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Everything posted by Charles

  1. In the half hour or so since you first posted about an upgrade pack you could have done it several times already :)
  2. CleanCut will be available as a separate download in a day or two. We wanted CleanCut to get its own beta process before bundling it in download.
  3. Our new Spam Monitoring Service is being adopted by thousands of IP.Board owners all over the web and we are starting to see the system "learning" about spam accounts and blocking registrations from all the incoming reports. It's great to see the community of IP.Board owners working together to help combat spam. We are noticing that some clients are not properly using the service because of domain mismatches. To see if your service is working properly the easiest thing to do is check the logs in the AdminCP under Logs -> Spam Service Logs. If you see a bunch of "0" response codes then there is a problem accessing the service. Go in your client area and be sure the license URL is accurate and change it if needed. Also be sure you use the Request Spam Service key and input that as your key - not your license key. We have also seen some clients running their forums under forums.example.com but have entered example.com as their license key URL. Be sure to update that to forums.example.com for everything to work properly. Finally, be sure you are using the "mark as spam" feature in IPB. Not only does this automatically shut down the spammer's account and hide all posts they have made but it also automatically reports that back to IPS as a spam account. This not only helps you but every other IPB owner fight spam registrations. We hope everyone is enjoying the free Spam Monitoring Service for IPB service license holders and IPS Hosting clients. We have already blocked hundreds of spam account registrations and are very happy with the performance of the service. Enjoy!
  4. Charles


    Was looking toward yacenty or really anyone else reading it :) There aren't any old tickets as I believe we are pretty much caught up from the IPB3 delays :)
  5. Charles


    The only tickets in support that old are ones that are for advanced support which always takes a bit longer. You should have been warned about that when the ticket was escalated. If you weren't please PM your ticket ID to me.
  6. All confusing analogies aside: Improving performance is an ongoing process which we continue to work on. Don't forget that we host thousands of IPBs so performance is extremely important to us as well :) Version 3.0.2 is faster than 3.0.1 which was faster than 3.0.0. We will continue to improve performance as we release each version, get feedback, do more research and testing, release new version, repeat. We have already received great feedback from users saying that 3.0.2/3.0.1 was a huge improvement from 3.0.0.
  7. We are slower than normal lately. Working on speeding things up with more staff and such. Sorry for the abnormally slow response times. We're working on it though :)
  8. zomg they're just little numbers :cry:
  9. Negative reps were just enabled here a day or two ago. People are trigger-happy :)
  10. 2.3.x convertors: http://invisionpower.com/files/IP.Converter.zip
  11. It's been an ongoing process... 3.0.1 was better than 3.0.0 and 3.0.2 better than 3.0.1. We keep improving things as we go. However, like I said, there is clearly something wrong with your setup as it should not be as slow as you're reporting.
  12. That would probably work... you could even have the feature only available if the Trash Can feature is also enabled so if someone accidentally activates it you can restore those posts. I would like have an intermediate confirmation screen to confirm since delete posts is more invasive than "unapprove" posts.
  13. I believe the devs are pointing out that it should not be as slow as you are pointing out and that PHP5 reports memory differently so 16MB is not enough. PHP5 itself ships with a default memory limit of 128MB so you are actually way below what the PHP group itself suggests. You can always submit a ticket and have them take a look to see if there is anything odd going on because it should not be as slow as you are saying.
  14. The problem is we don't want to reveal too much about how the system works or spammers could just find a way to trick it...
  15. Probably the most we could do is let you know if it was the IP or the email address flagged. Would that help?
  16. I think we have made our point clear about a dozen times in this topic. It's a bug/oversight that will be addressed in a future version.
  17. Reason: "We thought you were a spammer. If you are not: here is my email. If you are: please don't use the previously posted email to spam me."
  18. We are continuing to work toward full multi-lingual support in IPB3 and it gets better with each release. It's a simple fact that all of our staff only speaks English so we have only minimal ways of testing language issues. Therefore we rely on bug reports from those using other languages so we can address issues. It is an ongoing process and requires some patience. Vesperala: As we have said, this is something we are looking into so app tabs can be multi-lingual along with the language packs. In the mean time we have no solution for you and posting about it over and over on the forums and in tickets will not make us magically come up with a solution :). I do not think the tabs being in English for a short time longer will cause your forum to explode into flames. Besides, we are talking about a couple lines of text out of the thousands in IPB. Yes, it was an oversight on our part, but not something we did to purposely make your life hard and it's something we will address. My short-term suggestion would be to translate the tabs as "Forum / Foro" (example in Spanish) until a true multi-lingual fix is made. That way your visitors can still see the tabs in their own language and navigate your community. There is a confirmed bug report about this open which I am sure we will look into in due time for the next release.
  19. Yes but what if the spam service gave an account a score of 4. That person would never be able to register - ever. This way they could contact you and you could click to unban their account. Of course we could always add an option: "Give spammer rude message and do not create account record"
  20. The idea was that if the spam service overreacted and banned someone who was real you could just click to unban them.
  21. Do you have a ticket number? Or can you PM me the email address you were sending from?
  22. You have to be running 3.0.2 and then go to settings, Members, then you will see a Spam Service section. You can also just type "spam" in the ACP search box.
  23. You should submit a ticket so our staff can have a look :)
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