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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. @IPS Staff Could this topic be closed please? I'm hoping for a resolution that will be beneficial to me as are many others, but since the original topic was closed, I can't imagine what benefit this topic could serve other than tempt others to start it all up again.
  2. It's already been debated and discussed. Please wait for IPS to decide something.
  3. There is an open discussion about it, in which Matt is keeping activate customers up to date, located here: IP.Subscriptions 1.0.0 Beta 1
  4. Try contacting accounts@invisionpower.com about the matter. Also, check your PM, I'll have sent you something. I'd mention it here, but could compromise your account if I do.
  5. This has already been debated. http://forums.invisionpower.com/topic/288805-introducing-spam-monitoring-service/
  6. My way doesn't require installing of mods. :D Besides, you could hold online classes on how to use the features and charge them a fee. Become rich! :D
  7. "older posts - how to see?" With your eyes. :lol: Okay to answer your situation, they can do an advanced search and then include the time frame they want to search. Also can specify which forum(s) as well.
  8. Well then you could just click on the "Return to Top" button and click on the Watch button. *hint hint IPS* :D
  9. Wolfie

    ACP Tab

    That would be an awesome security hole! :D Imagine, being able to easily defeat the purpose of renaming the admin folder by just putting it up for display on the board's menu bar! Wonderful!
  10. How about "icantgetnosatisfaction.com"? :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulVDM0a49Lw
  11. Okay then.. The next thing we have in a downgrade is 60 months.
  12. Wolfie

    ACP Tab

    I rather like it the new way. Using FF, all I have to do is right click on it and tell it to open in a new tab if I want to do that, otherwise it reuses the same tab and more times than not, that's what I want to do.
  13. Look up... "I'm Sorry" by Brenda Lee
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiGPQVUJqq0
  15. I was thinking about this myself the other day, that's it almost unnecessary to have signatures show in such a compressed group of participants. Would like it to be UserCP option though.
  16. If it's recent, you can tell when someone made a status update on the board index. But no where on their profile?
  17. No problem. :) Considering how unique the request is, it's understandable why such a feature wouldn't be included. The IPS crew generally do what they can to try to please everyone, but when they can't for some reason (they do have to prioritize things), then usually someone is willing to try to help out. It's a great community.
  18. That's why I'm trying to avoid ANY modifications that require editing the PHP files. My lazy tail doesn't want to deal with the headache of making the same edits time and again.
  19. I was actually a bit worried that you might look at it and be like, "Huh?" which is why I put so much detail into what to do. Good to know that you've got some experience with it, so if anything goes wrong, you'll be able to go in and reverse the changes quickly. Truth be told (and I've told it before) I'm not that great with PHP. I dabble extremely little in it and many of the concepts escape me.
  20. I know you'd like this to be an included feature, but unless it gets done you might have to tinker directly with the source. I fooled around with the code for a few minutes and here's what might work for you. I make no promises on it so please keep in mind that this is done at your own risk. I tested it real quick on my board and it worked for me, but that doesn't guarantee anything. You'll need to edit the file located in /path/to/forums/admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/post/classPost.php On the following lines, simply add // to the beginning of the line (two forward slashes, nothing else) Line 1288 look for: throw new Exception( 'NO_CONTENT' ); Line 1316 look for: $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'post_too_short', 103143 ); Line 1650 look for: throw new Exception("NO_CONTENT"); Adding the two forward slashes, the lines should then become: Line 1288: //throw new Exception( 'NO_CONTENT' ); Line 1316: //$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'post_too_short', 103143 ); Line 1650: //throw new Exception("NO_CONTENT"); That all simply prevents it from generating an error when the post is empty. It might also disable other important checks, but as near as I can tell, that will allow you to make empty posts. The drawback to doing this edit is that when a new release comes out, you'll have to do the edits again. But unless/until it becomes optional, this may be the only way to allow you to have empty posts.
  21. You can do mass move/pruning, would be nice to be able to pick and choose members from the list and then perform an action on only those chosen members. Also being able to search by filtering warn levels would be nice. Showing number of posts and warn level would also totally rock. :D
  22. Wolfie

    Portal request

    Be nice to have an option to skip pinned topics from displaying in the portal. Just because it's pinned doesn't mean I want it to show up in the portal even months later.
  23. Whew, I thought I was the only one looking at it like, "WTF are they offering here?"
  24. I think the waiting plan you purchased was for 18 months. Would you like to upgrade your waiting time? :D
  25. I think it's an FF issue personally. The link is right and all that, just isn't being handled right.
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