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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. Well then couldn't a new type of license be made, available only to Lifetime/Perp holders, where they pay $10/year (renewable at anytime, just like the standard IP.Board license)? That way IPS is making money (as I mentioned in my previous post) but not forcing the customer to change their license type?
  2. Looking at the quote from the first post, a Lifetime license holder qualifies for this: However like I said, if it were worded to say "Standard IP.Board License" or something to that effect, that would be different. Also, as I'm aware that IPS is trying to boost its revenue (while also covering expenses), why not offer the service to Lifetime/Perp license holders for like $10/year? That would give the option to keep the current license but still generate additional revenue for IPS. Win-Win situation. What about my other question? Does their Spam-Monitoring end when their status goes to inactive or does it continue?
  3. As you complete the different rebuilds, that block grows larger in size. It also screams out at you more and more. With the 'personal preference' I gave, it wouldn't grow the size of the block and would make it easier to tolerate. I'm not majorly sensitive to something screaming out at me but anytime I have to go through that page, it really bothers me. Also, to see the task greyed and struck out would be another way of letting the person know that it's not necessary to run that task again. The Already Done! would let them know that there's nothing wrong, that the task has already been performed (as is the intention of the way it is now). If anything, there should be red lines saying "This task has not yet been run!" under each pending task. So that it grabs your attention to make use of it. But I can understand wanting to let the person know that they've already run it.
  4. I just believe that if someone have +Active Customer status because of an IP.Board license, then that should qualify them for this feature. After all, if a Perp license holder pays the $30 for a year of service, then they are a current customer. The Lifetime holders are always current. Now, if you want to say that Standard license holders get it for free while their license is active and then charge (say $10/year) for Perp/Lifetime license holders to obtain the service, I could go with that. But to make an announcement that it's for those with active IP.Board licenses, then to turn around and say "active" doesn't include lifetime/perp license holders, that's just shameful. Should have just said that it's free to those with an active Standard IP.Board License. I'm juggling my licenses around anyway and plan to make use of the added feature on the board that currently has the lifetime license (but will swap that with the other board license). Just would have been nice to have it for both boards. Question though, once someone has the key to use the function, does it only work while their license is active, or is it only required to be active when they put the key in but remains in effect from then on?
  5. I don't like that. Yes I'm a little biased since I have a Lifetime license, but I think that the Lifetime license shouldn't be excluded because the terms of it are the same as a standard license except that it's "forever" instead of limited to 6 month windows. With Perpetual, the license holder should be allowed to get it when they are in +Active status (ie, paid $30/year). I know that IPS wants to convert those into standard licenses, but I think that's a bit shameful to try to reword or reclassify things just to do it.
  6. Dll and vesperala: You should be smiling now, it's not often that a new feature gets added in the middle of a IPB series. Good job! :thumbsup:
  7. I'm sure I have the IPB1.3.1 archive around here somewhere, but the trick would be in finding it. If someone else has it (I'm sure IPS has it!) then they could double check.
  8. Just to point this out but that doesn't prevent someone from using the status update feature on the board index. I haven't tested to see if it'll properly submit their updates, but it still gives them the option to do it.
  9. http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/group/index.html
  10. Wolfie


    I'm not so sure. Would be nice, but I'm doubtful of it.
  11. Have it send it to an email account that supports forwarding. Set up a G-Mail account and then you can have it forward emails for you. You can do it via filters (to only forward emails of validating members) and this could possibly solve your problem for you. :) Google also supports handling group emails (I forget exactly what it's called), but basically you can control a group of email addresses, and you could set up filters in that as well.
  12. Wolfie


  13. I think that IPS should set it to use system settings to determine who may/may not post updates. You could select the groups to forbid from using it, then all other groups can do updates, but the forbidden groups can only see it.
  14. Wondering if there could be a slight change to the ACP / System / Rebuild area. It tells you that you only need to run the tools if you are upgrading to IPB3 and once you run the tools, it gives you something similar to the following: I was wondering if it could be changed to be a bit more pleasing to the eye and less cluttering, something like the following would do the trick: With it, on the left, an additional note could be listed saying that items that are marked out do not need to be run again.
  15. Wolfie

    Matt / Charles

    I send them PM's from time to time and either don't get immediate responses or no responses at all. BUT considering how busy they are and considering how many PM's they probably get from a lot of others, I don't assume anything by it. They're either too busy to respond, meant to get back to you but forgot, or didn't know that a response was necessary. In short, relax. :)
  16. I think the small change that Collins made should be used in future updates :)
  17. Look at your screenshot. The post/preview buttons are in the same shaded area as the word "Attachments". I was saying to have a single line (of that background color) for the post/preview buttons, then a blank 'line' of unshaded, then shaded with the word "Attachments".
  18. If it's acting funky for you then report it. Could be affecting others too and just don't know it yet.
  19. The first one is to automatically detect DST. The second one is if it's not set to auto, you can enable/disable DST manually. Changes are not 'reflected' until you view the board index again.
  20. That was in reply to Collins' little screenshot of his skin edit.
  21. Even after you return to the main board index?
  22. I'm used to using CTRL+ENTER when I want to add a line when pressing enter by itself would submit. Otherwise, I don't use it. People who use mIRC (and there are a lot who do) would get mad at that. Same with Trillian users and those who use other popular and well known programs where CTRL+ENTER allows a "line break" instead of a submit. I'm heavily opposed to CTRL+ENTER being used to submit the post. ALT+ENTER, perhaps? Could there be a separation from the buttons and the attachment options? Like a single line for the buttons and then a gap and then the attachments as usual.
  23. Upload image as a file attachment and then include it in the post. :) Of course, I like your idea also.. But I'd want the URL to be the default method with the file upload as the alternative.
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