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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. To expand on what Chuck said (don't hurt me Charles hehe).. There is an option to have the views updated periodically instead of instantly. It's primarily for very busy boards and helps to increase efficiency by just making a quick save of the topic number (nothing else, just the topic number) to a table. When it's all updated, the topics are counted up and that total is added to the view counter for that topic. So it's nothing wrong and in fact can help the performance, speed and reliability of a board. :thumbsup:
  2. So I'm guessing rudeness is okay but having a sense of humor is not? Okay, glad we got that cleared up, thank you. :)
  3. Think of it like this.. Would you rather a few people open the topic seriously asking when it's going to be released, or a topic poking fun at how it gets asked, and people can talk about it while they wait for it?
  4. Did you even bother to read the first post or only the topic and then made a response? Let's be nice.
  5. It must have been a covert release... <_<
  6. Guess that answers my ticket where I'm mentioning that I cannot find it. Ticket #592743, where I can see it on one package but not another. :lol: I still think it should be there, but perhaps with a history of previously used URL's and when it was changed. That way if someone is changing it frequently, it can be reviewed to make sure they're not running it on more than one location. Or swapping licenses between two or more different installs.
  7. I've noticed this too. Where is the option to change the boards URL?
  8. ACP / System Settings / Members settings area, there is a Spam category.
  9. I think others have asked for this as well. Unless/until it gets added as a default, you can go to AH Modding and get their add-on which allows you to see who rep'd you. I think it's also in the resources area as well.
  10. The answer is here my friend... In the ACP, it's in the System Settings in the Members section. To get the key, go into the Client Area, Your Purchases and click on a IP.Board Standard package that you have and you can generate the key from there.
  11. Client Area, your purchases, click on the IP.Board Standard package and get the key there.
  12. I'd say to continue. If it's trying to drop a column that isn't there, then the purpose is already served.
  13. :lol: Couldn't help it, had to start it as soon as possible. Was too funny to not do it. With 3.0.2 just now released, just had to start a 3.0.3 thread. :frantics: P.S. I'm not really asking when 3.0.3 will be released, this is more for amusement and to try to keep those real askers from going all nuts with real threads asking the question.
  14. Since you have included a ticket number, one of the staff will likely look it up and investigate the situation for you. I'm rather surprised that it's been so long, but I'm sure it's not something done intentionally against you.
  15. I know that in Linux, as root, you can specify users for MySQL, but is it really possible for the average joe to be able to set up an SQL database to have user level access without the ability to perform certain functions? If not, then this wouldn't be a request that IPB could do.
  16. So what you're saying is.. |--French | |--OSX | |--Linux IRIX | |--Windows | | |--Audio | | |--Video So when you set the permissions for French, you'd like those same permissions applied to the forums under it? That's really not necessary. You could set up permissions based on language and then have a generic permission set for member groups. Apply the member group permissions on the forums themselves, then for the top level (French) apply the language permissions. Then they will only see the French category and inside that they will be given access based on their group permissions. |--French <--- Language permission | |--OSX <---\ | |--Linux IRIX <---\ | |--Windows <-----> member group permissions | | |--Audio <----/ | | |--Video <---/ If you were to decide to move one of the subforums to a new area, it would automatically be 'protected' by the new language area it's in, thus no need to update the permissions on it.
  17. I'd correct you except that my impression is that it could be with 3.0.2, but that has never been confirmed/promised/guaranteed/etc. So I'm looking forward to 3.0.2 and hoping it'll be in there but if it's not, then I can't gripe since it wasn't promised to be with it.
  18. I like my arms thank you. Without them, my hands aren't quite as useful. :D I like the YYYY MM DD format because it's pre-sorted, LTR, so when sorting other things (such as files on computers/etc), it's as simple as reading it as it is. I also like the 24hr format as it eliminates a lot of confusion.
  19. What if they close out their facebook account but their actual email address is still valid? If I have their facebook proxy address, then that doesn't do much good for me (or them if they forget their password). Just would like to be able to limit facebook connect to being linkable/loginable but not registerable.
  20. Canadians are American's too. :) I prefer the format of YYYY/MM/DD (or using -'s instead of /'s).
  21. How do YOU know about the "Cool Customers Only" client area?!? :o I know that, but I'm saying to prevent new registrations using it. ie, can link and log-in with it, but not create a new account with it. Last time I checked (and I'll have to check again if it's been changed), it gives you some sort of a proxy email address. I don't like that, so would prefer to allow members to be able to sign in with it but not register.
  22. Where did you get cleancut? Or do you mean on here? I'd like it if Facebook could be set to only be linkable but not used for registering a new account. It's been discussed about the STD/RTE switcher while in the middle of making a post and that it'd be rather difficult (at this time).
  23. Wolfie

    Piracy Report

    Or could be that since the original poster had a problem over a year ago and this new poster just recently had the problem, that it's two different people. Keep in mind that it doesn't matter how many times a site is reported, if it's legit, nothing is going to happen to it. So reporting because of having a grudge won't do anything to that site.
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