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Posts posted by jair101

  1. Its been a while since I saw something inspiring on the marketplace!

    Does the Google Books integration works only on ISBN? It is not possible to search by title, see suggestions, etc?

    Suggestion/Idea: will it be possible to automatically populate user data from goodreads? Basically a way to kickstart the library as asking users to transfer data they already have at another place won't yield the best results. It can be great if they can link and periodically sync their goodreads account. I might be interested in sponsoring this too if it is not extremely involved. 

  2. Even though I was not affected, in my opinion this was pretty severe issue and all customers should have been informed, either via email or via the nagging upgrade red banners. It is quite possible that people are ramping up severe email bills as we speak. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Mike Gholson said:

    Hi guys, is there a plan to support social media promotion to LinkedIn ?  I see we have one for Facebook and it's working great.  Just wanted to expand it to the business community on Linkedin via my company page.  Is that possible?

    May I ask you, how did you get the facebook one working? Do you use different apps for login and promotion and what are the settings on the promotion app? Is it in dev mode or did you get the permissions from facebook? If you got the permissions, how?

    Sorry for the many questions, I am still looking for someone that has fb promotion working as it should 🙂

  4. I was one of the first people that purchased this, but I didn't renew, because the renewal period fell within a period of inactivity by you and I wasn't sure this won't be abandoned. Now I see that I am unable to just renew and I have to buy it again.

    Is it like it is supposed to be or there is something funky going on?

  5. Interested in Stratagem for travel planning purposes - i.e. the cards will be book a flight, book hotel, rent a car, etc. Is there a possibility for default start up set of cards or it always start from blank slate?

    Is there a possibility to demo all functionality, does your site offers this option?

  6. Much better now 🙂

    Few suggestions, feel free to ignore them as I see that unfortunately the interest in this plugin is not big 😕 . For me it has the potential to be a huge time saver. 

    - the moderator who moves/edits/hides the content should be the one pm is coming from. This way if the member has questions, he can directly address them as a reply to the message to the moderator who performed the action

    - if it is possible, it will be great if the link points directly to the moved content and not just to the main topic. 

  7. Hi @Mike John

    I tried applying the manual change. Admittedly, it is possible that I made some error, I tried editing manually the files, moving items did nothing. Then I edited the xml file, reuploaded it, then for some reason it did not want to save changed settings. I removed it, installed it again with the changes applied and now I receive the following:

    Error: Call to a member function url() on bool (0)
    #0 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/init.php(816) : eval()'d code(192): IPS\Content\hook1037->returnPMTagValues(Object(IPS\Member), 'move', Object(IPS\Member), NULL, true)
    #1 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/init.php(816) : eval()'d code(139): IPS\Content\hook1037->_sendPM('move', Object(IPS\Member), NULL)
    #2 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/system/Content/Controller.php(3177): IPS\Content\hook1037->move(Object(IPS\forums\Topic), true)
    #3 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/system/Content/Controller.php(2011): IPS\Content\_Controller->_multimod('IPS\\forums\\Topi...', Object(IPS\forums\Topic))
    #4 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(1038): IPS\Content\_Controller->__call('_multimod', Array)
    #5 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->__call('multimodComment', Array)
    #6 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #7 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #8 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute()
    #9 /home/nginx/domains/example.com/public/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #10 {main}

    Again, it might be due to the manual hacking. But it didn't work initially when I tried applying the change manually either. 

  8. On 11/18/2019 at 7:55 AM, Mike John said:

    I assume your referring to the "%container_moved%" quick tag? If you've got ftp access to your files and don't mind testing a new quick tag, I should be able to put together something. I assume you want the topic title still but linked?

    I have disabled the ftp access, I will let you know later if I enable it again. But yeah, I want the topic title to be linked to the new place of the comment or if it is not possible to link the comment directly, at least link to the new topic it is in. 

  9. On 11/17/2019 at 11:07 AM, DawPi said:


    1.  yes, you need to add them all.
    2. send me PW with the exact url and the parameters list. I'l check it.

    2. is ok, I had to modify the url regular expression as my link did not had any parameters at all. Changing it from *.example.com/*?* to *.example.com/* worked fine and the parameter is added correctly now. 

    As a feature suggestion, will be difficult to add also not only inclusion, but exclusion url expressions? Right now we add the parameters to all matched urls, but it might be useful if there is a possibility to add it to all but matched urls as well:  Add param="A" for all urls that do not contain param="B".  This can be useful if you want to have more then one approved parameters or to protect a very specific parameter from being overwritten. Hm, I guess it can be done with more creative regular expression, will something like this work? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2964645/regex-not-equal-to-string I have to try I guess 🙂

    There is a bit of a learning curve, but very powerful app, thanks 🙂

  10. I have just added this and I have some questions. 

    1. Do I need to explicitly list all parameters that I want to keep? For example I have this url: www.example.com/aid=1111&label=222. I want to change aid to 1212, I add it in the list, then the modified url is www.example.com/aid-=1212 only, the label one is stripped. Is this the correct behaviour? I am afraid I don't know all the other parameters this website might add to the url...

    2. I don't see an option to separately add or replace a parameter. If my link does not contain the parameter I add, it seems it is not added...

  11. I want to highlight that there are use cases when the default emojis should be on the top 😉 On my community, I prefer the old and outdated custom emojis at the bottom. This way people will slowly convert to the newer ones without me having to deal with the drama that unfolds when you disable the old emojis. Putting the old ones on top will be like there are no newer ones at all 🙂

    In a nutshell: we need an option to organize the categories as we perfer. 

  12. How does organizing a competition works?

    For example, I want to run a competition for June, does it mean that entries are accepted only until end of May, then no additional submissions can be added? Or it is on an "always open" basis and on a 30th of June we can submit an entry that can win theoretically the entire competition?

    I posted earlier about some anonimizing options, I suppose these are not implemented yet. 

  13. Sadly, I think this is a pattern with Makoto. He has periods where he is very active, extremely helpful in all topics and when he is active it is obvious he is one of the most knowledgeable people about the IPS platform and server management. Sadly, these periods of activity are followed by total disappearance, which noone knows how long is it going to take. 

    I am sure if he has the time he can make the app first class, but in the current state I wouldn't recommend buying it. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Ziggs said:

    I thought that was an option but I'm not able to find it in the Admin CP.





    Remove the checkbox from "All" on the second screenshot and you will be able to select the forums, which you want to include.

    Again, keep in mind that new forums will automatically be deselected, so if you want them included, you need to add them back to the stream.  

  15. 21 minutes ago, Ziggs said:

    Oh.  I really need to be able to mark a forum as "ignored" and then allow the users to decide if they want to see it in their activity streams or not.

    Can't you simply filter out the forum from the default unread content stream? Do not forget to update it after you add new forums though. 

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