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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. When a post is reported, the reported post is copied into the report, so making edits doesn't make a difference.
  2. So was my guess right, that 0 turns it off for a group now?
  3. Ah so what you mean is... MultiMod, control which forums each function is available in (as it is now) Per forum, add a group/individual as a moderator, do a checklist of each multi-mod function they may use. Yeah that could get messy.
  4. Oh oh oh.. Maybe just maybe.. Oh oh oh... Maybe they fixed the rep system so that 0 disables it for a member group? Just they haven't fixed the skins to reflect that yet and they haven't adjusted the member groups to allow us to give like 1440 reps per day..
  5. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are looking for. But as it is now, you can create a multi-mod function. Specify which forums/subforums it is available in. Then per forum you can add a member group (or a user) as a moderator and specify if they may or may not use the multi-mod functions. As for global moderators, they will have access to it, but a global moderator is 'above' a regular moderator in a manner of speaking.
  6. Are you SURE you don't see anything different between your original post (quoted above) and the quote I did of it (shown below)?
  7. I think you're talking about whether or not a group can use multi-moderation. If that's correct then it's already part of IPB. You can control not only which forums a multi-mod function is available to, but you can specify (per group or per member) who can use multi-moderation functions, per forum.
  8. I download them and them upload them here. Way I see it, if the other site goes down or has trouble, then the images will stop working. As for your post and my quoting of it, are you sure you can't spot any difference?
  9. Oh that's nothing... Oh and look at my quote of your post. Compare it to your actual post. :shifty:
  10. Think you'll be able to make use of #show_applications# ?
  11. They need to stop ph34ring things that make sense.
  12. How about Next/Previous posts buttons? Very useful when you see a huge ass post and want to skip to the next one but don't want to spend all day scrolling the page looking for it. (w00t)
  13. The higher you go, the greater the fall to the bottom. :)
  14. When you make a setting to use in the ACP in the System Settings, for the Extra to show to the Admin, you put in #show_groups# or #show_forums#, etc, and then it gives you a list when you see the setting in use. Like in Topis, Posts & Polls, the "Ignored Users: Protected Groups" setting, it shows a list of the different Member Groups. If you were to look at the data to make that setting possible, you would see #show_groups# Make a new setting to play with: Setting Extra? #show_forums# Enjoy! :D
  15. Makes sense at the bottom. But so long as I can change it in the ACP (setting), then no biggie.
  16. I like the bottom, you see the list of updates and then at the bottom you can change yours. Much like reading a topic, you don't have the quick reply at the top of the topic.
  17. Place to enter text at top now? :blink: I thought it was better at the bottom. Will this be configurable in the ACP (top/bottom)?
  18. Anything that helps out those who make hooks and applications. :)
  19. Could it be made (in 3.0.2) to only ask twice if it won't be going to the trashcan? The second warning having a big unavoidable note saying that it cannot be undone, ie, not going into the trashcan.
  20. Wolfie

    Practice forum

    It could be used by board admins when they want to show someone new the different features of the ACP, but without risk of live data being messed up. Would also allow admins to test out functions as they teach themselves with an easy 'reset' button. I know it might not be too feasible to make available (even if only to those with active IPB licenses) but figured it couldn't hurt to mention the idea.
  21. TSIA. Be able to do <#MEMBER_EMAIL#> and <#MEMBER_IP#> in the email sent to the admin, because sometimes it helps to determine right away if the person is legit or not before getting into the ACP. While going to log in, the admin could be doing a spam search for the email (or even modify the admin_newuser to make the email into a link) so it's easier to take action.
  22. I'm not a skinner so I didn't know about the CSS part, but yeah the search isn't showing results from the CSS areas even though I searched a term that I know is in there.
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