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Everything posted by opentype

  1. That’s not a SuperGrid problem.
  2. Yes. The point is to make them realize that their attempts to cause trouble are not working so they will give up eventually. That’s an honest way to deal with the situation and quite frankly the job of moderators. Full shadow banning is just repulsive. There is no “beauty” about that. It’s just inacceptable to deal with people like that.
  3. There are better ways. Just set just the member’s account to require approval and/or have that for all first posts of newly registered members. That way the troll just cannot get through if they try to cause trouble.
  4. The raw links to the images have to be removed, so they can be loaded dynamically when the user scrolls to them. No way around that.
  5. I don’t know. A screenshot will not tell me anything. I would have to check it out in the ACP.
  6. I would need admin access to see what is going on there. It’s not an error I can replicate or have seen from other clients.
  7. What menu? The menu manager automatically adds an input for every available language.
  8. It is, but I am not sure what kind of reaction you expect from this topic. It already has been discussed many times before.
  9. There is no stock option to change this.
  10. Yes. There is a “Author in Record View” switch in the plugin settings. You are also free to customize the templates however you like, but doing that will be up to you or the devs you work with. I cannot provide customization instructions.
  11. Well, that would be a problem in your theme. The different CSS files are merged automatically. When there is a problem in one file, for example the custom.css, the plugin CSS files might not work. With ACP access I could check if I quickly spot a problem. But ultimately, the screenshots prove that it works in general, so theme problems would have to be solved by you or your theme designer.
  12. I don’t understand the questions. SuperDocs is a set of Pages templates. That’s independent from any themes.
  13. No. My answer still stands. Pay attention to this sentence from support: This is exactly what is happening. So please continue with the ticket. I know this error. I know it is not caused by my plugin. The error is in a ACP database query. SuperBlocks does not contain database queries.
  14. If upgrading and patching doesn’t fix it, you have to open a support ticket with IPS. That has nothing to do with SuperBlocks.
  15. That’s an IPS error. Make sure you run the latest IPS release including the latest patches available when running the support tool in the ACP.
  16. It will appear for every record who has a link set through that field. The ordering of Pages fields happens through drag-and-drop on the field overview page of the Pages database in the ACP.
  17. I don’t know what to tell you. The PDF explains in which field you need to put the customization. The first post says it as well: It needs to be an URL field and the code goes into the “display field settings”. That’s it. There is nothing else to do to “make it work”.
  18. You need to temporarily turn this on to get to the settings:
  19. Every Pages database needs to be placed on a page. But you are not supposed to place the SuperList block on the same page. Just put it on a different page, like your homepage, or forum page or wherever you like. That’s a setting in the SuperList plugin settings.
  20. The point of the plugin is to be used for ANY kind of list, as my demo page shows. A member benefit list and a YouTube video list are completely different. That’s why there is no “complete code” or anything as you ask for. That’s impossible. It’s meant to be used for whatever fields you want to set up. So that’s a part you need to do for yourself. I even went so far as to give the example code as used on my demo site so anyone who likes this display can replicate it. That’s all explained in the instructions PDF.
  21. There is no “whole code”. Every line in the demo is it’s own field, and which fields you create is totally up to you. Looking at your link, you have the basic setup done. Now you need to create the custom fields you want to show.
  22. The first post of this support ticket has some code samples: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/440852-pages-superlist-support-topic/
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