who forget that they've been skinning for 11 hours straight.
      • If inactive for a certain amount of time, then dim the screen with a message notifying them that they'll need to log back in to resume their work.
      • If they've been skinning for a certain amount of time nonstop, then have a message that comes up (but doesn't steal focus) that says, "Take a break you skinning freak!" <- Okay maybe something different. Sort of like an easter-egg, but also could serve as a reminder if someone is losing track of time.

    [*]auto "draft" saving feature - if you don't save the changes for some reason, when you go back to the skins, you have the option of resuming the edits. [*]would require some work but some form of stripped down RTE. Basically, would just do some formatting, such as Bold, Italics, Underline and Strike-through, maybe a couple of other things. [*]Tag checker - checks to see if certain tags are closed or not (again the idea of bold, italics, etc). [*]Activity time:

    Where I mention about the templates list, it bugs me but since I don't edit skins too much, it only bugs me when I use it, so its not often enough to be an issue for me. :)

  10. whats this law u keep quoting, if there is NO IP tracking feature in IPB3 then the webmaster cant be held responsible ;)

    If someone commits a crime or gives cause for concern and you cannot provide information (because of your own intentional doing) or will not provide information when required to do so, then you are obstructing justice and depending on the circumstances, can be considered an accessory to the crime.

    Also, IPS staff have already said that keeping a record of IP addresses is essential to the proper functioning of the board.

    Why do you insist so heavily on it not keeping a record of IP addresses when you can see that the overwhelming response to this comes from those who develop the software, those who use it and those who can't see any point in it? I can understand the goal you are trying to achieve and that in itself is not illegal. However, you are requesting something be turned into an option and that I believe is extremely unlikely to happen. How many other IPB owners do you think want to have an option there that they will not only not use but that could be accidentally switched and they don't realize it until there have been too many problems caused?

    It's like requesting that new cars be designed with brakes or car door locks being optional accessories. I don't know about you, but I rather like being able to come to a complete stop when needed and I like the idea of being able to lock the doors while I'm driving, to reduce the chances of being carjacked. You could very easily just not use the brakes and just not lock the doors. It's there but you don't have to use it.

  11. Removing subscriptions manager from IPB is like shooting yourself into your own leg. You are getting money which our customers pay us via subscriptions manager.

    It's not removed, it's simply been turned into an application and is independent from the board. I see the major benefit being that it doesn't have to be added, so boards that don't/won't use it don't have to worry with it at all.

    Another benefit is that it can be worked on separately and (if I'm not mistaken) be handled by the IPS Resources group, making it open to more development and able to have more options included. There won't be a need to wait for a new major release of IPB in order to get a new/updated IP.Subscription (or IP.Income/IP.PayMe/IP.Greed or whatever it'll be called) application. Also, it will be coming out, as Matt already stated:

    Regarding the subscriptions manager: it is a separate application and can be released independently of IP.Board 3.

    Think of it this way: you could wait for two weeks for IPB 3 + SM or we could release IPB 3 and SM [s]two weeks[/s] four years after. Either way, those that need the subscriptions manager will have to wait [s]two weeks[/s] four years.

    I changed the amount of time in the quote so that people can shut up about "You said this" or "You said that" about when something will be released.

    If it's that important that someone give you money, they can do it directly and then you grant them access and then when the IP.MakeMeRich application comes out, you can just update their accounts in there manually.

  12. I find it amusing how Brandon saying something along the lines of "I'd quite like to have this finished by the end of June" has become "we promise it will be finished by the end of June" :P

    We never said it would be ready by the end of June ;)

    Which is why I asked. Rather get a definite word one way or the other and know the facts. :) Thank you for clearing that up.

  13. If we released an RC3, we'd just repeat the process. Everyone would find and report bugs in RC3, which we'd spend time fixing, then we'd get to the point where it's like "ok, we fixed over a hundred bugs in RC3, we should do RC4 just to make sure it's stable enough to be final".

    As someone else said, you take the plunge eventually. There WILL be a 3.0.1. ;)

    Was only expressing my thoughts on it to provide feedback. :)

    Someone joked that IPS might release it on June 30th to keep some sort of a promise. Is there an effort being made to do it before June ends (specifically) or just the usual effort to try to get it out soon but no planned date as of yet?

  14. Another easy request I want is show which topic page a member is viewing on the tooltip when you hover mouse over their name in topic view.. :D

    I don't know if THAT would be easy. Depends on how the information is stored for where they are on the board. Also page wouldn't matter because their posts per page could be different from yours.

    Mine is easy because the link is already available on the page, just a matter of duplicating it to another spot. :)
  15. For the "top 20 posters" of the day, next to the post or percentage count, a magnifying glass (or some other small icon) that when clicked, would perform a search of posts by that person. Heck, just changing the number of posts to a link to the search would work. Only a minor skin change and could probably prove to be really useful! :D

    I would ask to make it do a search of the last 24 hours, but I'm not sure how easy it would be to create a link for that.

  16. My boss wants to know if there is an option to remove all IP tracking?

    I think that if the original poster is looking to disable that feature, that they're not going to completely disable it. While the IP Address may not be visible to Admin and Moderators by having the IP Address attached to their posts, that information will still be logged and attached to their posts.

    They want to remove all tracking of it, not just removing the ability to see it.
  17. I'm not one to put off the release of Final (heck I'm a bit impatient myself), but with over 140 bugs listed and fixed on RC2 alone (not counting the ones still found in RC1 or before and are listed as being fixed now), I think it would be a good idea to have an RC3 release and then a week later (maybe 2 weeks) have final released.

    My thought on this is that with all the bug fixes, it would give us all the ability to test out the RC's and the fixes one more time and to see if any new bugs developed from the fixes.

    Obviously more bugs will be found and development can't continue forever but with over 140 fixes, I'm a bit worried that there will be an onslaught of bugs in Final, deeming it a rather premature release.

    Obviously those at IPS are in a better position to make the decision on this than those outside of the loop. However, I'm just voicing my opinions and concerns on the matter, to provide feedback from a customers point of view.


  18. what part of switch dont you understand.... dont hyperbole thanks.

    I already addressed your "switch" concept.

    I do believe I speak for an overwhelming amount of other board owners when I say that I would prefer that such a 'feature' not have a way to be turned off, because all it would take is for a hacker to find a way to inject malicious code to force a board to disable IP logging or a disgruntled administrator to turn it off on a board not his own, and then suddenly that board is vulnerable to all sorts of trouble. Not only that but someone could turn it off accidentally and then not realize it until they really need it. It's just too much trouble and too much that could go wrong with it.

  19. We're not talking security like keeping everyone out except for the administrator(s). We're talking about being able to detect spammers, users who make and use multiple accounts, imposters who try to steal accounts by hacking attempts, etc. There are so many reasons to have it there.

    I can understand your desire to have a board where people can be anonymous when they post, but it's not a justifiable reason for everyone else to have their board put at risk just because one board wants it there.

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