Everything posted by bfarber
Don't show me an update if I can't download it....
We sent an AdminCP bulletin for this because it is a security issue, however it is targeted/isolated and does not impact all clients. Because the notice was sent a little differently, that's why you're seeing it when you may not normally have due to your license lapsing.
[Gallery] URL fields for Copyright and Credit
I must be misunderstanding something. When you go to submit images in Gallery, this is already possible. You can optionally set the same copyright and/or credit for all images, or click each image you upload and set the individual values in the right handle panels that show.
Question regarding Pages
We only show a summary in the embed for all content types. You would need to edit the embed template to show anything larger.
Show "online users" statistics by day/week/month?
Indeed if someone logs in and out in the 15 minute snapshot window, they won't be included in the snapshot. The reality is, this is not a realtime moving chart - it's just a snapshot taken every 15 minutes which is entirely suitable for most administrator's purposes in tracking online user counts. If you need something more detailed or accurate, you may wish to use something like Google Analytics (which our charts are not intended to replicate or replace).
PHP 8.0 is here
Thanks for the heads up. I've added a note internally to our PHP8 support task.
How does "Use Redis to reduce MySQL overhead" work?
On a busy site, a cache time of 1-2 minutes can represent significant savings on database overhead. That seems reasonable.
Add Article Image and Description to Listings Template?
You can enable the "record image" field for a database by editing the database settings. This image is used inherently in some templates already. You can then add a "description" custom field to the database in question, and edit your templates to display this description field.
Pages DB permission help needed
Edit the category/categories in the database and adjust this permission option at the category level:
Health Dashboard
The support tool has served us well for many years. You can identify, at a glance, potential issues with your community both presently and down the road, right from the comfort of your AdminCP, and you can often resolve those issues with just a few clicks. But what if we could do better? What if we could make this useful administrative area of the software even more useful? The next version of Invision Community introduces a new "Health Dashboard" which replaces the previous support tool and helps you get a better overview of potential issues within your community while retaining all of the functionality you've come to know and rely on to resolve issues with your community. When you launch the new health dashboard, the first thing you will notice is that the previous "Wizard" process is now gone, in favor of a single page giving you access to everything you might want or need. Central to the page are blocks that identify specific areas of your community, server, and configuration which could be problematic now or in the future. Invision Community will check for available updates, modified source files, server software configuration issues, whether your server is running required and/or recommended versions of important software and more. Additional checks and recommendations have been added to this page, to help identify other adjustments that could benefit or prevent harm to your community. Issues are color coded and classified as informational, recommended, or critical and a summary is provided at the top of the page with an easy "check again" button which will do so without taking you away from the screen. If we become aware of an issue, we can quickly notify communities through a bulletin which will be displayed in the "Known Issues" block on this page. These bulletins can also trigger AdminCP notifications, however they will continue to show on the Health Dashboard so long as they are relevant, even when the AdminCP notification is dismissed. A graph showing system, error and email error log activity has been added to the page to help you identify spikes in logged issues. Commonly, if an issue begins to surface on your community there will be an increase in these types of error logs, so the graph here is intended to allow you to identify an increase in these logs, allowing you to investigate and react quicker. The right-hand sidebar surfaces common tools you may need to access. The first block allows you to see our most recently featured guides, as well as search our documentation. While this functionality was available in the existing support tool, we found that it was rarely used because people more often visited the tool to allow the software to check for common issues, and the ability to search the documentation required a separate work flow through the support wizard. With the block always available (and searches performed "live" via AJAX), we expect users will find the ability to search our documentation from the AdminCP much more useful now. Next up, the Tools and Diagnostics block gives you access to common tools you may need to use. You can quickly clear your system caches, as well as access phpinfo, the SQL toolbox (for self-hosted clients only), and disable all third party customizations. The process and behavior for disabling customizations is very similar to the existing process within the support tool, with the list of customizations disabled opening in a modal window and the ability to re-enable all customizations, or selectively re-enable individual customizations, still available. Disabling customizations is still simple Finally, the ability to submit a support ticket is still available right from this screen. Upon clicking the button to submit a support ticket, you will be presented with a form inside a modal dialog that behaves very similarly to the existing form with one minor but useful addition: if there are any patches not yet installed on the community, you will be alerted to this right on the form before submitting your ticket. Think of this as one last reminder that your issue may already be solved by installing any available patches before reaching out to us for official technical support. Submitting a support ticket is still just a few clicks away We believe the improved workflow and user experience will help administrators and support technicians alike more quickly identify any issues that need addressing on the community.
Show "online users" statistics by day/week/month?
We take snapshots of the total number of online users every X minutes - we do not track which users are online, so you cannot see how long individual sessions last I'm afraid.
SPAM Protection don't work, how i avoid this IPS?
You didn't ban *gmail.com, so yes those users can still register. You banned *ahhtee.com, which is probably why the user switched domains. If these registrations are largely coming from a single IP address or IP address range, you may want to block that IP address/range too. Our spam service is not designed to simply block "funny looking" email addresses - while it looks suspicious (and very likely is), at an automated level we need more to go on than "this email looks funny". I'm afraid that's simply not how our spam service is designed to work.
Move core_members_* to another mysql server..
I'm not confident this is going to be "simple". You can move the table to a remote database and then create a plugin on \IPS\Member to fetch from that remote database, however the bigger problem you'll face is that many, many areas of the software join the members table on to save queries, which wouldn't be possible with the table stored in a remote database. You would probably need to do a project search and change many, many core areas of the software (searching, fetching content items, fetching comments in content items, etc.) to account for the change. Honestly, your better solution would be to just host your database entirely in Russia if this is a legal requirement.
[Missing] Prune/Mass Move
Go to the forum management area in the AdminCP, click the dropdown arrow next to the forum, and choose to Move/Delete Content.
ipad still supported ?
You are experiencing a different issue than the one reported here and I would encourage you to submit a ticket for support.
Move core_members_* to another mysql server..
There is no provision out of the box to store core_members on another server. The only tables that can be stored remotely out of the box are forums_archive_posts and core_output_cache.
Invalid scope - oauth authorization issue
When you set up a custom confidential OAuth client, you can choose which scopes are available. Look at the "Scopes" tab. By default, "profile" and "email" are the two valid scopes that are created, but you can adjust and make others.
Extracting XML
Theme templates are stored in the database in core_theme_templates.
Date and Time formatting
Our relative date formatting does not show relative dates for the future, only for the past.
Email settings configuration with SMTP ?
You will need to obtain these details from your hosting provider or email provider. There aren't generic general SMTP details anyone and everyone can enter in that will work.
SPAM Protection don't work, how i avoid this IPS?
The Spam Defenense system only stops users highly suspected (or known) of spamming from registering. It does not arbitrarily "guess" if a user may be a spammer based on factors such as random usernames that a human might consider. In this case, I'd use the ban filters to block the email domain "@ahhtee.com" from registering, which is where these registrations seem to be coming from. If these users actually are submitting spam, I'd also report them as spammers through the software so our system can learn, but please note that a "funny looking name" is not actual spamming and I would caution against making judgement calls too early.
Move a user into groups upon expiration of product
The system is designed to move users into their previous member group and does not support moving users into an arbitrary group.
Extracting XML
It's been a while since I dug into the XMLs, but IIRC you need to base64 decode the data in the XML elements.
MS IE warning
We support Microsoft Edge, the browser that Microsoft currently supports. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer Internet Explorer stopped receiving material updates in 2016. It no longer works with Microsoft Teams as of Nov 2020, and will not work with Microsoft 365 as of 2021. In other words, Microsoft doesn't even support this browser for their own major web-based products. Frankly...we can't move forward with technology if we continue to support the past forever and ever. Specifically in this case, we migrated to using CSS variables which is a major major overhaul of our design system allowing for easier theming, more flexibility, better cohesiveness across the entire site and many more features, but is a feature which Internet Explorer doesn't support (because, again, it hasn't received material updates in 4 years). We don't support any other browsers released 4+ years ago either for the record.
Get user ID for an linked account
Have you checked out /core/me ?
Need export active users, how recognize it in mysql?
core_sessions holds the currently active users (assuming you aren't using Redis for sessions). core_validating holds records of accounts currently validating.