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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. Great! Now I have to wait up Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday nights!

    I'm officially a 'When WILL it be ready' Fanboy :lol: - I really should place bets on when the next person will ask about the next release!

    the big word is when it reday :lol:

    Shhh.. Don't look in the client center. ;) Also, if you do, do NOT tell anyone what you find there.
  2. Matt is trying to get it out as soon as he possibly can. My own personal prediction will be 2 betas and maybe 1 RC before it goes final. Time wise, I'm guessing about 3 or 4 weeks from now. I'm hoping that I'm over estimating because I know a lot of people are looking forward to SM being released. But even at a week per release, Beta 2 would come out on maybe the 15th, RC1 on the 22nd and then final on the 29th. That's still close to 3 weeks from now. Keep in mind that the dates I listed are for example purposes only. I do not know of any actual dates planned for beta/rc/final releases.

    If you plan for it to be a month then you'll be happy if it comes out sooner. If you help to test it out (to try to find any bugs that others may not be finding), then it can help speed things up. Bugs found sooner get fixed sooner and then fewer bugs later on, it moves more swiftly towards a final release.

  3. Please be specific or quote where I had a chip on my shoulder in the first two posts. I simply responded to the type of posts I knew were coming, personal flames.

    So what you did was get nasty and rude first to respond to what you knew would happen? That's not responding before the attack, that's starting it.

    They are gone, and they were from customers who were unhappy with how IPS was responding to tickets. One I saw was locked called vapourware or something like that, which a customer was complaining about many things.

    Have you tried doing searches for the posts? I've seen a number of threads where people express unhappiness with something and the topic remains. So for your claims of threads disappearing, I believe you are imagining things.

    I have posted the details about what happened already.

    I did this in the ticket I submitted to IPS, and Charles just agreed to disagree. I will admit, I am upset that I am stuck with IPB after paing hundreds of dollars. I wish IPB would refund my money so I could go with VB.

    I'm referring to details like when the ticket was submitted and then each post in the ticket after that (ie, who made the next update to the ticket and when). Also when you commented here about the ticket, etc.

    I doubt IPB will refund your money. If they do, then you would certainly need to thank them for the kindness. I can tell you that with the problems I've been hearing in regards to vB, you would be regretting your choice to move there.

    Now seriously, tell the problems you're having. Not brief complaints but descriptions and examples and details.

  4. If I where Charles, I probably would have already locked the topic, but I suppose he's sitting back in his chair laughing at the stupidity of the entire situation...

    Or he may be doing what a good businessman does. He may be trying to get to the source of the issue so that it can be resolved and try to provide the level of customer service that the client thinks has been denied to him.
  5. @ bobage24

    You talk about their lack of customer service and how they don't listen? I'm not used to my ideas being taken seriously but just the other day when I mentioned about adding something (thinking v3.0.2 or later), a few hours later, a reply was made saying it was done. Simple but useful feature that I thought of and so I mentioned it and poof, it got added into 3.0.1 in the blink of an eye almost.

    In all the posts you've made, one thing is rather evident and Charles pointed it out. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder. If you have specific issues that are upsetting you, then just name them in a non insulting way.

    You claim that posts that complain about service get deleted?
    Describe some of those threads that you're talking about.

    The long time it took for them to address your issue?
    If you want to prove it, then post all the details about it. Charles even told you that when you posted here about the situation, you didn't do anything wrong because sometimes they overlook a ticket and that's a good way to get their attention. Personally I would have called and reported the matter as being an emergency because if your site is unusable, then that's definitely an emergency.

    What else is bothering you? Charles has invited you to contact him if you have any issues so that he can try to fix it for you. He's invited you to email him, PM him and I think even invited you to post it here, that way he'll know what's bothering you (specifically) so that it can be addressed. If something is bugging you, open up about it, perhaps it's something of a misunderstanding or a mistake made that Charles or someone else could clear up for you so that you know that there are no hard feelings.

    I'm not saying this in any bit of a rude way either. I'm saying this in a serious manner. Really, tell what is bothering you.

    I was also being serious in my first reply. When you expect people to be your servants because you paid some money, you are expecting a form of slavery. It doesn't matter how much someone gets paid to do a job, they still have feelings and kindness goes a long way.

  6. You mean the kind of person who pays for a service and expects that service to be fulfilled? Must be an awful person eh? Perhaps I remember when services was expected, not just an afterthought. When is the last time you thanked your power company or DMV? I guess I should expect such a comment form someone like you who represents the company, after all you are obviously affiliated with them. I, on the other hand, am just a customer. How times have changed. :)

    I say thank you when someone does something they should be thanked for, like volunteering, not for what they get paid for while offering mediocre service. You are the one attacking someone else for their opinion, and you want to go on about common courtesy? Interesting, I guess it says a lot about you. :rolleyes:

    Here's what I see when read comments and the way of thinking that you have made very clear. Slavery. You think that if you pay someone money, they become your servants to use and abuse because "it's their job". That sort of mentality has done nothing but caused problems and I can tell you right now, you show that sort of attitude in the real world and there are businesses today that will politely ask you to leave the premises before they call for security (or the cops) to escort you away. If you throw a temper tantrum to the police about how you are paying the business to kiss your tail, then they'll just throw you in jail for disorderly conduct. Show that same attitude to a judge and I can assure you that you'll be in for a really harsh lesson about kindness and respect.

  7. #7 Would just be plain annoying, especially if you are the one doing it and you do a few things, get busy with other stuff, sign back in, sign out and back in, test ACP with another account, etc. Perhaps as an option and to prevent annoyingness, have it report once per IP during a 24hour time period.

    7) I agree with Wolfie, that just seems annoying to me: "Hey, you just signed in to the ACP!"

    Sometimes security can be annoying, but there is acceptable annoying and just pure annoyance. Which is why I mentioned the idea of it being a report once every 24hrs per IP address (or perhaps once every 24hrs per IP address for every credential used would be better). That way if you're not using the ACP and then notice 2 or 3 members have signed into the ACP, all from the same IP, then you know there's an issue. But if someone is doing stuff in it, you won't get notified several times a day for that same login/IP combination.

  8. That would definately be a great help in setting up access


    Most definitely, especially with the member editing mask already forbidding things like adding/editing/deleting admin level access.

    Would also be nice if it were separate from the forums permission masks. :D Could be added to member groups (although adding the masks wouldn't grant ACP access, only permissions if the person is given ACP access).

  9. Yes I am aware you can do that by groups, what I am meaning is having different permission masks similiar to the forum permissions :)

    You mean like I'm trying to do with the secondary groups? That would be nice. Doubt it'll make it into the 3.0.x series. But definitely for that if it will allow me to set a group to Admin (but very limited access) and then grant them permissions based on the masks I apply to them.

    Could even have some pre-defined masks (to get you started), such as member editing, forum editing, emoticon/bbcode and skin/language.

  10. Oh yeah.

    I am also interested about it.


    6. Use https to for the authentications. (Both Forum and ACP)

    This seems built-in in 3.0 already.

    After login, use un-encrypted http for normal access.

    7. When ever someone trying to access ACP. Make a email notification.

    #6 https is an option for forum login. If used for ACP, that too should be an ACP setting. Not all installs support SSL and for those that do, they may not necessarily have a certificate.

    #7 Would just be plain annoying, especially if you are the one doing it and you do a few things, get busy with other stuff, sign back in, sign out and back in, test ACP with another account, etc. Perhaps as an option and to prevent annoyingness, have it report once per IP during a 24hour time period.

  11. What I would like to see is permission masks for the Admin CP, so you can have easily have different settings for different groups of admin :)

    You can do that by means of restricting the groups themselves. I was planning to make it so that as I gave an admin more responsibility/trust, I would add another secondary group to their name to open up more functions to them. However, it works in reverse, where you would have to set up groups that REMOVE/DENY access for a function/set and apply it to them before hand and then remove the things you want to grant them access to.

    Be nice if it worked where it would give access instead of denying it.

  12. Errors.png

    This is IE 8

    Have you made sure you've cleared your cache? What version of Firefox are you using?

    I'm on Minefield, Windows 7 and it works perfectly.

    What Lee69 said, empty your temporary internet files and try refreshing.

  13. How about a #show_modules# too, while you're at it?

    How about some real fun.. #show_users#, to list ALL of the members on the board. I'm sure that would be way fun for boards with 1,000 or more members. :D

    Being serious though. #show_modules# and #show_hooks# could be helpful to those who make mods/apps/hooks.
  14. Okay there is bbcode that can be limited to certain member groups. How about being able to limit which groups can use certain groups of emoticons?

    The way I imagine it being set up and working would be like this.

    Inside of a emoticon folder, a permissions folder can be added. In the settings, that the different member groups allowed to use those emoticons would be selected. They could use not only those emoticons but the emoticons of the parent folder as well.

    This would require an extra step of security too. If someone tries to link directly to the image inside of a post, if they don't have permission to use that image (emoticon), then it would deny them access to it. Also, if it finds that image is an emoticon that is enabled, it should convert the %7Boption%7D takes to the emoticon instead (ACP setting, in case the admin doesn't want this to change the %7Boption%7D tags).

  15. So I had this idea. Install a forum, put some real data on it (ie, not just a few posts saying "this is a post", but the members can be fake or have fake email addresses). Then backup the database, upload all the files for all the add-ons (blog, downloads, gallery, links, shoutbox, subscriptions, tracker) and some of the hooks. Then clone that folder to another folder (as a backup).

    Then arrange it so that someone (or a select group of people) would be in charge of the setup. If someone wants to be taught how to use certain features, they would be given an account and shown how to use something. They could be taught how to install an application/hook then how to configure the options. Shown how to uninstall the same things, what changes happen upon the install, etc.

    Then when it's over, one of the 'admins' (someone who is helping to run it) could just press a button and have it all reset again.

    In short, a training board. Or allow someone to sign up and create a training board where they could have a preloaded board that would be available for up to 2 hours. If they want another training board, they can just reapply with no problems. This could let an admin create a training board and then walk someone through different parts of the ACP (or mod options, etc) in order to let them try out different options/functions, without worry of messing something up. Also, during that 2 hours, the member should have a reset button that they could press to reload all the data.

    The reason for the 2 hour limit is that it shouldn't take that long to take a tour through some functions, the member could always get a new demo pre-loaded board and then continue where they left off. It should be available only to those who own an active license (including those who pay for hosting), ie not available to alternate contacts.

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