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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. 1. he's one of the top guys of IPS. 2. I doubt he'll hold anything against you, it'd be pointless to. 3. we all have bad days, so don't worry about it.
  2. I wouldn't exactly say that we WANT to be charged extra. More like, willing to pay a little extra. (+) for you on that. Of course, I think that the nulled boards should be made to think that the service is working for them, when in fact it's reporting back information like email addresses of all the members, it's board address, etc, so that IPS can crack down on it. Again I ask, I have a license that is labeled as Yearly (with an expired invoice of $69.95).. Can that be converted to the current Standard license? :D Definitely. I'd think $20/year (for those who enroll early, $30/year for those who don't) would be a fair price. For Perp, it would be the same as paying $60/year, which is $10/year more than a standard license owner would pay, but the extra $10/year would be fair IMO since they could discontinue the service and then not pay $30/year for renewal but still always have access to download the latest IP.Board. So it'd be like paying for the perk of keeping the perp license. $30/year for lifetime would seem fair to me (and I have a lifetime license) as it would help cover the cost of the services while not paying for an IPB license renewal/support that I obviously wouldn't have. Again though, $20/year as a early signup offering (help rake in more suckers subscribers up front and be a perk to joining early, then upping the price for those that sign up later on. (+) Excellent point from both of you. I do understand offering it free to those with active standard/business licenses, as they are a source of continuous income and it's a reasonable amount of revenue per license. So I'm not upset about that. My whole point all along has been wanting to get it while on Lifetime and also not wanting to be considered a non +Active Customer, despite the fact that even if I never renew anything again, I'll always be an +Active Customer because of the lifetime license. Wording can mean a lot. Now, let's wait to see what is decided. IPS listened, which was the goal of voicing the concerns.
  3. It's $30/year on the Perp license, and $25/6 months ($50/year basically) for the standard license. I was thinking a yearly fee, so that it not only falls in line with Perp anniversary dates, but also so IPS isn't busy handling $10 charges twice a year when they could handle $20 once a year. Also, could do $30 for those who don't buy a "Add-On Services" package early in the game.
  4. Wolfie

    Typo on forums

    No, I haven't removed the "e"!! :lol:
  5. Post the ticket numbers. Then Charles can look them up for you.
  6. You could still keep your registration process the same as before, just that when someone has a high enough score, you could set it to ban them immediately, so you don't have to do the work yourself. :rolleyes: I've seen quite a few over the past few weeks on here.
  7. In case that is in response to anything I've said, I'd like to clarify that from a business perspective, I can understand and appreciate the goal of trying to improve the companies revenue and never implied (or meant to imply) that IPS was just trying to be a Mr. Krabbs at all. My primary upset is with the wording of the initial post (only to be contradicted in the follow up post) then with no regards to satisfying current Lifetime/Perp holders without their being required to convert their licenses. If I were to decide to 'free myself' of my Lifetime license, I would try to make arrangements with IPS to place the license into a separate account and then sell off that account so that I could use the funds to buy a community suite in its place. That would give me everything the conversion would give me, plus IP.Blog and IP.Gallery to boot. But I'd rather keep my Lifetime, since it provides me the ability to run dry but still keep an updated IP.Board running, if it should ever become necessary.
  8. I got the impression that during registration, only IP/email are sent to IPS and then it responds back with a level of severity, so that the board can proceed from that point. Doesn't mean that it would count as a hit against that person. From the posts marked as spam, I believe that the idea would be to keep track of the email addresses and IP addresses of the reported posts (as well as the post to make sure that it qualifies as a spammer), so that after enough reports, a reputation is developed, thus a more accurate response to the registration inquiries.
  9. If you post your ticket #'s here, then one of the staff may check into them to see why there is a delay in response times to them. No promises though, just it might help your cause. :)
  10. Ah I see. So basically you said some things that you feel regretful for saying. I'm sure it doesn't bother him. Charles knows that sometimes people get upset and will say things that they don't really mean, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Yes, the apology is nice and I'm sure he'll appreciate it, but don't beat yourself up over the matter. :)
  11. It's in your per-forum settings, where you selected to have all posts ModQ'd. Also, this should have been asked in the P2P forum. Only reason I answered the question itself is because you're an +Active Customer. ;)
  12. So any chance of us knowing what happened?
  13. I was thinking about this myself in the last couple of days. Be nice to determine the sorting order SOMEHOW.
  14. If you were to provide some feedback on the situation (without being too detailed, since I get the impression that you don't want to talk too much about it), then it would seem more fitting for this to be here instead of in PM. :thumbsup:
  15. Perhaps I am mistaken on this, but I was under the impression that IPS was originally going to just do away with the SM altogether until it became known that many sites make use of it. Regardless though, once it's released, it's supposed to become a community project, so it can/will get extra features/options added to it, making it well worth the wait because it will do more than before.
  16. It's to my understanding that the way it's done now, you have to tell where your board is located at, making it simple as far as downloading and uploading is concerned. So from my perspective, I already knew that it'd be the same regardless of the license. But that was never the issue, as I don't believe anyone has said about the code being different. Thanks for clarifying it though, in case someone was concerned about it. Agreed. To the bolded part, I think you meant to include the word "standard" in there. ;) To the rest... I understand that it's a new service (not feature), and despite the fact that I feel that it should be free to all active license holders after coining it as being free for those with +active status (then turning around and calling lifetime and perp as being legacy and not applying), I'm only pushing for a separated option for obtaining the services. Whether or not I would pay it in order to have it available on both boards (since I'll automatically have it available for one due to my licenses), I don't know. But it would be nice to know that I have the option in the future. I know that this might make it seem a bit more complicated and IPS may prefer to avoid doing this, however here's an idea. Lifetime - a separate package that can be purchased at any time (since the Lifetime license never goes inactive, it wouldn't have to match up date-wise with the anniversary date). The price should be less than the cost per year of a renewed standard license, only because it would be for the service and not an actual IP.Board license. $50/year is a bit steep when you consider that you wouldn't have an extra board to use, extra downloads of the board and no additional support for the board (it would be strictly for the new service). Perhaps it could be for $30/year, but those who get in early (say a 1-month sale time period), could get it for $20/year, to encourage enrollment early, while still attracting more enrollments in the future from those who don't wish to change the nature of their license. Perpetual - not getting into the debate of discounted/prorated pricing - perhaps the same sort of deal, where for a month, prorating would be done but would have to pay $30 (for another year) and another $20 (for a full year of service) up front. Basically, renewing early and being able to pay a prorated fee for the remaining time until their anniversary date. If someone recently renewed (2 months max), give them the option of pay $20 flat to get the service added, but having the renewal date set to match up with the renewal date of their perpetual license. For those that don't get in on the sale price, it would be $30/year and have to be purchased (and renewed) during the license renewal. Just thoughts on it that would help out the 'legacy' license holders now and in the future, while encouraging them to enroll(pay) sooner rather than later, so that IPS generates more revenue up front. (+) I agree. That would be too much, considering that we would be paying for a complete standard license renewal without the extra license or support for the board. I can understand a fee for the additional service, but at a reasonable and comparative price. That's all that's being asked, is to have an optional "add-on" that can be purchased and then paid for per year (separately), that would be associated directly with a specific lifetime/perpetual license. (Do make note of the concept mentioned above). Even though I mention not knowing if I would enroll, if there were a sale for early enrollers, where the renewal price would be the same as the starting price (ie, $20/year for those who enroll early, $30/year for those who don't), then I'd still hop on it just so I could have it for a year and then anytime after that I could renew for $20/year. That's $20 you'd get that I wasn't completely sure I'd be spending to begin with. ;) Questions.. I have a Lifetime and a Standard license. Can I use the key for the services from the Standard license on the Lifetime board, provided I don't use it on the board with the Standard license at the same time of course? I have a "Yearly" license that has long since expired, is there any way that it could be 'converted' to the standard format, where I'd pay $25/6 months on it? I have another question too, but feel that it should be asked in PM because I know that if I ask it in the open, it'll get a definite 'no' where as in PM, there's a teeny tiny chance of it being a yes. As for closing this topic (as someone mentioned): What I like and respect about the IPS staff is that they value feedback/input and this is a very constructive and useful thread. No one is doing any name calling or what have you, only expressing opinions. I appreciate that the time is being taken to sort through all of this and a comment has even been made from an IPS staff member that has basically said that it's a possibility, depending on circumstances, for it to be an add-on service for 'legacy' license holders.
  17. I would wager to guess that since Matt is the primary (only?) person working on it and since he's one of the top IPS staff, he's having to delegate his time across multiple issues. Yes, be nice for it to be sped up some, even though I don't really use the SM, but let's not assume that he's just twiddling his thumbs when he's not working on SM. It manages paid subscriptions to the board. Think of it like a Paid Services Manager.
  18. Betas are never intended for use on a live board. Basically, if you do, it's at your own risk and if anything goes powerfully wrong, then that's your own fault buddy. The RC stage is when you still don't get official support but it's considered safe enough to use on a live board. In short, Beta 2, I wouldn't recommend on a live board, but if you do it and it works for you, then awesome.
  19. It's better to say Beta 1, Beta 2, RC 1, Final, than to say "final rc". What if some major problems crop up during RC1? Then there could be an RC 2, making RC 1 not the final RC. Could just be me though. :P If there are no reported bugs in Beta 2 (or extremely few bugs), then Matt might chuck it directly to Final. But I would imagine that for it to happen like that, then it would have to have been tested for at least 2 or 3 weeks by multiple people in multiple environments and having zilch on problems (except possibly display/cosmetic issues). I'm looking forward to B2 so I can give it more toying with and see if I encounter any issues that I seem to be able to find in my rather odd ways. :D
  20. The prices remain the same for you based on the license terms you purchased the license with. My feelings exactly. If the service happens to flop or not work quite as well as expected or happens to not be worth the downgrade, then do I have the option of switching back to Lifetime (in return for giving up the usage of the new service)? I seriously doubt it. Just to make sure I'm not misunderstood on this. I'm not opposed to IPS making money and even can appreciate the offer for people to convert their licenses (for those that it would benefit). If anything, income for IPS is good because then it means the company will continue to grow, expand and produce newer IP.Board versions. I just feel that alternatives should be provided so that Lifetime/Perp owners aren't put into a 'squeeze'.
  21. I believe that instead of forcing Lifetime/Perp holders to switch, an extra option should be made available. Yes, be able to switch the license over if they so choose, but another option as well.
  22. There is no "final RC". It's Beta, RC, Final. Matt's said that he's expecting it to be 2 betas, 1 RC and then final after that. I'm guessing at least a month from now before it's final. But that's just a guess.
  23. Yeah but they you lose the benefits of the lifetime/perp licenses. Lifetime = Forever an +Active Customer, support and downloads of the IP.Board. Perpetual = Forever downloads of IP.Board, with $30/year for support/active status.
  24. If there are going to be more services added, then something like $20/year (or $25/year if it must be more than $20/year) as an add-on license would seem reasonable. It could offered and available for every non Standard IP.Board license that the person has (so if they have 2 Lifetime licenses, they'd purchase 2 of the add-on licenses).
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